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Major Issues

May 20th 2024: International scholars and writers issue Joint Statement expressing strong concern and disappointment about "parliamentary reforms" pushed through the Legislative Yuan by the KMT and TPP opposition parties

January 28th 2019: International scholars and writers issue open letter to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau to express solidarity

January 9th 2019: International scholars and writers issue open letter to the people of Taiwan to maintain unity in the face of Chinese threats

April 16th 2017: International scholars and writers issue open letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding imprisonment of Lee Ming-che

April 10th 2014: International scholars and writers issue open letter to Sunflower students and President Ma Ying-jeou

October 14th 2013: International scholars and writers issue joint statement on Taiwan's September Constitutional Crisis

February 8th 2013: International scholars write to Judge Hung Yin-hua to express appreciation for her principled stance on due process and judicial independence

August 2nd 2011: International scholars write to President Ma about indictment of former President Lee Teng-hui

April 8th 2011: International scholars express concern about "36,000 missing documents" prosecution to President Ma Ying-jeou

September 25th 2009: Seminar "Beyond Formosa Betrayed" at the National Press Club

February 2009: A Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement with China?

January 2009: International scholars and writers protest: Open Letters to President Ma Ying-jeou

22 March 2008: Presidential elections

White Papers:

Taiwan and Its Future

Taiwan's Safety and Security

Taiwan Information


New issue no. 155 of Taiwan Communique: A historic victory for Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP; reasons for the political shift; Landslide in the Legislative Yuan, a greener and younger legislature, what will be on the legislative agenda?; A window of opportunity for cross-Strait relations, and a recalibration of Western policies needed; Report from Washington; In Memoriam Rev. David Gelzer; Book review of Green Island by Shawna Yang Ryan, and a farewell to our readers. "

Taipei Times

International Press


Taiwan's History

Books and References new books

Taiwanese Culture and Folklore

Taiwan's Flags

Taiwan Documents Project

Taiwanese Links

What's New?

Taipei Times: Where the International Crisis Group's report goes wrong

Formosa Files interviews democracy-fighter Gerrit van der Wees

Taipei Times: Revisiting Xi Jinping's "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence"

Reformatorisch Dagblad: Nederland en Taiwan moeten samen optrekken

Focus Taiwan: Founder of pro-democracy publication receives presidential honor

Innovation Origins Eindhoven: How power politics and morality issues invaded ASML's boardroom

Taipei Times: Contrasting President Lai's inauguration speech with that of PRC defense minister Dong at Shangri La

International Scholars Sound the Alarm over Legislative Reforms Proposed in Taiwan

NRC: Handel van ASML met China ondermijnt vrede

SOAS London podcast: What does Taiwan want from America?

Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy in TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's inevitable internationalization in 2024

Taipei Times: Where have all Taiwan's (sun)flowers gone?

Council on Geostrategy: DPP victory: A rejection of China's threats and intimidations

Japan Forward: The security of Taiwan is crucial for the stability of East Asia

SOAS London podcast: How will Taiwan's new president handle China?

TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's elections a win for the DPP, but a split legislature

Council on Geostrategy: Key Issues on Taiwan: The Facts of History versus Beijing's Myths

Taipei Times: Best way to avoid war is to not be phased by Xi Jinping

The Prospect Foundation: The Biden-Xi meeting at Woodside: what was said about Taiwan?

TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's Presidential Elections in Full Swing

CommonWealth Magazine (Taiwan): Review of documentary "Invisible Nation" by Shawna Yang Ryan and Gerrit van der Wees

TaiwanInsight: "Invisible Nation" documentary is making Taiwan more visible

Nederlands Dagblad: ASML moet op zoek naar duurzamere afzetmarkten dan China

Taipei Times: US academic Oriana Skylar Mastro wrong about Taiwan

Taipei Times: International media often gets Taiwan's history wrong

TaiwanInsight: President Tsai Ing-wen's successful travels in spite of a Chinese headwind

Prospect Foundation (Taiwan): Gallagher's Committee on China: What Can We Expect?

TROUW (in Dutch): No to Dutch microchips in Chinese jetfighters and rockets

The Diplomat: Why the Netherlands should restrict semiconductor tech exports to China

TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's prospects for the New Year 2023: another turbulent year ahead

Nederlands Dagblad (in Dutch): Nederland let op uw zaak bij export geavanceerde ASML machines naar China

TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's mid-term elections: most politics is local, the KMT remains a force to be reckoned with, and the DPP needs to regroup

TaiwanInsight: How not to avoid a war over Taiwan: Misconceptions in the policy brief by a task force on US-China policy

TaiwanInsight: President Biden speaks again: the end of "strategic ambiguity?"

Nederlands Dagblad (in Dutch): Er is nog geen �nieuw normaal� ontstaan in de Straat van Taiwan

The Diplomat: There is no �new normal� in the Taiwan Strait � yet

Bonnie Lin and Joel Wuthnow: Pushing back against China's new normal in the Taiwan Strait

EWMagazine (in Dutch): China "White Paper" a distortion of historical facts

Taipei Times: Beijing twists history to its own end

Nederlands Dagblad (in Dutch): How do the Taiwanese themselves look at the conflict

Dutch National Radio, with Taiwanese music(in Dutch): Verre Geluiden

TaiwanInsight: Nancy Pelosi's visit a major milestone in Taiwan's relations with the rest of the world

Nieuw Rotterdamse Courant (in Dutch): Nancy Pelosi moet Taiwan bezoeken

Taipei Times: A Pelosi visit would be the best support for Taiwan

Reformatorisch Dagblad (in Dutch): US assures to defend Taiwan in case of Chinese attack

TaiwanInsight: Three times is a charm: President Biden's remarks in Tokyo

The Diplomat: On Taiwan, Beijing needs to return to the policies of Chairman Mao

De Volkskrant (in Dutch): De moed van Oekra�ne biedt hoop voor Taiwan

Gerrit and Mei-chin van der Wees in Taipei Times: Prof. Peng Ming-min was a true pioneer

Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: Lessons from Ukraine: Beijing should think twice about attacking Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees in Taipei Times: Ukrainian people an inspiration to Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: How Taiwan is strengthening relations with Europe; and Lithuania is leading the way

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Taiwan an China: what way forward? Looking at Taiwan in its own right

Gerrit van der Wees in Reformatorisch Dagblad (in Dutch): Was Taiwan altijd onderdeel van China?

Gerrit van der Wees in Elseviers Magazine (in Dutch): Waar komt ons ��n-Chinabeleid vandaan?

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Defeat of Taiwan's Referendums: A Win for Democracy, International space, and the Environment

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Is Taiwan's international space expanding or contracting?

Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: President Biden's emerging clarity on Taiwan

Joris Teer and Tim Sweijs in the Diplomat: If China attacks Taiwan, what will Europe do?

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Bringing Taiwan in from the cold of political isolation

Gerrit van der Wees in De Telegraaf: Nederland hoort achter Taiwan te gaan staan (in Dutch)

Gerrit van der Wees in Reformatorisch Dagblad: Afghanistan; Les voor het Taiwan-beleid van de Europese Unie (in Dutch)

Foreign Minister Joseph Wu: Time to let Taiwan work with the UN

Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: The Fall of Afghanistan: Implications for European policy towards Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: The Fall of Afghanistan: Why Taiwan is fundamentally different

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Did President Biden's Taiwan remarks represent a US policy change?

Gerrit van der Wees in the Taipei Times: Afghanistan comparisons fail

Vincent Chao in The Diplomat: What the fall of Afghanistan means for Taiwan

Anthony Kuhn on NPR: Japan's position on defending Taiwan has taken a remarkable shift

Mike Mazza in War on the Rocks: Shoot it straight on Taiwan

Zoe Leung and Cameron Waltz in Foreign Policy: Beijing's attempts to intimidate Taiwan have backfired

Robert S. Wang in the Foreign Service Journal: Countering China's Intimidation of Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Taiwan deserves its rightful place under the sun

Richard Bush, Bonnie Glaser and Ryan Hass: Don't help China by hyping risk of war over Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: The Biden Administration and Taiwan: Positive Opening Moves

Ryan Hass in the Taipei Times: A broad view on Taiwan's strengths and vulnerabilities

Mike Mazza in The Hill: The West needs a more collaborative approach to Taiwan

Academia Historica releases documents on White Terror era

National Taiwan University dedicates memorial to Prof. Chen Wen-chen

Gerrit van der Wees: The US has rescinded its Taiwan Guidelines; what does that actually mean?

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Has Taiwan always been part of China?

Book review Hidden Hand: Dragging the Dragon out from the Shadows

Gerrit van der Wees in The National Interest: What a Biden Presidency Means for Taiwan

Ambassador Stephen M. Young: U.S.-Taiwan relations under President Biden

Gerrit van der Wees in The National Interest: Strategic Ambiguity over Taiwan has Outlived its Usefulness

Deutsche Welle: The Threat that the World Ignores

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: A 2020 Vision for Strategic Clarity on Taiwan

Gerrit and Mei-chin van der Wees: Fighting for Taiwan's human rights and democracy

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: In memoriam Lee Teng-hui, 1923 - 2020

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Look at Taiwan in its own right

Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: Prospects for President Tsai Ing-wen's Second term

Frank Murkowsi in the Juneau Empire: Why we need to rethink where Taiwan fits into the global order

Hilton Yip in Foreign Policy: It's Time to Stop Pandering to Beijing Over Taiwan

Josh Rogin in the WashPost: The pandemic shows why Taiwan is a far better partner than the People's Republic

Nick Aspinwall in The Diplomat: Pompeo Urges Tedros to Invite Taiwan to WHA as More Countries Join Campaign

Gerrit van der Wees in ANU East Asia Forum: Looking beyond President Tsai Ing-wen�s big election win

Former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen in TIME Magazine: Taiwan Has Been Shut Out of Global Health Discussions. Its Participation Could Have Saved Lives

Frank Chen in the Asia Times: Taiwan's 'exemplary' response deserves emulation

Kathrin Hille in the Financial Times: Financial Times: Containing coronavirus: lessons from Asia

Andrew Leonard in WIRED: Taiwan is beating the Coronavirus. Can the US do the same?

Gerrit van der Wees US Congress Passes Act in Support of Taiwan's Democratic Alliances

Gerrit van der Wees - Journal of Political Risk: Time to bring Taiwan in from the cold

Charles Parton - RUSI: Taiwan's elections: reactions to the DPP's win

Gerrit van der Wees President Tsai Wins an Overwhelming Victory: A strong rejection of China�s encroachment

President Tsai warms China: Taiwan already "independent"

2020 Elections: Envoys, foreign legislators congratulate Tsai

2020 Elections: President Tsai Ing-wen wins by a landslide

2020 Elections: Envy and solidarity from HK advocates as Taiwan votes

Recall Han Kuo-yu petition hits first milestone

President Tsai Ing-wen: No room for ambiguity on national sovereignty

Protesters in Kaohsiung demonstrate for Mayor Han's removal

Gerrit van der Wees The December 1979 Formosa Incident: a retrospective

Gerrit van der Wees 2020 Perfect Vision: Taiwan's upcoming presidential and legislative elections

Hong Kong protests at half-year mark

President Tsai Ing-wen: Whole world watching vote due to HK events

Parade marks 40 years since Formosa Incident

Taiwan in time: 'Noble patriots' vs 'independence mobsters?'

