- December 1983 elections
- Tangwai present strong challenge
- Mrs. Lin Fang Su-ming's triumph
- How Mrs. Kao Li Li-chen "lost"
- How democratic is Taiwan now?
- Coverage in the international press
- The future of Taiwan
- Resolution passed in the US Senate
- Dr. Lo Fu-chen's testimony
- Mr. Reagan and China
- No Dutch submarines for Taiwan
- The Cabinet decides
- The Parliament debates
- The Dutch press: democracy and self-determination
- Nine Taiwanese scholars visit China
- Prison report
- Reverend Kao Chun-ming on hunger strike
- Six political prisoners released
- Freedom of the Press?
- Overview of press censorship in Taiwan
- Articles and Publications
- Wall St. Journal : Inching towards elections
- Wall St. Journal : General Wang Sheng is out
- AWSJ: Congressmen push for Taiwanese rights
- Notes
- Correction: Tainan Church building destroyed