- Change Taiwan can believe in
- President Barack Obama takes office
- What policies to pursue?
- Taiwan's judicial system on trial
- The KMT's political vendetta against the DPP
- No fair trial for Chen Shui-bian
- Scholars and writers reiterate concern
- The aftermath of the Chen Yunlin visit
- Ma administration rejects independent commission
- "Wild Strawberry" students continue protest
- The November 6th "Yellow Ribbon" siege
- Members of Congress write President Bush
- The Ma administration and Taiwanese identity
- A Trail of broken promises, by Prof. Don Rodgers
- Taiwan's economic concerns
- China's economic tailspin, by by Gerrit van der Wees
- Environmental concerns
- Taiwan's endangered pink dolphins, by Christina MacFarquhar, Taiwan
- Report from Washington
- In memoriam Senator Claiborne Pell, by Tom Hughes
- Book Review
- Taiwan's Statesman, Lee Teng-hui and Democracy by Richard Kagan, reviewed by Jerome Keating