40th Anniversary of Kaohsiung Incident to be observed with parade

Gerrit van der Wees: Carrie Lam is failing Hong Kong

President Tsai Ing-wen picks William Lai as running mate

Stephen M. Young: Why Beijing�s assault on Hong Kong matters

Gerrit van der Wees: LeBron James gets it wrong on the NBA and Hong Kong

Ryan Hass: Hold the faith on Taiwan�s future

Gerrit van der Wees: Today's Taiwan, Tomorrow's Hong Kong

President Tsai tells Denver group: Nation will not succumb to Chinese pressure

Joe Bosco: World is taking a stand against China

Tsai tells New Yorkers: Taiwan's freedoms are being menaced

President Tsai Ing-wen vows to outlaw Chinese "surrogates"

Paul Lin: Younger generation waking up to change

President Tsai Ing-wen leading in three-way presidential poll

Huang Tien-lin: Presidential primary a victory for all involved

DPP appoints Tsai as 2020 nominee

President Tsai and former PM Lai face off in TV debate

Gerrit van der Wees: The Netherlands' relations with Taiwan

Name change: Old CCNAA renamed Taiwan Council for US Affairs

NCCU opinion poll: Most Taiwanese see Taiwan and China as separate countries

US senators reintroduce US Bill on Taiwan membership in international organizations

US diplomat Patrick Murphy urges Pacific Nations to retain Taiwan ties

US House of Representatives passes Taiwan Reassurance Act

James X. Morris in The Diplomat: Taiwan's topsy-turvey cross-Strait politics

Chris Horton in Nikkei: China and US square off in Taiwan's presidential race

John J. Tkacik Jr: President Tsai and Taiwan's sovereignty

Jerome Keating: The US needs a new strategy for Taiwan

Noah Buchan: Much ado about Matsu

John J. Tkacik Jr.: Human rights, the Taiwan Relations Act legacy

Former AIT Director William A. Stanton: Unification not in the US' favor

The DPP postpones its presidential primary

President Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan's democracy is under threat

Gerrit van der Wees: Tsai, Lai on same ticket best option for Taiwan

Walter Lohman: America's role in Taiwan's politics

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan relations beyond the TRA @ 40

John J. Tkacik: on Kissinger's last meeting with Chairman Mao: "Taiwan under the care of the USA"

Foreign Minister Joseph Wu: Taiwan unfazed by Chinese obstruction

Trump aides support F-16 sale to Taiwan

Taiwan and US to hold annual dialogue on good governance

Taipei Times editorial: China certain to break 'peace treaty'

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan, not a crisis but an opportunity

President Tsai Ing-wen: Unrecorded 228 victims to receive justice

Youth in the spotlight in march commemorating 228

155 Europarliament members express support for Taiwan

President Tsai Ing-wen: US speech would depend on three considerations

Taiwan in Time: 228, after the apology

Celebrating the life of a beacon of democracy

Democracy pioneer Reverend Kao Chun-ming dies

Gerrit van der Wees: How the European explorers put Ilha Formosa on the map in the 16th and 17th centuries

Joe Bosco: Inviting President Tsai to address Congress a good step

Gerrit van der Wees: Why Speaker Pelosi should invite Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen to address a joint session of Congress

International scholars: Open Letter to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Taiwan, Prospects for 2019

Former AIT Director Bill Stanton says 'one China' misleading

Admiral John Richardson: US carriers in the Taiwan Strait still an option

Taiwan New Constitution Foundation poll: Nationality, new constitution preferred

Taiwan government decries that Beijing is "out of control"

Senator Cory Gardner: Xi Jinping's speech shifts 'status quo'

Opinion poll: Over 80% reject "One country, two systems"

International scholars: Open letter to democratic Taiwan

President Tsai Ing-wen: Rejecting "One country, two systems" framweork is consensus

NYTimes: Taiwan's President Tsai calls PRC unification offer "impossible"

President Tsai's remarks to international media

Gerrit van der Wees: How President Xi Jinping Is Misreading Taiwan

President Tsai Ing-wen blasts "one country, two systems"

New York Times: President Tsai Ing-wen's New Year's message

Foreing Minister Joseph Wu: It is very frustrating that they keep misrepresenting Taiwan's status

Chris Horton in the Nikkei Asian Review: China uses Taiwan as R&D lab to disrupt democracies

Jerome Keating: It is time for Taiwan to be Taiwan

Taiwan Presbyterian Church urges push for independence

Foreign Ministry urges NGO's to avoid "Chinese, Taipei"

Senate letter to the Administration on China's interference in the 2018 elections

Josh Rogin in the WashPost: China's interference in the 2018 elections succeeded - in Taiwan

David Ignatius in the WashPost: China's hybrid warfare against Taiwan

David Ignatius in the WashPost: Taiwan's delicate 'status quo'

Congressman Ted Yoho: Recognize Taiwan as the country it truly is

Gerrit van der Wees: Contrasting perceptions of Japanese colonial rule

Noah Buchan: A sea change in Taiwanese politics

President Tsai Ing-wen holds steady on 'status quo' policy

J. Michael Cole in The National Interest: What Comes Next After Taiwan's Elections?

Gerrit van der Wees in The National Interest: A blue wave in Taiwan's mid-term elections

Gerrit van der Wees: "Flashpoint" narrative must change

The News Lens: Taiwan is no "Thucydides Trap"

Gerrit van der Wees in The National Interest: Everything you always wanted to know about Taiwan's elections

J. Michael Cole in The National Interest: Taiwan's "Mid-terms" and why they matter

Nick Aspinwall in The Diplomat: What Taiwan's upcoming elections will tell us about its future

Bruce Jacobs: Paradigm shift needed on Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Taiwan an opportunity for Peace

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Midterm elections in the US and Taiwan

President Tsai Ing-wen: Ma's "three noes" hurting the nation

Prime Minister William Lai: China subverting elections

DPP creates unit to tout eceonomic progress in 2018 elections

Documents show Dutch-era Tainan street plans

Ian Easton: Frightfull questions about China

Jerome Keating: US expectations and Tsai's speech

Formosa Alliance rallies for independence referendum

DPP stages China-focused rally in Kaohsiung

MOFA unveils three strategies to counter Chinese diplomatic pressure

President Tsai Ing-wen: China 'seriously challenging peace'

New SouthBound Policy: Boosts trade and tourism

Amb. Stephen Young: Taiwan and international space: What�s really important here?

Gerrit van der Wees book review: A Swiss soldier on Dutch Formosa

John J. Tkacik Jr: The Vatican's "provisional accord" with Beijing

Standing up for Taiwan: Hundreds march in Manhattan to rally for UN membership

Taiwan expatriates rally in New York City for UN membership

Taiwan Insight @ U-Nottingham: Taiwan's break of relations with El Salvador

Taiwan Insight @ U-Nottingham: President Tsai Ing-wen�s trip to South America

Taipei Times editorial: Slow shift in Taiwan�s favor

Al Jazeera reporter "infiltrates" pro-unification groups

Formosan Past in a modern Dutch village

Ian Easton: The great defense debate

The Times of London: Solidarity with Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees: What Senator McCain meant for Taiwan

Admiral James Stavridis: Taiwan part of Pacific solution

Gerrit van der Wees: Uyghurs� internment a wake-up call

United States warns China over meddling

President Tsai Ing-wen: Beijing trying to influence elections with "unabated" bullying

Taiwan cuts ties with Beijing-wooed El Salvador

New York Times: Taiwan President stops in US as relations warm

President Tsai Ing-wen asks US Taiwanese to join in reform efforts

John J. Tkacik: "Surf and Turf": Maps and the "one China" principle

President Tsai Ing-wen: China hurting its goal the be respected

Belize welcomes President Tsai with honors

US DOD Report: Taiwan losing military edge

Gerrit van der Wees: West clinging to "One China" policy

President Tsai Ing-wen: Arms development budget to soar

Abraham Denmark: Does Taiwan have a role to play in a free and open Indo-Pacific?

Prof. Frank Chiang: A deep dive in to the �one China� policy

Ian Easton: Three big lies you probably believe

J. Michael Cole: China�s bullying of Taiwan highlights its helplessness against the drift of Taiwanese society

Gordon Chang: The China threat cannot be ignored

Josh Rogin in the WashPost: China takes its political censorship global. Will America resist?

John Pomfret: The U.S. makes a new push to bolster Taiwan�s military defenses

Assistant Secretary Randall Schriver urges Beijing to renounce use of force

Palace Museum director Chen Chi-nan: Museum should be more Taiwan-centric

Opinion poll: People who identify as independents hit all-time high

Stephen Young: What Xi wants � but can�t have

US naval transit a warning to China, experts say

Pan Wei-yiu: Now is the best time to normalize our nation

John J. Tkacik: The status quo as we define it

Chen Mao-hsiung: Taiwanese unwilling to identify as Chinese

Ryan Hass: Taiwan needs to adapt to a shifting strategic environment

Tzou Jiing-wen: Restoring ties with the US is not so far-fetched

Joe Bosco in The Hill: Questioning the "One China" fallacy

Taipei Times editorial: World waking up to Taiwan's truth

Foreign Minister Joseph Wu urges Japan to set up security dialogue

Brussels rally in support of Taiwan

Brent Christensen appointed AIT director

Transitional Justice Commission: Over 13,000 may be exonerated

AFP interview: President Tsai urges world to stand up to China

President Tsai Ing-wen urges unity to defend democracy

Former President Lee Teng-hui: Democracy is Beijing's worst enemy

US Senate passes bill touting military exchanges

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan and Allies must think ahead

Taipei Times editorial: MOFA should speak for Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees: The rise and fall of the Republic of Formosa

Ambassador Stephen Young: Beijing's latest push to turn up the heat on Taiwan

New York Times: U.S. Gives Its Ties With Taiwan a $250 Million Upgrade

Lauren Dickey: President Tsai Ing-wen at the halfway mark

Chang Kuo-tsai: The world knows of Taiwan, not the ROC

Taipei Times editorial: It is time to rid Taiwan of the ROC

Koh Sebo: It is about time for Taiwan to 'deROCize'

John J. Tkacik: Thoughts on �Orwellian nonsense�

Gerrit van der Wees: A long-term look at Tsai's efforts

Ian Easton of Project2049: China's dangerous path

Josh Rogin in the WashPost: White House calls China's threats to airlines 'Orwellian nonsense'

Walter Lohman: Re-thinking US-Taiwan relations

Taiwan into the WHO: Answering the call

Taiwan Foundation for Democracy opinion poll: Taiwanese willing to fight China

Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight (UK): Taiwan�U.S. relations face a watershed year

John J. Tkacik Jr.: When the US had a "two China" policy

Gerrit van der Wees: Searching for a peaceful resolution

John J. Tkacik Jr.: Sovereign, independent and mutually non-subordinate

Gary Schmitt and Jamie Fly in The Weekly Standard: Challenging China

President Tsai Ing-wen lauds military after joint exercise

Secretary of State-designate Pompeo: Arms sales are consistent with "one China"

Su Tseng-chang to run for DPP in New Taipei City

United States approves submarine technology license

Ryan Hass: Adapting to a more complex strategic environment

The Economist: Taiwan is again becoming a flashpoint between the US and China

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen urges Washington action on Taiwan

Former DAS of Defense for East Asia Abe Denmark: A role for Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific

Huang Huang-hsiung confirmed as chair of Transitional Justice Committee

Congressman Ted Yoho (R-FL): The Marginalization of Taiwan Must End

Former ambassador Stephen Young: New US security adviser John Bolton good for Taiwan

Ian Easton of Project2049: Making arms sales normal again

US Deputy Assistant Secretary Alex Wong: Taiwan an example for the region

Prof. Julian Ku of Hofstra: The Taiwan Travel Act is legally binding

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: The Taiwan Travel Act in Context

Richard Armitage touts Trump-Tsai meeting

US President signs Taiwan Travel Act into Law

FAPA President Mike Kuo: Taiwan Travel Act signals improved Taiwan-US relations

Gerrit van der Wees: West got China wrong, let's get Taiwan right

Prof. Scott Simon: Canada needs friends in Asia: Taiwan's a great place to start

Taipei Times editorial: When "defense" is "offensive"

J. Michael Cole: 228: trauma, memory and the birth of a nation

Taipei Times editorial: KMT periliously close to collapse

United States Senate passes Taiwan Travel Act

Former President Lee & others urge referendum to change Constitution

Gerrit van der Wees: When Taiwan was a province of China (for seven years)

Cabinet reshuffle targets security, diplomacy

New York Times: As China Puts Pressure on Taiwan, Signs of a US Pushback

US lawmakers vow support for Taiwan

Ministry of Foreign Affairs rebuts US official on status

Gerrit van der Wees: True democratic reform takes time

Ian Easton: So you think China will win?

Olympic name rectification petition gathers signatures

MAC Chairwoman Katharine Chang urges talks on flight routes

Control Yuan member Chen Shih-meng eyes fair fight against "dinosaur judges"

Han Cheung: The Swede who lost Formosa

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan�s "dangwai" magazines on the road to democratization

Ryan Hass: Soft power: low cost, high return

Secretary of Defense Mattis warms of China, Russia threat

Liberty Times editorial: KMT is still a danger to democracy

Walter Lohman: Optimism for US-Taiwan relations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs decries Beijing bullying tactics

US House of Representatives passes Taiwan Travel Act

Legislative Yuan passes amended Labor Standards Act

Ian Easton: Defusing a cross-strait time bomb

Shih Ming-hsiung: A lesson in what White Terror was

Taiwan lawmakers denounce China's air routes

Mainland Affairs Council protests PRC aviation routes

Gerrit van der Wees: What the new US National Security Strategy means for Taiwan

President Tsai Ing-wen vows to enhance defense, aid young people

Defense report focuses on asymmetric warfare

Birdcage Referendum Act amendments approved

Taipei Times editorial: Is the KMT up to the challenge?

