Yet another small nation has shown that it can stand up to China:
Iceland. The island's Prime Minister, David Oddsson, ignored Chinese
protests and went ahead with a meeting with Taiwan's vice president
Lien Chan.
Mr. Lien visited Iceland from October 6th -- 11th and held
meetings regarding strengthening economic relations between Iceland
and Taiwan.
Prime Minister Oddsson stated that China's reaction had been
totally out of proportion. He told the Chinese ambassador that
Iceland was an independent nation, and would not let other people
decide with whom it could talk.
During his 12-day trip, Mr. Lien also visited Austria, but had to
cancel a visit to Spain, after Spain succumbed to Chinese pressure.
Iceland's courage is a shining example to those nations, including
the United States and most nations of Western Europe, whose leaders
lack such courage, and who let their policies be dictated by China.
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