Washington, 10 October 1998
Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today in strong
support of House Concurrent Resolution 334 regarding Taiwan's
participation in the World Health Organization. I am proud to be a
cosponsor of this resolution.
First, I want to commend the gentleman from New York (Mr.
Solomon), the distinguished chairman of our Committee on Rules and
my good friend, for introducing and advocating this measure. This
body will certainly miss his outstanding leadership as chairman of
our Committee on Rules and his continued interest in our Nation's
security and in our foreign policy. We thank the gentleman for his
continued advocacy, not only on behalf of Taiwan, but so many other
nations around the world. Mr. Speaker, I also want to thank the
distinguished gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. Bereuter), chairman of
the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, for helping to craft
appropriate language for this resolution, as well as the gentleman
from Ohio (Mr. Brown) for his perseverance on this issue.
Mr. Speaker, I believe we all agree that good health is a basic
human right of people everywhere. That right, though, can only be
guaranteed if all people have unfettered access to all available
resources regarding health care. The World Health Organization, a
United Nations body which has 191 participating entities, is one of
those important resources.
But today, regrettably, Taiwan, a Nation of 21 million people, has
been denied a share in that basic human right. That is wrong, and it
is time for the House to go on record correcting that. Denying
Taiwan participation in the World Health Organization is not
justifiable in this day and age. Good health is a fundamental right
of all people and the people of Taiwan are no exception.
United States support for Taiwan's participation in the World
Health Organization is appropriate. In today's modern global
environment, Taiwan's meaningful involvement in World Health
Organization activities will benefit the people of Taiwan and the
world as well. So, it is time for the Clinton administration to do
the right thing, to take affirmative action, and to seek appropriate
participation for Taiwan in the World Health Organization.
There are opportunities for Taiwan to pursue observer status which
would allow the people of Taiwan to participate in a substantive
manner in the scientific and health activities of the WHO.
Consequently, I call upon the administration to pursue all
initiatives in the WHO which will allow these 21 million people to
share in the health benefits that the WHO can provide. That is the
right thing to do and, accordingly, I urge my colleagues to fully
support this resolution.