Transitional Justice: Minister, legislators clash over Chiangs

Human Rights Museum to be opened on May 17

Statement by representatives of EU and Australia on International Human Rights Day

Legislative Yuan passes Transitional Justice Act

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan's first Christians in the 17th Century

Gerrit van der Wees: Book review: Ian Easton's "The Chinese Invasion Threat"

Professor Peng Ming-min: Democracy and freedom set Taiwan, China apart

President Tsai cautiously optimistic about Trump-Xi meeting

US Senate reminds Trump of vital Taiwan-US ties

President Tsai Ing-wen: China's new era opens up a chance for change

Shirley Kan: A transit that is more like a visit

Former Assistant Secretary Danny Russel urges Beijing to resume dialogue

President Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan can be leader in renewables

Mainland Affairs Council: "One China" won't be accepted

Washington Post: China threatens US Congress on Taiwan

US House committee passes Taiwan Travel Act

AIT Chair Moriarty urges defense spending

Peter Mattis on Ian Easton's new book: Optimism for Taiwan's defense

Former President Lee: Taiwanese identity crucial to facing threat

President Tsai Ing-wen renews call for new model on cross-strait ties

Prime Minister William Lai reaffirms support for independence

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan�s history: student edition

Prof. Jerome Cohen: Taiwan should be represented at the UN

President Tsai Ing-wen calls for constitutional reforms

Ministry of Education reduces classical Chinese ratio

Taiwanese want a seat at the table in the UN

Reshuffle boosts Tsai Ing-wen approval rating

Taipei Times editorial: The fallacy of desinicization

Gerrit van der Wees: Hung Hsiu-chu needs to read up on history

Thomas Shattuck: The Taiwanese, a force for freedom

J. Michael Cole: The Liberals' Great Failure on Taiwan: A Response to Edward Luce

Lee Hsiao-feng: China�s democratization is the key

Michal Thim and Michael Turton: The Chinese cult of Cairo and the status of Taiwan

Peter Enav: Taiwan Under the Gun: An Urgent Call to Action

Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu: Time to realize the nation�s ideals

Gerrit van der Wees: The KMT is blocking more than just policy

Huang Tien-lin: Taiwan achievements threatened by China

Presidential Office thanks European Parliament for support of Lee Min-che

Taipei Times editorial: A new front in the diplomatic war

UN Panel agrees to probe Lee Ming-che abduction

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan, 'Ocean Nation'

Ed McCord in The Diplomat: One China, Dual Recognition: A Solution to the Taiwan Impasse

Huang Tien-lin: Panama diplomatic break an opportunity

Reaction to Panama switch: "Normalization" support at 90%

Taipei Times editorial: Politicalization of Chi's death wrong

Gerrit van der Wees: Beijing has misjudged its Panama strategy

Taiwan severs official ties with Panama

President Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan unbowed by China�s 'threats'

Former Premier Yu Shyi-kun: Taipei should forgo ROC framework

Lee Ming-che listed as political prisoner by US-CECC

Southbound Policy forging connectivity in the region

Beijing's handling of the Lee Ming-che case is backfiring

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: China continues to block Taiwan in the international arena

United States strongly backs Taiwan's WHA bid

Taipei Times editorial: Beijing needs to end WHA wedge

US lawmakers urge WHA support for Taiwan

Taipei denounces exclusion from WHA

President Tsai Ing-wen urges PRC to show goodwill

Detained activist's wife to focus on international help

International scholars: Open letter to President Xi Jinping re. Li Ming-che

Christina Hu: Documenting Taiwan's blacklisted dissidents

Gerrit van der Wees: "One China" a disservice to Taiwan

Opinion poll: Most Taiwanese see China as hostile to Taiwan

Opinion poll: Over half of Taiwanese reject "One China"

Environmentalists stage flash mob to protest Asia Cement mining extension

Taipei Times editorial: Let's rethink the 'One China' policy

James Wang: A man of principle versus the opportunist

Liao Lin Li-ling: Transition to justice held up by 'dirty water'

Washington Post: For decades, no one spoke of Taiwan�s hidden massacre. A new generation is breaking the silence.

New York Times: Taiwan Commemorates a Violent Nationalist Episode, 70 Years Later

Taipei Times editorial: Culprits behind 228 must be named

Hundreds in Taipei walk to mark the 228 Incident

228 Incident book launch disrupted by violent protest

Taipei Times editorial: Removing memorials to a dictator

Ministry of Culture eyes Chiang Kai-shek Hall facelift

Taipei Times editorial: Beijing and massacring the truth

Taipei Times editorial: The KMT's 'milking' of the nation

228 Exhibition in Taipei remembers pro-democracy movements

228 Peace Day Democracy movement exhibition launched in Tainan

Joe Bosco in TNI: President Trump's East Asia Challenge

Prof. Peng Ming-min: The second half of the 'one China' principle

President Tsai Ing-wen urges new cross-Strait mindset

J. Michael Cole: Convergence or Conflict in the Taiwan Strait

Taipei Times editorial: The KMT's golden lies

James Wang: US stance on Taiwan is outdated

Shirley Kan: Beijing's sinister long-term goals

Gerrit van der Wees: Fresh eyes needed on US policy on Taiwan

J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: The Tsai-Trump Call: The Dynamics in Taiwan

Shawna Yang Ryan: Taiwan is a country with history and people

Shirley Lin: America's policy on Taiwan and China needs to change with the times

Sunflower leaders in the WashPost: Americans should stop using Taiwan to score political points against Trump and China

Andrew Browne in the WSJ: Dispensing With Tip-Toeing, Trump Puts Taiwan in Play

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Trump's Taiwan Phone Call Shows Need for US Policy Change

Gerrit van der Wees Tsai-Trump talk reflects new focus on Taiwan

Former President Lee urges Tsai to lead Taiwan without fear of Beijing

President Tsai Ing-wen takes aim at economic growth

President Tsai Ing-wen talks foreign policy in Trump era

Taipei Times editorial: What Trump means for Taiwan

James K.J. Lee in The Diplomat: Taiwan Should Be Part of Global Fight Against Climate Change

J. Michael Cole in The National Interest: China no longer has a Taiwan strategy

Richard Bush: Cross-Strait ties need to progress

Taiwan opinion poll: Majority says Taiwan is independent

Grand Justice Hsu Chih-hsiung: Taiwan needs appropriate Constitution

Gordon Chang in The National Interest: Say Hello to Taiwan

President Tsai Ing-wen calls for renewed dialogue

National Day parade focused on heroes, diversity and the military

Taipei Times editorial: Beijing chasing an unrealistic goal

Wall Street Journal: Taiwan President Pledges to Resist Beijing Pressure

President Tsai Ing-wen: World will see Taiwan's resolve

Book review: Reimagining the Dutch colonial era through fiction

Taipei Times editorial: Tourism protests just what China wants

Prof. Fan Shih-ping: Letting go of Chinese tour groups

Prof. Michael Hsiao: Poll questions skew Tsai�s ratings

United States reaffirms Taiwan stance following false Xinhua claims

Hong Kong vote highlights rising anti-China mood

Gerrit van der Wees: President Tsai's first 100 days: so far so good

President Tsai: Government can take controversy

Taiwan academics caution on approach to civic groups

President Tsai Ing-wen reiterates cross-Strait goals

President Tsai Ing-wen: Critics too hasty

Taiwan opinion poll: More than half of people would still vote for Tsai

The Diplomat: Interview with Taiwan's deputy minister of culture Pierre Yang

Kerry Brown: Tsai�s Apology Strengthens Taiwan�s Place at Front of Chinese Modernity

Linda van der Horst: Taiwan's President Offers Apology to Indigenous People

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan's history textbook protests; one year later

President Tsai's apology to Taiwan's indigenous people

Taipei Times editorial: Apology to aborigines must be backed by actions

Opinion poll: Tsai dissatisfaction rate rising

Legislative Yuan approves law on ill-gotten party assets

Washington Post interview with President Tsai Ing-wen: Beijing must respect our democratic will

Gerrit van der Wees: The South China Sea ruling is actually good for Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees: Far-fetched worst-case scenarios unhelpful

NPP bill aims to transform Chiang Kai-shek Memorial

Ministry of Defense unveils US$6bn warship building plan

Ministry of Defense: Missile mishap due to fatigue

Ministry of Defense seeks to debunk missile launch conspiracies

James Wang: AIT chair Ray Burghardt�s words send out message to Chinese

President Tsai Ing-wen gets NSC brief on missile mishap

Judicial probe into missile launch continues

President Tsai Ing-wen upbeat on ties across the Taiwan Strait

Taipei Times editorial: Remembering Chen Wen-cheng

Prof. Peng Ming-min: Preparing the nation for global recognition

President Tsai Ing-wen: Looking for a dialogue with China

Taipei Times editorial: Shredding the "1992 Consensus"

Linda van der Horst: The Evolution of Taiwanese Identity

Taipei Times editorial: China's obsession with concessions

Hong Kong bookseller defies orders, leads protest

Taiwan Communiqu� and ThinkingTaiwan: Losing voices

Opinion poll: Taiwanese identity reaches record high

Taipei Times editorial: It comes with the territory, President Tsai

Gerrit van der Wees: Standing up for Taiwan and political freedoms

John J. Tkacik: Half a 'consensus' is worse than none

Health Minister Lin Tzou-yien gives speech to WHA in Geneva

Taiwan academics analyze Tsai Ing-wen's inauguration speech

Tsai Ing-wen reportedly taps Stanley Kao for US post

Minister of Education Pan: History guideline changes to be undone

Tsai Ing-wen outlines her administration's goals

President Tsai's inauguration: Democracy focus of celebrations

Youtube video of May 20th inauguration ceremony in Taipei

Full text of President Tsai Ing-wen's inaugural address

Tsai Ing-wen assures US on regional stability

United States' Kritenbrink urges flexibility on cross-strait ties

Taipei Times editorial: '1992 Consensus" is a poison pill

James Wang: Zhou Enlai feared what Resolution 2758 means

Winston Dang: The WHO needs Taiwan, not China

Masahiro Matsumura: Ma Ying-jeou benefits Taiwan�s foe

Taiwan lawmakers tout constitutional reform

US DOD report: Taiwan should increase military spending

Taiwan report: No 'consensus' in Tsai speech

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Taiwan and the World Health Assembly

Taipei Times editorial: UN�s 1971 resolution irrelevant

Cabinet spokesman Tung Chen-yuan: Health minister to attend WHA meet

Taipei Times editorial: Cleansing the White Terror wounds

Gerrit van der Wees: Ma's erratic maneuvers put regional ties at risk

Taipei Times editorial: Ma desperate to save his legacy

Anthony Blinken: US opposes Chinese coercion

Taipei Times editorial: Ma and KMT's selective tough stance

Taipei Times editorial: Remarks by future cabinet members undermine trust in DPP

Huang Cheng-yi and Yeh Hung-ling: On legislating transitional justice

Taipei Times editorial: Thanks for a job well done!

Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: A new perspective on Taiwan-China relations

Shirley Kan: Obama should invite Tsai to visit

Taipei Times editorial: Is the DPP becoming like the KMT?

Tsai Ing-wen urged to outline curriculum changes

Premier-designate Lin Chuan taps future heads of defense, foreign affairs

Taipei Times editorial: Tumultuous times in foreign affairs

CSPA opinion poll shows Taiwanese do not believe in 'one China'

Taipei Times editorial: Chen Shui-bian�s trial should be investigated

CFR report urges US to promote cross-strait stability

Nina Solarz: Synergy in relations and medicine

Lilly Lee: Time to look for positive ties across the Strait

Liberty Times editorial: Overcoming an addiction to China

Paul Lin: Tsai Ing-wen has a gentle way belying her inner power

Huang Tien-lin: China lays plan for economic unification

TISR Survey: Majority says 'Mainland China' should no longer be ROC territory

Ma and Tsai meet behind closed doors

Tsai and Ma have �relaxed� meeting

Taipei Times editorial: Serious challenges await Hung

Liberty Times editorial: China should work to improve ties

New Power Party proposal targets media monopolies

Former envoy to the US David Lee to be foreign minister

Gerrit van der Wees: Jiang Yi-huah visits Washington with mixed messages

New Power Party tables amendments to the Referendum Act

Taiwan ally Sherrod Brown cited as possible VP candidate

Former AIT Chief Richard Bush decodes Xi's Taiwan comments

Tsai Ing-wen names Lin Chuan as her Premier

Civic Alliance touts constitutional reform

Taipei Times editorial: KMT must own up on party assets

DPP legislator Chen Ting-fei questions KMT party asset figure

TISR survey: Most reject "One China"

Tashi Tsering: A long road traveled

Lanyu Island: The people's island

Collector has over 1,000 White Terror dcouments

ARATS Chairman: Reject independence or no dialogue

Prof. Michael Hsiao: The master of cross-Strait relations

US DAS Kurt Tong: Taiwan can help solve world problems

"Temporary" plan for nuclear waste slammed

Gerrit van der Wees: The US needs to recalibrate its policies on Taiwan

Deputy Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton: US committed to backing Taiwan�s dignity in international organizations

House Asia-Pacific subcommittee hears concerns about arms sales to Taiwan

Tainan earthquake: nine bodies found, death toll rises to 62

Prof. Thomas McNaugher: Defending Taiwan is crucial

Taipei Times report from Washington: Major US statement expected

Tainan reels after 6.4 earth quake

Donations flood in after Tainan disaster

Taipei Times editorial: The DPP is ready to govern

The DPP nominates Su Jia-chyuan for legislative speaker

Prof. Michael Hsiao: From ROC ashes, Taiwan can rise

Washington 'disappointed' with Ma's decision to visit Itu Aba

AIT Director Kin Moy looks forward to working with Tsai

Washington Post: urges Obama to stand by Taiwan

Tsai interview with Liberty Times: cross-strait policy to rest on democratic will

DPP's Joseph Wu in the US to tout stability

Foreign Policy magazine rebukes use of 'renegade province'

Taipei Times editorial: Flush away the �1992 consensus�

Freddy Lim's election a sign of changing times

Tsai Ing-wen woos US with stability vow

Tsai Ing-wen meets Japan envoy and Frank Murkowski

Election results "A message to China", ex AIT-chief

Elections: Madame President Tsai Ing-wen

Elections: DPP secures absolute majority in Legislative Yuan

International observes: Elections marked by youth engagement and energy

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen urges MAC to clarify transit offer

Taipei Times editorial: The past should not be forgotten, Mr. Soong

Prof. J. Bruce Jacobs: Taiwan was never part of China

Taipei Times editorial: Ensuring a smooth power transition

Liberty Times editorial: Voters can choose a brighter future

Taipei Times editorial: A new year, a new step backwards

Taipei Times editorial: Reshuffling the political scene

Taiwan academics back the DPP's Tsai and Chen ticket

Radio host Clara Chou not guilty of defamation

Taipei Times editorial: The Kuomintang resumes scaremongering

Two opinion polls: Ma suporters move to Tsai

Washington analyst Rick Fisher: Chinese stealth advances 'diminish deterrence'

Taipei Times editorial: KMT desperate to keep 'consensus'

Prof. Tung Chen-yuan: Tsai Ing-wen's China stance perfectly clear

Support for Tsai slides, Chu and Soong get boost

Arlington military funeral held for former AIT Chairman Nat Bellocchi

Taipei Times editorial: Debates are for show, not reality

Taipei Times editorial: Defending rights and democracy

Liberty Times editorial: Beijing, Ma attempt to trap Taiwan

Zane Kheir: The reshaping of Taiwan�s identity

FAPA President Mark Kao: Ma�s efforts are putting cross-strait peace at risk

Parris Chang: Safeguarding democracy, security

BrainTrust poll: Sovereignty key issue for voters

Huang Tien-lin: KMT pushes to legislate pro-China agreements

Interview with LY Speaker Wang Jin-pyng: Consensus calls for legislative reform

DPP's Tsai and Chen register candidacy for the elections

Chen Po-wen: Exclusion of Taiwan is weak link in security

Tung Chen-yuan: Redefining the "status quo"

Taipei Times editorial: Do cross-strait relations matter?

Prof. Peng Ming-min: The absurd, delusional "One China" propaganda

FAPA President Mark Kao: KMT's Eric Chu opting for reckless scare-tactics in Washington

State Department expert praises Taiwan's democracy

Andrew Browne in the WSJ: The End of 'One China'

Chen Po-wen: 'Kinship' a non-starter for young Taiwanese

The Economist editorial: The emperor�s descendants

Former AIT Director Stephen Young: Pageantry without a hint of real substance

Survey shows Taiwanese "dissatisfied" over Ma-Xi meeting

Mainland Affairs Council: released Ma-Xi meeting transcript

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan in charge of its future

Taipei Times editorial: Mr. Ma humiliated the nation

Tsai Ing-wen: Meeting limits Taiwan�s cross-strait options

President Ma trumpets 'one China,' peace

US was told about Ma-Xi talks

Ma Ying-jeou: Xi talks "for Taiwanese well-being"

Tsai Ing-wen sees "manipulation" in play in Ma-Xi meeting

Gerrit van der Wees: Ma meeting Xi a selfish gamble to save legacy

Taipei Times editorial: Ma�s sly effort to slip into history

Ma Ying-jeou to meet Xi in Singapore on Saturday

Huang Tien-lin: Ma crippled nation�s fiscal standing

Lai Fu-shun: A factual review of Taiwan's history

Gerrit van der Wees: KMT candidate Eric Chu is on the wrong track

Shirley Kan: Reconciling cross-strait contrivance

Taipei Times editorial: Eric Chu's China conundrum

Gary Schmitt at AEI: US needs to normalize ties with Taiwan

J. Michael Cole: Hung Hsiu-chu is Out, Eric Chu is In

Frozen Garlic: Comparing two weekend events

Lorand Laskai in Foreign Policy: Taiwan�s ruling party just booted its own Sarah Palin off the ticket

Taipei Times editorial: The government is in shambles

Eric Chu replaces Hung Hsiu-chu as KMT candidate

Tsai Ing-wen vows "New age" at campaign HQ opening event

Prof. Michael Hsiao: New voters will play critical role

Taipei Times editorial: Ma still detached from reality

Hung Hsiu-chu says she will not back down

KMT Secretary-General apologizes to Hung Hsiu-chu

Poll finds majority disagree with KMT ousting Hung

KMT to hold congress on ousting Hung

KMT intraparty battle: Rift over Hung's replacement grows

Taipei Times editorial: Hung's cross-strait focus hurts her

KMT politician Chiang Shou-ping demands review of Hung's selection

Opinion poll: 64.97% say Taiwan is independent

President Obama "supports" Taiwan in Xi Jinping talks

KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu says polls show close race

FAPA President Mark Kao: Open letter to President Obama on the visit of Xi Jinping

US officials Russel and Kritenbrink seek to reassure Taiwan

Prime Minister Mao Chih-kuo: Taiwan "extremely dissatisfied" with Beijing's identity card move

Opinion poll: NPP only 'third force' likely to win seats

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Governing more important than presidency

Former AIT director William Stanton: US has been ignoring Taiwan

Taiwan experts tout Japan defense adjustment

TISR poll: Tsai way ahead, and Soong trails Hung

Parris Chang: Xi to focus on Taiwan during US visit

US resolution supporting UN bid introduced

Lim Kuan-tsi: Taiwanese should take up own view on history

KMT discussing disciplina against Lien Chan for attending China's military parade

Richard Bernstein in FP: Assassinating Chiang Kai-shek

June Lin of Democracy Tautin: A youthful perspective on national identity

Critics disagree with president Ma Ying-jeou�s �Washington Times� op-ed

FAPA President Mark Kao: High-school protesters won moral high ground

Lai I-chung: Nation's 70-year search for closure, a just peace

Legislative Yuan advises Education Ministry to revise curriculum

Prof. Andrew Cheng: Daring to challenge the culture of deference

Brian Hioe: Five days of struggle against black box education in Taiwan

Talks break down: A Pyrrhic victory for Ministry of Education

Curriculum talks with Ministry of Education break down

FAPA expresses deep concern about handling of textbook issue by Ma administration

Curriculum protests: Discussions underway for students, ministry to meet

Curriculum protests: Academics tout government concessions

Curriculum protests: Student protest a "reprise" of Sunflower movement

Curriculum protests: Lin's mother: students not influenced by politics

Curriculum protests: Protesters under 18 may avoid charges

Curriculum protests: Student activists vow "to fight to the end"

Curriculum protests: Poll finds majority of public want halt to guideline change

Student protester Dai Lin commits suicide

Liberty Times interview with Dai Lin three days before his death

Anti-curriculum change group blames Education minister for death

Angry students storm legislature

Kerry Brown: Taiwan's modernity and the 2016 elections

Taipei Times editorial: Ma's assent to diplomatic isolation

Taipei mayor Ko Wenje: Ma must make stance to history curriculum clear

New Party files charges against Lee Teng-hui over Senkaku remarks

Noah Buchan: Twilight of the China-centric primacy

DPP derides legal action by Education ministry in curriculum protests

Lee Teng-hui Diaoyutai remarks defended

NCCU poll: Support for unification dives

Wang Jin-pyng dismisses team-up with James Soong

Taipei Times editorial: Freedom of the press under fire

History curriculum protests: Civic groups demand release of detained students

DPP criticizes arrests of reporters

Taipei Times editorial: Make no mistake: China is the enemy

Student protesters Storm out of history textbook forum

Former President Lee Teng-hui meets Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Lee Teng-hui addresses joint session of the Japanese Diet

Liberty Times editorial: Solving the KMT assets issue with votes

Grace Tsoi in Foreign Policy: Taiwan has its own history textbook controversy brewing

Highschool students protest outside Education Ministry's gate

China simulates attack on Presidential Office

DPP says details of KMT assets are 'tip of the iceberg'

Ricky Yeh in The Diplomat: The Challenging Road for Taiwan's Newest Presidential Candidate

Kuomintang makes Hung Hsiu-chu's nomination official

Congressman Randy Forbes chides Obama administration concessions to China

Taipei Times editorial: Xi Jinping misunderstands the rule of law

BrainTrust opinion poll: Support for KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu has fallen by 10 points

CSIS report: US interest is preserving cross-strait stability

AIT Chairman Ray Burghardt: Taiwan important to the US

MAC Chair Andrew Hsia: Distrust cripples cross-strait ties

History experts slam foreign ministry's WW-II videos

Taipei Times editorial: Dependence on a faltering China

Former CRS' Shirley Kan: urges Obama to sell arms to Taiwan

Education minister refuses to withdraw education guidelines

Taipei Times editorial: Taiwan could boot ROC for freedom

New Power Party reveals "two-state" China policy

Seth Cropsey: Chinese island-building spurs concerns

Taipei Times editorial: Soong polling strong for blue camp

Student slips by police in Taipei rally

Highschool students rally against altered curricula

Gerrit van der Wees: AIIB a black hole for Taiwan�s economy

Taipei Times: Ma aides China's annexation dream

TSU urges teachers not to use the new history textbooks

James Soong mulls presidential run

Taipei Times editorial: Only Taiwanese can save Taiwan

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen says Hung's policies 'reckless'

KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu stands by her policy

Taipei Times editorial: Hung Hsiu-chu�s cross-strait sleight of hand

Eric Chu says: a possible US trip needs discussion

Prof. James Holmes: How Taiwan can avoid a Chinese takeover

KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu wants political talks on cross-strait agenda

KMT's Hung Hsiu-chu and chair Eric Chu clash over US visit

Hung Hsiu-chu says she, not Eric Chu, to decide on US visit

Senate bill paves way for military visits

Hung Hsiu-chu says: the US doesn't understand me

Congressman Matt Salmon questions "One China"

DPP's Tsai Ing-wen dominates polls against KMT's Hung

KMT's Hung Hsiu-chu not inclined to visit US

Hung Hsiu-chu: Curriculum changes not enough

Activists assail KMT over failed constitutional reform

Shelley Rigger: US may be rethinking stance

Constitution bill fails to pass on last legislative session day

Students stage flash protest in Taipei against history textbook changes

Legislative Yuan: Interparty talks on constitutional reform fall apart

Lin Chia-yen: Tsai gains trust during Washington visit

Tsai applauds poll results , calls for voting age reform

Ms. Hung Hsiu-chu passes KMT poll threshold

Tsai Ing-wen's US trip leads to boost in public support

Hsinchu students organize opposition to curricula changes

Highschool student pans 'black box' curricula changes

Lynn Miles , veteran human rights activist, dies at 72

Taipei Air Raid: A forgotten history

Tsai Ing-wen greets about 1,000 in New York City

Tsai Ing-wen completes DC visit

Tsai Ing-wen visits White House and State Department

Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA) promises Tsai support on TPP

US lawmakers attend Tsai Ing-wen reception on Capitol Hill

Tsai Ing-wen (at CSIS) vows 'consistent' cross-Strait ties

Tsai Ing-wen has 'very successful' US meetings

DPP condemns Chinese ambassador to the US

Tsai Ing-wen clarifies China policy in Wall Street Journal

Washington crowd cheers Tsai Ing-wen's arrival in DC

Michal Thim in TNI: Taiwan can't save the South China Sea

Taipei Times editorial: South China Sea policy must change

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen in LA: meets US academics and expats from Taiwan

China rejects US outlook as security forum closes

Petition on curriculum textbook changes gathers pace

United States re-evaluating Taiwan's role in the South China Sea

Students stage nationwide protest against textbook changes

Tung Chen-yuan: US supports peaceful presidency

Opinion poll: Tsai policy is in line with US, Tsai leads KMT rivals

Gerrit van der Wees: A firm basis for cross-Strait relations

Hung Hsiu-chu passes key hurdle to KMT candidacy

Tsai Ing-wen responds to Lin Yi-hsiung's broadside blast

Deputy Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton: Taiwan a vital partner for US

Assistant Secretary Danny Russel: US not taking sides in elections

Taipei Times editorial: Only Ma to blame for his failures

Voting age reform said to be "held hostage" by the KMT

Taipei City orders Farglory to stop Dome constrcution

Tsai Ing-wen beats all political rivals in poll

Opinion poll: Ma's disapproval rating near 70%

FAPA President Mark Kao: Rebuttal of Ma Ying-jeou's WSJ interview

Taipei Times editorial: Ma's attempt to evade responsibility

KMT nominations close without Eric Chu

Wang Jin-pyng indicates no presidential bid

C. Donovan Smith: The coming collapese of the KMT?

Tsai Ing-wen to discuss economics on trip to US

Taipei Times editorial: Textbook changes, ideological or just common sense?

Liberty Times: Toughening up against 'one China'

TAUP: KMT must acknowledge "Taiwanese consensus"

Publishers delete democracy references

Lawmakers slam textbook restrictions

Taipei Times editorial: Potential peril of shifting loyalties

Dome report could lead to Ma probe

Mainland Affairs Council admonishes Eric Chu

KMT Chairman Eric Chu aims to clarify "one China" remark

Eric Chu welcomed back with flying shoes and empty bottles

Taipei Times editorial: Eric Chu casts consensus on China�s terms

KMT-CCP Forum: Xi touts 'one China' with solicitous Chu

DPP slams Chu's 'consensus' talk

Jon Sullivan in the WSJ: China's failed Taiwan policy

Jon Sullivan in The National Interest: The battle for Taiwan's soul

Taipei Times editorial: KMT draws tired political battle lines

Former President Lee Teng-hui: No such thing as the '1992 consensus'

Michael Danielsen: Facing new reality after cross-strait bubble burst

Gerrit van der Wees: Defining the 'status quo' is a new paradigm

Taipei Times editorial: The 1992 Consensus: the enemy within

Tsai Ing-wen rejects Ma criticism, saying he is out of touch

Ma Ying-jeou: '1992 consensus' foundation for ties

FAPA President Mark Kao: What Eric Chu should tell China's Xi Jinping

Evan Medeiros: Tsai's 'status quo' views interesting and constructive

Taipei Times editorial: Brazen brainwashing mocks democracy

Eric Chu's China visit: Legality queried

MAC: President Ma to repeat importance of "1992 Consensus"

Huang Tien-lin: Ma�s banked credit denied by AIIB

Ex-Premier Jiang loses Supreme Court appeal

Bonnie Glaser of CSIS: US won't poke around in next ballot

Ma Ying-jeou draws fire over new grand justice nominees

J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: As Tsai Ing-wen Enters Taiwan's Presidential Race, the China Challenge Looms Large

The DPP nominates Tsai Ing-wen as 2016 candidate

The Economist: Sunflower seeds

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: dismisses KMT criticism on China relations

Su Tzu-yun: Rejecting the AIIB is a no-brainer

Taipei Times editorial: "Vague" policy a good choice

Civic groups mount pressure over Referendum Act

DPP's Tsai Ing-wen warns on KMT-CCP talks

DPP vows to keep 'status quo' going in cross-strait ties

Report: DPP resolute on its resolution for future

Prof. Michael Hsiao: Taiwan's bottom line in Strait talks

J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: US Marine F-18s Land at Taiwan Air Base, Beijing Protests

Taipei Times editorial: KMT still unclear over transparency

Liu Shih-chung: China dares DPP to walk the walk

United States denies stance over Taiwan elections

Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng: brushes off candidacy rumors

Ricky Yeh in The Diplomat: Taiwan's Rash Decision to Join AIIB

Taipei Times editorial: Jumping on the AIIB bandwagon

Premier Mao Chi-kuo: Equality necessary for AIIB bid

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen reaffirms stance on sovereignty

FAPA President Mark Kao: US pressure on "specific outcomes" unjust

AEI's Derek Scissors: Taiwan's TPP lobbying falls on deaf ears in US

Taipei mayor Ko urges a 'family,' not enemies view of Taiwan Strait

DPP legislator Pasuya Yao urges nationwide Chiang Kai-shek purge

Taipei Times editorial: US intervention in Taiwan elections

Dennis Wei: Sunflower movement marches on

Executive Yuan museum fails to record occupation

Students and activists mark Sunflower crackdown at Executive Yuan

DPP party: Ex US official Schrage out of order

White Terror victim Chen Wen-cheng to be honored in NTU memorial

Taipei forum calls for progress on oversight bill passage

Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan must establish bottom line

Ku Chung-hwa: Reforming constitution is of major importance

Kuomintang rejects DPP political reform conference invite

The KMT's Lee Hong-yuan might run for president

Taipei Times editorial: Sunflowers shine light of leadership

Stephane Corcuff: Sunflower movement in global perspective

Taipei rallies mark Sunflower anniversary

Taipei Times editorial: Beijing muscles in on elections

Tsai Ing-wen: Effects of the Sunflower movement to last

Mayor Ko Wenje to take responsibility for Taipei City's China policy

Legislators question foreign minister over denial of entry to UN convention

Tens of thousands protest nuclear power across the nation

Taipei Times editorial: Injustice of grand justice nominee

Lai I-chung: Xi engineers new Taiwan offensive

Taipei Times editorial: KMT�s WW-II events confound public

Kurt Campbell urges US, PRC not to meddle in Taiwan's elections

Former defense minister Andrew Yang Taiwan prepared to defend itself alone

Gordon Chang: Early end to the Chinese century?

Prof. Fan Shih-ping: Doubts grow over the "1992 Consensus"

Parris Chang: Moving the concensus goalposts

Gerrit van der Wees: Wendy Sherman's talk ignores Taiwan�s real issues

Sunflower activists question absence of police brutality probe

Prof. Michael Hsiao: Public debunks 'status quo' myth

DPP: Key for cross-strait peace lies with both sides

Huang Tien-lin: No need for consensus over ties with China

Hsueh Hua-yuan: Understanding the lessons of 228

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen touts "free and democratic" Taiwan

Tears and controversy mark 228 memorial ceremony

Taiwan nation prepares to mark 228 Incident anniversary

Huang Tien-lin: Sub-colonial era still holds sway

CSIS report: Marginalizing Taiwan harms global security

Former President Lee Teng-hui: Reforming the Constitution is the only way forward for Taiwan

Denny Roy: New crisis likely in cross-Strait ties

Students demand that history curricula remain in place

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen declares candidacy for presidential race

Taipei Times editorial: Alex Tsai vote reveals recall flaws

Recall vote significant despite failure

Prosecutors file charges against 119 Sunflower Movement leaders

MAC Minister Wang Yu-chi resigns as charges against deputy are dropped

Tainan prosecutors call for vote-buying detentions

Legislative by-election: DPP keeps 3 seats, KMT 2

King Pu-tsung Resigns despite call to stay

Taiwan BrainTrust poll: Support for Taiwanese independence, identity

Lee Teng-hui urges amendment of the Constitution

Mayor Ko Wen-je talks about colonialism, China

The Riveter Magazine: The story of the Taiwanese Sunflower Movement

Foreign Policy Magazine: Taipei's fiery new mayor knows whose culture is best

Taipei Times editorial: Taipei-Shanghai forum is merely symbolic

Prof. Michael Hsiao: KMT unresponsive to new citizens

Cathryn Yarbrough: Keep following the light

James Wang: The fading dynasty of Taiwan's 'king Ma'

Prof. Peng Ming-min: PRC's new air routes merit tough response

Taipei Times editorial: China targets Taiwan's young

DPP sets election nomination schedule

Christian Fan Jiang: Simplicity may be key to reforming constitution

Five in Tainan indicted in vote-buying charges

Sunflower leader supports embattled former student

Opinion poll: Taiwanese identity hits record high

Gerrit van der Wees: Time to normalize Taiwan relations

Taipei Times editorial: Standing up to big business

Tainan mayor William Lai: Promoting an open, transparent government

Newly-elected KMT chair Eric Chu opens KMT assets probe

Civic groups call for constitutional reform

J. Michael Cole: Debunking the Myth of Inevitability in the Taiwan Strait

Michael Turton: Washington's Obsolete Taiwan Policy

Sunflower activists set rallies for anniversary

Taipei mayor Ko slams Hon Hai newspaper adverts and threats

Shyu-tu Lee: US must not meddle in 2016 polls

New Chinese air routes: bold action urged in Taiwan

KMT lawmaker pushes draft political party act review

Taipei Times editorial: The case of the disappearing billions

Ma Ying-jeou denies over-reliance on China trade

United States demands replacement of Taiwan representative Shen Lyu-shun

United States wants no repeat of ROC flag-raising

Ministry of Defense being reshuffled after 'resignation'

Huang Tien-lin: Sunflowers boosted the economy

Taipei Times editorial: Government bumbles Chen parole

KMT government criticized over delay in Chen's release

Parris Chang: If Ma frees Chen that would increase his popularity

FAPA President Mark Kao: US should normalize relations with Taiwan

Mei-chin Chen: Only a real consensus can usher in progress

Wayne Pajunen: The times in Taiwan they are a'changin'

FAPA President Mark Kao: Elections bring hope for a better Taiwan

Former President Lee Teng-hui renews call for President Ma to step down

Taipei Times editorial: Chen release a step to reconciliation

US-Taiwan Business Council: Ma failed to improve US relations

Taipei Times editorial: 'Pro-democracy' is not 'anti-China'

New Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je: urges health release for Chen Shui-bian

Michael Hsiao: reflects on the implications of the elections

Hoon Ting: Ko Wen-je emerges as possible leader for diplomacy

Thinktank survey: Strong disapproval of Ma led to KMT's rout

Kuomintang trounced in municipal elections

Taipei Times editorial: Public awareness needed on recalls

Gerrit van der Wees: Reliance on China is a hindrance to free trade

Liu Shih-chung: Voters need to think about change

Taipei Times editorial: KMT leaders are stoking ethnic tensions

Ko Wen-je tells young voters: Convince your parents

Ko Wen-je's Taipei parade draws twohundred thousand

DPP leaders in big show of support for candidates

Ethnic discrimination seen in KMT attacks

US-China Review Commission: Closer cross-strait economic ties help China

Former AIT Chairman Nat Bellocchi dies at age 88

Taipei Times editorial: Lien Chan reveals hatred, ignorance

Former VP Lien Chan lashes out at DPP

Obama lauds Taiwanese democracy

Associated Press: clarifies story on Obama's 'one China' comment

Obama's: Taiwan remarks unconfirmed

Foreign Ministry: criticizes Obama misquote

David Keegan urges US: Make Taiwan part of TPP

David Shambaugh: Hong Kong protests may have cost Beijing Taiwan

David Pilling in the FT: Taiwan resolves to resist China's embrace

Mark Kao: Bringing real cross-Strait stability

Formosan Association: Obama must insist China dismantle missiles

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Obama's China trip must affirm democracy

Harvard academic Rosecrance: sees irrevocable Taipei, Beijing split

Liu Shih-chung: Cross-strait relations after Nov. 29, 2014

Richard Bush wants to 'clarify concerns' with DPP

Taipei Times editorial: KMT resorts to Potemkin trickery

AEI study: Taiwanese, Hong Kongers identify less with China

Governor/Senator Frank Murkowski: US policy on Taiwan must bolster democracy

John Garnaut in the Canberra Times: Young people of Taiwan and Hong Kong refusing to accept the unification of 'Greater China'

Taipei Times editorial: More sycophantic hubris from Ma

Tsai Ing-wen and Huang Kuo-chang slam Ma Ying-jeou comments

Taipei Times editorial: KMT resorts to dirty tricks, again

Prof. Peng Ming-min: 'Spiritual contract' with Beijing?

Timothy Webster: The West gets the blame, but it's China that Hong Kong and Taiwan fear

DPP Outlines national defense plans

Formosan Association: HK shows Taiwan needs cross-strait caution

Taipei Times editorial: Government must learn Hong Kong's lessons

Civic groups tell KMT: "learn from Hong Kong"

HK protesters not deterred by tear gas

Taiwan Citizen Union vows to overhaul political system

Liu Shih-chung: Time to stop negative campaigns

Ma Ying-jeou hit by "Formosa Betrayed"

Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je accuses Lien team of "Watergate"

Students in Hong Kong rally and strike for democracy

DPP and students voice support for Hong Kong strike

Sunflower students remember Oliver Chen

DPP lauds Scottish referendum "democratic values"

Tang Prize winner Yu Ying-shih urges conservation of freedom

Washington says Bush's Taiwan remarks are his own

UDN Survey: ranks cross-strait relationship

DPP dismisses report on US invitation for Tsai

American Institute in Taiwan: Richard Bush' remarks do not represent US position

Peng Ming-min: cross-Strait negotiations involve only China

Tsao Yung-ho , Taiwan history expert on the Dutch period, dies

Richard Bush: US may try to sway vote

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Hong Kong a mirror for Taiwan?

Taipei Times editorial: Ma making Taiwan next Hong Kong

Joseph Tse-Hei Lee: Hong Kong democracy is China's nightmare

Taipei Times editorial: The KMT's rule-breaking finally judged illegal

Sunflower leaders urge US to drop 'one China' policy

Gerrit van der Wees: China is only holding Taiwan back

Roxie Chuang: National defense key to saving democracy

Kurt Campbell: Analysis of China may have warning for Taiwan

William Lowther: No shift in Washington�s arms sales to Taiwan policy

Kuomintang is again the world's richest party

Prof. Robert Sutter: US needs 'pro-active policy over China'

Opinion poll: Support for independence up

TEPU pushes for year-end Kung-liao plant referendum

Tsai Ing-wen: Beijing will learn to deal with DPP

Legislator Lin Chia-lung warns of interference in elections

Huang Tien-lin: Sunflower movement helped lift economy

DPP: Joseph Wu subpoena is 'abuse of power'

Another former NSC official criticizes King Pu-tsung visit

ThinkingTaiwan Forum: All the King's persecutors

Tsai Ing-wen rejects mayoral campaign rumors

Activist groups urge referendum reform, lawmaker recall

Support slump for mayoral candidates prompts KMT action

Tsai Ing-wen pans KMT over Control Yuan nomination impasse

Michael Danielsen: Ma's policy undermining Taiwan

US Naval War College report describes Chinese missile force as "formidable"

Control Yuan probe into March 24 Executive Yuan eviction fizzles

Academia Sinica members petition for former President Chen's release

US academics: Sunflower movement set stage for major political change

Hong Kong marches for democracy

Trilateral panel urges regional security cooperation

DPP: ECFA promises not delivered

TAUP symposium: TAO visit shows fragility of democracy

Lin Fei-fan: Chinese guest disrespectful

Zhang Zhijun: Visit was successful despite 'situations'

Randall Schriver: Sunflowers altered the dynamics

Protests greet Zhang Zhijun at airport

Activists outraged over raid at Novotel

DPP police evicted protesters from hotel

Taiwan regime imposes strict media restrictions on Zhang visit

Taipei Times editorial: HK, Tibet have lessons for Taiwan

Hillary Clinton: Reliance on China makes Taiwan vulnerable

Activists insist on state-to-state talks

Su Chi denounces 'weak, lazy, ineffective' legislature at US forum

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Consensus is building among Taiwan public

Taipei Times editorial: Ma must protest Fan statement

Congressional Research Service: US has concerns over Taiwan�s defense

DPP accuses Ma Ying-jeou of double standards on Palace Museum exhibit in Japan

Tainan mayor William Lai: Rational debate on pilot zones needed

Protesters blame China for hacking attacks

Taipei crowds protest trade pact, pilot zones at legislature

Taipei Times editorial: Ma Ying-jeou quibbling with the best of them

Critics link division judge's axing to Wang decision

Taipei Times editorial: MOFA fails to defend sovereignty

Sunflower students to mark Service Trade Agreement anniversary

Prof. John Garver warns over pace, extent of cross-strait moves

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen rejects Ma's 'free island' analysis

China's Taiwan Affairs Office' remarks draw strong response

Taipei Times editorial: Premier Jiang Yi-hua's backwards view of the problem

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Pilot zones not a solution to the economic problems

DPP tells Beijing to respect HK rights

Premier Jiang seeks support for national affairs conference

Jane's Defense Weekly: Radar might be compromised

Tainan Mayor William Lai rattles Chinese audience

DOD report on China's military power: China "focused" on Taiwan conflict

American Chamber of Commerce: Taiwan may need 'down payment' to join the TPP

William A. Stanton: All need to re-examine their policies

Taipei Times editorial: Imperfect cross-strait relations plan

Joyce Huang: Taiwan can learn from Tiananmen

Tiananmen reflections: Vigil to mark massacre tomorrow

Taipei Times editorial: Review South China Sea Policy

Paul Lin: Why China is concerned by Taiwan's Sunflowers

Amnesty International says nation must still improve human rights

Hong Kong blocks Taiwanese academic

Academia Sinica supports researchers' freedom of expression amid criticisms

US at Shangri La Forum: China 'destabilizing' force

Opinion poll: Majority view cross-strait ties as 'state-to-state'

DPP Introduces its new officials at press conference

Tsai Ing-wen elected as DPP chairperson

Taiwan Solidarity Union: Ma bids to repress national identity as policy fails

Retired generals defy defense ministry in cross-Strait visit

Legislators set to vote on cross-Strait oversight bills

Taipei Times editorial: Subway killing: quick to judge, slow to reflect

Mei-chin Chen: "China" confusion in Vietnam

Sunflower leaders to form new activist organization

Vietnamese representative apologizes over riot losses

Jay Fang: Taipower figures need scrutiny

Academics slam cross-Strait shipping regulations

Liberty Times editorial: Use the power at the ballot box

US drones' move to Japan could aid local defense

Vietnam's anti-China protests: Critics fault 'one China' policy

Ko Wen-je sounds off at book event

Michael Thim in The Diplomat: The Odd Couple: Japan & Taiwan�s Unlikely Friendship

Joseph Wu in The Diplomat: The Future of U.S.-Taiwan Relations

Randy Schriver: urges US to stay out of Taiwan 2016 Taiwan polls

Raymond Burghardt: Taiwan-US ties stronger than ever

Separate opinion polls put Ma approval rating at under 18%

KMT draws fresh fire over service trade pact review

Civic groups: Sunflower lessons go wanting

Critics: Ma recruits from his "inner circle" once again

Huang Tien-lin: Blocking pact gives economy boost

US Congressman Ed Royce: Taiwan should spend more on own defense

Taipower: Nuclear plant may shut early

History textbook sparks hullabaloo

Bob Hathaway @ Woodrow Wilson: Taiwan is small but hardly insignificant

Joyce Huang: Expanding Taiwan�s position worldwide

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Sunflowers changed everything

Dr. Ko Wen-je calls on government to let ailing A-bian 'go home'

Environmentalists give Service Trade pact warning

Hundreds protest at Alex Fai�s office in recall drive

Students, netizens initiate recall of KMT lawmakers

Taipei Times editorial: Back to Taiwan's future

Gerrit van der Wees: Key to liberalization is diversity

James Kuo: Plant conversion a viable option

Premier Jiang Yi-huah quizzed on power plant policy

Gerrit and Mei-chin van der Wees: Open letter thanking Lin I-hsiung

USCC report: Trade protest has curbed cross-strait ties

National Police Administration criticized over 'martial law era' tactics

Civic groups accuse police of abusing protesters at rally

Lin I-hsiung ends anti-nuclear hunger strike

Taipei Times editorial: Nuclear policy must be made public

Civic and journalist organizations condemn violence by police

Taipei Times editorial: Restore constitutional order

Lin I-hsiung hospitalized on seventh day of hunger strike

Commomwealth poll: majority favor suspending or aborting nuclear plant

Taipei police use batons, water cannons against protesters

Tens of thousands continue anti-nuclear protests

Academia Sinica wades into debate on nuclear power

Taiwan Association for Truth and Reconciliation: Do not turn Lin I-hsiung into 228 victim

Thousands start anti-nuclear protests

FAPA urges referendum on nuclear power plant

Chairman Su and President Ma discuss nuclear power plant

DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang warns Ma on responsibility for Lin Yi-hsiung

Taiwan academics take to the streets against nuclear generation

Taipei Times editorial: Nuclear concerns not addressed

Taipei protests back nuclear hunger strike

Lin I-hsiung's daughter sends support in letter

Lin I-hsiung starts anti-nuclear hunger strike

James R. Holmes in The Diplomat: Why Taiwan Wants Submarines

DPP's Joseph Wu: The road to a better democracy

US APEC official Robert Wang: China factor not an issue in Taiwan's TPP accession

Prof. Mark Harrison: The Sunflower Movement in Taiwan

Prosecutors question Sunflower student leaders

Premier Jiang Yi-huah rejects DPP nuclear statute

Former AIT director William Stanton: Sunflower movement is a �wake-up call�

Michael Thim in The Diplomat: China threaten's Taiwan's reputation

Marie-Alice McLean-Dreyfus: Protest Songs and Taiwanese Identity in the Sunflower Movement

Mei-chin Chen: Betting on the wrong horse

US Senate report supports TPP membership

Prof. Gloria Hsu Nation's future turned into scrap

Premier Jiang blasts DPP over nuclear referendum statute proposal

Taipei Times editorial: Justice minister Luo should not interfere with the law

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen signs up for DPP chair election, calls for reform

Prof. Chu Ping-tzu: Ma Ying-jeou must stop using the law as a weapon

Protesters greet Ma at Academia Sinica

Sunflower student leader Tseng vows to keep up activism

Zachary Keck in The Diplomat: China Responds to Taiwan�s Sunflower Movement

Vincent Chao in The Diplomat: How Technology Revolutionized Taiwan�s Sunflower Movement

Shannon Tiezzi in The Diplomat: After Taiwan Protests, Chinese Leaders Stress Continued Cross-Strait Ties

J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: Sunflowers End Occupation of Taiwan�s Legislature

DPP plans new law to resolve nuclear dispute

Student leader Hung Chung-yen stands up to criticism

Lin Yi-hsiung to start anti-nuclear hunger strike

Volunteer works to protect the students

Su Tseng-chang and Frank Hsieh drop out of DPP chair race

Taipei Times editorial: Implications of sunflowers for Beijing

NTU law dean: "We did not teach Ma well"

Communication experts launch anti-pact petition

Opinion poll: Most unhappy at government handling of Sunflowers

Sunflower student representatives defend protests in Washington

International scholars: Letter to Sunflowers and Ma

LY Speaker Wang Jin-pyng vows monitoring law before pact

KMT is 'shocked,' does not endorse Wang�s promise

Taipei Times editorial: Signing of trade pact not imperative

Chou Fu-i: A profile of a behind-the-scenes Sunflower heroine

US Senator Rubio seeks answers on the "six assurances"

Student demonstrators insist "four bandits" must quit

Moms and children support protest, stopped by police

Former ambassador Nat Bellocchi: It's not about "free trade" but about freedom in Taiwan

John Tkacik in the WashTimes: Taiwan struggles in China�s trade grip

Sunflower leaders reject Ma's conference plan

Ex-Ma adviser Rex How starts pro-Sunflower art campaign

GWU professor Bob Sutter: Ma may face questions on China stance

Taipei Times editorial: Implications of the "Sunflowers"

Half a million people show their support for student-led protests

Former president Lee Teng-hui: Students give hope to the nation

Student protesters: Stand up for your democracy

Ma at press conference: wants to 'sit down' with students

Students plan Sunday rally for Ketagalan Blvd

Lee Teng-hui urges Ma, Wang to initiate dialogue with protest leaders

DPP opinion poll finds majority supports student protest

National Public Radio: Taiwan's students head to the streets with sunflowers to protest closer ties with China

Taiwan officials deny police used violence to expel students

DPP: police should be held accountable for violence

Letter to the editor: Why did police attack Legislator Chou?

University professors call on President Ma to resign

Opinion survey shows public favors students' demands

Taipei Times editorial: Ma's arrogance aggravating crisis

Gerrit van der Wees: KMT tactics conjure up memories of White Terror

Protest leaders willing to meet with Ma

United States stays neutral on pact, lauds Taiwan democracy

Taipei police officials face questioning over bloody crackdown

Taipei Times editorial: A sad yet great day for Taiwan

Activists condemn use of force in protest breakup

Politicians, civic groups lash out over crackdown

Student protesters undaunted after violent eviction

New York Times: Anger Grows in Taiwan Against Deal With China

Christian Science Monitor: Taiwan ejects protesters from government offices

Students storm Executive Yuan as standoff persists

Taipei Times editorial: Enough of Ma's half-truths

University presidents call on Ma to respond to occupiers

Former presidential advisor Rex How: Government hides from scrutiny

New York Times: Taiwanese students pledge to continue occupation of Taiwan's legislature

J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: Taiwanese Students Occupy Legislature Over China Pact

FAPA President Mark Kao: Be there now: Your nation needs you

Taipei Times editorial: Ma must engage student protesters

Mei-chin Chen: Trade agreement gives away too much to China

DPP: Ma should apologize for pact

LY Speaker Wang promises a solution, response to students� appeals

Students give Ma and Wang an ultimatum

Dafydd Fell: The importance of social movements in Taiwan

Opposition, students and civic groups protest service trade pact

Legislative review on service trade pact cut short

Protesters slam KMT over service trade pact

Former diplomat John Tkacik: Service trade pact brings little benefit

Julie Wu: Remembering Taiwan's White Terror

State Department at House hearing: No extra cost for F-16 refit

DPP urges upgrading of US ties

Economics expert: pilot zones will hurt produce suppliers

Taipei Times editorial: New Cabinet, old haplessness

Prof. Chen Tsui-lien: Understand context of 228 Incident

LY Service Trade Agreement review: Violent skirmish, condemnations mark second day

Service Trade Agreement survey: Most support line-by-line cross-strait review

Taipei Times editorial: No more covering eyes and ears

NSB Director Tsai Der-sheng : Taiwan would not survive month of attack

Historians petition over history textbook changes

Huang Song-lih and Shih Yi-hsiang: Protect the rights of Tibetans in Taiwan

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Say goodbye to Taiwan, say goodbye to peace

Taipei Times editorial: Rare clarity amid Beijing gathering

Thirteen in military jailed over conscript's death

Nationwide parades call for end to nuclear power

Taipei Times editorial: Ukraine crisis resonates in Taiwan

DPP's Joseph Wu: Defense talks in US productive

Defense minister Yen: Taiwan could withstand attack for a month

Jerome Keating: 228 accents Ma�s chilling outlook

Taipei Times editorial: Taiwan's internal and external media threats

Gerrit van der Wees: China fails test of being 'responsible stakeholder'

Joe Bosco: Taiwan and China: a ticking clock

DPP wants to renegotiate trade services pact

Human rights groups call for new 228, White Terror probes

Teachers forgo food in protest over curriculum

Febr. 28th commemoration: 228 Massacre marked by calls for truth

Ma Ying-jeou: promises at 228 event to uphold human rights

Liberty Times editorial: Outsiders miss cross-strait details

Taipei Times editorial: Political outsiders on the rise

Chou Wei-tung and Kao Chuan-po: Restarting review of curriculum guidelines

US-Japan military exercise warning to China

US Naval intelligence officer Fannell: China training for "short, sharp war" with Japan

228 Commemorations: Number of events to commemorate 228 massacre

James Clad & Robert Manning: The Pacific Century Myth?

John J. Mearsheimer: Say goodbye to Taiwan

Prof. Parris Chang: Beijing's strategy to 'buy' Taiwan

Civic groups: Meeting shows Ma wants unification

Civic groups lambast curriculum changes

Jerome Keating: China is Enron reborn as a country

Blumenthal: China moving to accept independence

Dan Blumenthal: Five faulty assumptions about Taiwan

The Economist: Cross-Strait relations; Symbolism as substance

Democratic opposition: Wang, Ma administration made mistakes

Lee Teng-hui disapproves of Ma-Xi APEC meeting proposal

Taipei Times editorial: Wang-Zhang: What lies beneath?

Prof. Bruce Jacobs: Party conflict drives away voters

Reporters without Borders: Taiwan press freedom in jeopardy

United States keeps low-key stance on Wang-Zhang meeting

Taiwan academics slam curriculum changes

US academic Jeff Bader 'Nine-dash' line talks needed

DPP files complaint over history textbook changes

Taipei mayor Hau Lung-bin draws flak over comments about Ma

Taipei Times editorial: Ma Ying-jeou's empty economic refrain

DPP denies nomination reports

Prof. Chen Tsui-lien: Party-state haunts history revisions

Chabot asks Russel about threats to US plans for jet fleet

DPP cities and counties reject new curriculum

United States warns China over air defense identification zones

Philippines' president Aquino sounds alarm over China

Joe Bosco: Draw a Big Red Line in Asia

Defense News report: F-16 fighter upgrade program in danger

Ex-DPP chair Lin Yi-hsiung to help build new party

Prof. Lee Hsiao-feng: History textbook 'tweaks' sow confusion

US defense specialists: PLA seeking to limit US protection of Taiwan

Hundreds of academics protest in opposition of revised curriculum

Tainan mayor William Lai refuses revisionist textbook changes

Max Baucus urges Beijing to reduce military deployments aimed at Taiwan

Former DOD official Joe Bosco: Defend Taiwan in all circumstances

Elbridge Colby & Ely Ratner: Roiling the Waters; start making China feel uncomfortable

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: US must be clear on core values

Parris Chang: Beijing pressuring Ma to hold political talks

Su Tseng-chang stays mum on election plans

Freedom House: Criticism of lack of political independence of prosecutors

Mei-chin Chen: Diverging views on DPP China policy paper

Control Yuan chastizes use of "Taiwan"

James Wang: Imprint of Taiwanese outweighs Ma's vision

Taipei Times editorial: The myth of Taiwan's China policy

Tsai Ing-wen: No place for egos in cross-strait ties

Hai-handed: China moves in the South China Sea

Former Minister Yeh Chu-lan regarding Cheng Nan-jung's legacy

Taipei Times editorial: Suppression in Nan-jung Square

Cheng Kung University professor apologizes over Cheng nan-jung remarks

BrainTrust poll finds public largely dissatisfied with Ma, KMT

Taipei Times editorial: No response to ma's unmet promises

Joseph Wu urges caution on Ma Ying-jeou - Xi Jinping meet

Former AIT Chairman Richard Bush warns on PRC coercion

DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang: Reiterates Taiwan policy

Lee Teng-hui: 'Second democratic reform' should be next

Taiwan opinion poll: China benefiting more from improved ties

Tsai Ing-wen: Policy debate can harm flexibility

Independence pioneer Chai Trong-rong dies at 78

Chai Trong-rong: driving force behind Taiwanese independence hopes

Chen Mao-hsiung: Sacrificing Taiwan�s service industry

DPP defends its China policy review

Mei-chin Chen: DPP China policy no space for daydreams

DPP meeting: Heated debate expected on China policy

TVBS poll: finds DPP�s Tsai Ing-wen, KMT�s Eric Chu in tie

Top prosecutor Huang escapes impeachment by Control Yuan

Taipei Times editorial: Emergence of a new political force

Defense News: Taiwan's Sub-launched Harpoons Pose New Challenge to China's Invasion Plans

James Holmes: Asia's Worst Nightmare: A China-Japan War

Gerrit van der Wees: Time for the West to change to status quo

Prof. Chen Yi-shen: Examining the birth of our nation

"Bookstore of Taiwan" fights Chinese headwinds

DPP softens position on Ko Wen-je

US analysts fear Taipei is growing closer to Beijing

Groups urge DPP to name strongest pan-green runner

Taiwan civic groups hold discussions on creation of new political group

Dr. Ko Wen-je visits former President Chen in prison hospital

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: DPP must change, work with civil society

Taipei Times editorial: Another empty New Year's pledge?

President Ma seeks support for liberalization policies

Taipei Times editorial: Beware trying to win over Beijing

Taiwan opinion poll: Independence beats 'status quo'

Police clash with Aerotropolis protesters outside rezoning meeting

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan and Ukraine, Democratization remains in process

Former governor Frank Murkowski: Bridging Taiwan�s political divisions

DPP releases report on public�s top complaints

Taipei Times editorial: Presidency or legislative majority?

Civic and labour groups protest service trade agreement

FAPA President Mark Kao: Fairness in judiciary essential to democracy

Prof. Peng Weng-chen: Justice needs greater transparency

United States tries to avoid Taiwan in South China Sea

Ko Wen-je to meet with DPP chairman Su

Peng excluded from prosecutor evaluation panel

Judicial reform alliance demands that Control Yuan head be impeached

Justice Ministry evaluation panel: Top prosecutor Huang should be dismissed

Liberty Times editorial: Government's missed opportunity

Former SEF sec.gen. Chen Rong-jye: Ma's team unable to grasp ADIZ issue

CSIS urges US action on Taiwan's international participation

US cancellation of EPA administrator visit sparks talk of Chinese influence

DPP attacks SID for spying on it, others

Wallace Gregson & Joanna Yu Taylor Xi's Air Defense Offense

DPP factionalism as primary polls heat up

Ma Ying-jeou: KMT will face its past honestly

Taipei Times editorial: Ma must uphold human rights pledge

Vincent Chao: Ma takes on Constitution and other nuisances

Gerrit van der Wees: Cairo Declaration has its limitations

Former US Ambassador John Bolton: Taipei must not accept China's air zone

Joe Biden: No US recognition of PRC's zone

Ma Ying-jeou: China's new air zone 'not helpful'

Joanne Chang: Government must act strong on ADIZ

Steinberg: Taiwan doesn't need to "take sides" on China's ADIZ

Ministry of Education: Schools to teach Nanjing is ROC capital

Taiwanese-American teenager raises funds for Philippine typhoon relief

Taiwan lawmakers briefed on Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone

Legislators chastise no-show NSC boss Jason Yuan

Taiwan scholars: Incorrect to use Cairo Declaration as legal basis

Former AIT director Bill Stanton: Declaration 'intended to return Taiwan to ROC'

Former President Lee Teng-hui: Ma's ADIZ stance undermines nation

Brahma Chellaney : China's creeping 'cabbage' strategy for territorial expansion

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan's sovereignty challenged by Beijing

Legislative Yuan resolution urges air zone protest

Taipei Times editorial: Ma wimps out over defense zone

Hoon Ting: Air defense zone raises tensions

CSIS urges changes to help Taiwan join world bodies

Ma Ying-jeou: China's ADIZ not connected to sovereignty

DPP to Ma government: Take steps against China�s ADIZ move

Japan labels air defense zone 'dangerous'

Taipei government urges calm after China claims East China Sea ADIZ

Ma Ying-jeou to foreign correspondents: Peace agreement not a priority, but economy is

Sushil Seth: Territorial dispute over Senkakus could flare up

Vincent Siew seeks to raise Taiwan's US profile

Taipei Times editorial: Foreign policy overhaul needed

Liberty Times editorial: 'Truce' opens Taiwan up to attack

USCC report: China's docks can aid invasion

Taipei Times editorial: Awaiting the DPP's China policy

DPP's Joseph Wu pleads for full international participation at TAA-GWC Thanksgiving banquet

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Helping Manila is moral and strategic

USCC report: China spying aggressively against Taiwan

Taipei Times editorial: KMT 'reform' shows Ma desperate

TISR poll: President's approval rate hits new low

Tsai Yung-wen: 'Taiwan from Above' film bids to save nation by showing its marvels

Taipei Times editorial: Taiwan losing patience with Ma, KMT

Hundreds protest at KMT Party congress in Taichung

Chinese embassy 'strongly objects' to speech in US

Washington Post: In Taiwan, a young and restless force multiplies

Overseas Taiwanese see growing backslide in democracy

Michael A. Turton: Constructing China's Claims to the Senkaku

US Pentagon: PRC not consulted over Taiwan arms sales

Congressional testimony: European weapons are boosting China's might

Taipei Times editorial: It is hard to listen with closed ears

Ma Ying-jeou: I have heard complaints, will try harder

Political analysts: Ma's pro-China tilt breeding anxiety

TVBS opinion poll: Taiwanese prefer independence over unification

Prof. Eric Chiou: Taiwan�s defense at a crossroads

DPP and TSU opposition slams KMT-CCP suggestions

KMT and CCP agree to prioritize service trade agreement

Judicial Reform Foundation: Disband centers of surveillance

AEI report: Cross-strait political integration must remain 'far-off'

Shannon Mann: Taiwan is Moving Closer to China, So Why Isn't the U.S. Freaking Out?

Charlie Liao: Small Taiwan has a big pull

James Wang: Ma Ying-jeou defines law to serve himself, not Taiwanese

Lai I-chung: Taiwan, embrace resurfacing ideas

Twu Shiing-jer: Policies reveal Ma takes orders from China

Poet Lee Min-yung: KMT, CCP both see their home in China

Liberal International alarmed about Taiwan wiretapping

Taiwan legal experts: SID unconstitutional, illegitimate

Ma Ying-jeou security strengthened after shoe-hurling attacks

Center for Naval Analyses study questions 'sensibility' of US' Taiwan policies

Project 2049: Taiwan target of Chinese political warfare

Prof. Rong-i Arthur Hong: Taiwan has a strategic role to play in region

Gordon Chang: Is China Turning Up the Heat on Taiwan?

Taipei Times editorial: No-confidence motion boosts KMT

Foreign minister David Lin defends rebuttal of foreign scholars

Kurt Campbell: Taiwan needs to diversify across region

KMT says: Legal battle with Wang to continue

Hung Chi-kune: At APEC summit Ma crossed point of no return

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Fairness missing from APEC talks

Taiwan academics demand that Premier Jiang resign

International scholars and writers: Taiwan's human rights, democracy threatened

Prof. Wong Ming-hsien: Ma remarks could rule out US intervention

Liberty Times editorial: Ma should listen to his own words

Former AIT director Stanton: Cross-strait ties affect the world

TISR opinion poll: Views on independence depend on China's policy

DPP leaders slam Ma's definition of cross-strait ties

Premier Jiang facing no-confidence motion

Taipei Times editorial: Empty words meet civic action

National 10-10 Day turns into day of protests

DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang announces no confidence motion against Cabinet

Ma Ying-jeou and Wang Jin-pyng talk, shake hands at Double Ten ceremony

National Taiwan University Economics Department Chairwoman warns of dangers of service trade agreement

Financial Times: Ma calls for closer China ties amid protests

Taiwan Ministry of Defense: China able to attack Taiwan by 2020

Joseph Lin: Abolition the only option for the SID

KMT's congress venue still a mystery

More civic groups join Double Ten anti-government rallies

Prosecutor-General Huang sorry for SID mistakes

Taipei Times editorial: Building a better legislature

Huang Tien-lin warns on Ma's cross-strait policy

US State Department: US-Taiwan ties 'in a very good place'

Prosecutors summon President Ma and Premier Jiang

Lawmaker and lawyer accuse Ma of leaks and collusion

Prosecutor agrees with allegations of Ma vendetta

US DOD official: US wants a strong Taiwan 'free from threat'

Ma Ying-jeou denies interfering in Wang probe

Tsai Ing-wen gets censured over Yu Ching case

Taipei prosecutors want to question Ma Ying-jeou

DPP's Joseph Wu: Washington feels Taipei indecisive on jets

Civic organizations: Big brother is watching

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Beijing threatens freedom in Taiwan

Taiwan activists: Big brother is watching

Tens of thousands rally against Ma Ying-jeou

Chen Chien-fu: Ma's actions are as dreadful as Nixon's

Politicians indignant at new wiretap accusations

Legislator Ker Chien-ming: Legislative Yuan tapped by SID

Mass protests against Ma planned for September 29th

US analysts: Pivot to Asia running out of steam

Taipei Times editorial: ICAO guest status is not a victory

Wang Jin-pyng versus KMT court battle continues

Taiwan Thinktank survey: Voters plan to 'punish Ma with their ballots'

Lawmakers accuse President of media interference

Anti Ma Ying-jeou protest scheduled for September 29th

Taiwan Society: Trade Pact a "Trojan Horse"

Taipei Times editorial: Ma must drop personal agenda

Liberty Times editorial: Wang oust is about Ma Cross-Strait

Wang Jin-pyng lawsuit moves to High Court

Judicial Reform Foundation: Probe prosecutor-general, abolish SID

Taipei Times editorial: No silk purses from these sow ears

Chen Chih-chung: People in power must lobby with great case

District Court rules in favor of Wang Jin-pyng

Washington Post: Taiwan�s president, ruling party hit by scandal, rifts, anger over wiretapping

Taipei Times editorial: Making China's judiciary look good

Former presidential advisor Rex How: Debate is Ma's tactical distraction

Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chu: Ma's treatment of Wang 'brutal'

Wang Jin-pyng takes KMT to court over membership ruling

Ma Ying-jeou sought Wang's ouster takes KMT to protect KMT post

Wang Jin-pyng's KMT membership revoked as per Ma request

Abraham Denmark & Tiffany Ma: Don't abandon Taiwan for better China ties

Opinion poll: Majority side with Wang against KMT expulsion

Civic groups accuse President of using SID as 'personal tool'

Wang Jin-pyng says Ma Ying-jeou 'misled' by SID

DPP calls for suspension of prosecutor-general

KMT legislator Lee Ching-hua withdraws nuclear poll proposal

DPP says influence peddling case is "political persecution"

Prime Minister Jiang Yi-huah backs Ma Ying-jeou in Wang case

Lawyer group sues SID over probe into LY Speaker

Prosecutor-General Huang defends SID's actions

Ma Ying-jeou disputes Wang's claim he did not interfere

Legislators: Wiretapping of officials common practice

Ma Ying-jeou orders LY Speaker to return to Taiwan

Taipei Times editorial: Resignation portends more strife

Justice Minister Tseng accused of influence peddling, steps down

Prof. Frank Chiang: The scope of the Taiwan Policy Act

Taipei Times editorial: Upholding the nation's name

Prof. Yen Chueh-an: Curing democracy of its maladies

Taipei Times editorial: Fighting the 'point of no return'

GWU Sigur analysis: Taiwan left out of US 'Asia pivot'

Taipei Times editorial: The KMT government's false advertising

Vancouver Sun: Taiwan's recent protests signal a maturing democracy

Prof. J. Bruce Jacobs: Comparisons to China's regime

Randall Schriver: US arms sales must continue

Taipei Times editorial: The misinterpretation of stability

The DPP voices concerns over arms discussion reports

Taiwan-US groups express concern over China drift

Dr. Ko Wen-je scapegoated by National Taiwan University

PRC defense chief: China determined to defend territory

Taipei Times editorial: Ma lives in fear of his people

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: China's deal with Israel is a problem for Taiwan

Ma Ying-jeou meets with US lawmakers in NYC

Taipei Times editorial: Ma's disappointments continue

Liberty Times editorial: White shirts protests symbol of hope

Ma Ying-jeou draws protests on New York visit

TISR opinion poll: Taiwanese identity stays strong

Liberty Times editorial: The people are taking back the future

York Chen: Ma has lost his chance to reform the military

China courts Taiwan's allies

Protesters heckle president Ma Ying-jeou at funeral

Jay Fang: Nuclear plant may win democracy

Mass demonstration in Taipei for Army corporal Hung Chung-chiu

TSU Chair Huang Kun-huei: Time to stand up and be counted

CNN report: Taiwanese adapt theme song of Les Misérables

Ma presidential advisor resigns over service trade pact

Legislative Yuan's review of Taiwan-China Service Agreement postponed

Congressman Robert Andrews introduces bill on medical parole for former President Chen

Prof. Huang Kuo-chang: The total collapse of the president’s legitimacy

Martin Phipps in Taichung: Taiwanese students need to learn to voice opinions

Prof. Liu Ching-yi: Repressing dissent kills democracy

Prof. Lee Hsiao-feng: Teach Taiwan history to the Taiwanese

Civic groups begin protests against cross-strait pact in Taipei

US confirms Taipei submarine request still being reviewed

China praises Ma Ying-jeou's 'one China' remark

DPP: KMT beyond '1992 consensus'

US expert Rick Fisher issues warning over new missile submarines

Premier Jiang Yi-huah backs use of 'Japanese occupation'

DPP: Ma tilts to China's consensus

Civic groups to rally against 'opacity' of service trade pact

Prof. Parris Chang: Stop Taiwan's traitorous Quisling

Taipei Times editorial: People take action for Taiwan

United States to back ICAO bid even after China protest

Opinion poll: Ma an 'over-packaged' product

Prof. Bruce Jacobs: Taiwan isn't actually 'small'

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: China must learn to behave like great power

Congressional Research Service: Missile proliferation a worry for US

DPP to brief diplomatic corps on cross-strait pact

Tario Ong: Chinese set to move to Taiwan

Taipei Times editorial: When showmanship is not enough

Liberty Times editorial: Ma's pacts pave way for 'one China'

Prof. Peter Chow: Service pact with China puts tiger in sheep pen

Dissident Chen Guangcheng: China's activists need support

Taiwan Thinktank poll: Ma's 'one China' view has left public powerless

Michael Danielsen: Demand a KMT Taiwan policy

Chen Guangcheng to start Taiwan visit

Senators Robert Menendez & James Inhofe: Secure a place for Taiwan at the table

DPP slams Ma’s handling of cross-strait relations

Lee Teng-hui: ROC Constitution no longer functioning

MOFA: ‘One China’ not part of Philippines talks

US House: Passes bill on ICAO bid

Taipei Times editorial: Two ways to look at envoys

Lai I-chung: Deciphering Xi’s recent meetings

USCC study: China developing drones to spy on Taiwan

Lee Teng-hui to make symbolic trip to Green Island

Taipei Times editorial: Ma’s 'one China' concession

Ambassador Koh Se-kai: Taiwanese lack sense of crisis

David Huang: Conflict in cross-strait relations

Su opens DC offices: hails 'successful' visit

Su Tseng-chang at Brookings: DPP fully committed to Taiwan’s self-defense

Su Tseng-chang visits Washington: US politians show support

Su Tseng-chang touts DPP’s policies during NYCity visit

Chinese President Xi Jinping urges US to cease Taiwan arms sales

DPP's Su Tseng-chang thanks US for arms sales

Lee Long-hwa: Taiwan on life support

CIA Report shows Taiwan concerns

Taipei Times editorial: "Sorry" cannot fix institutional flaws

US Congress members tell Obama: Remember Taiwan

DPP: calls for increase in defense budget

US security advisor switch unlikely to affect Taiwan

Taipei Times editorial: Double standards of the judiciary

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Seeing the ‘Chinese dream’ for what it is

FAPA expresses deep concern at A-bian suicide bid

DPP's Ker: KMT to blame for controversial vote

Taipei Times editorial: Legislature scheming behind closed doors

Chen Shui-bian stable after suicide bid

International scholars: Ma in 'international legal suicide’

DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang: Ma’s tour ignored green energy

Chinese general: Chinese patrols in Asian seas ‘legitimate’

Former DPP Foreign Minister Mark Chen rejects Chinese officials’ independence comments

Foreign Minister David Lin left alone to defend flip-flops in Manila row

Ben Goren: A historical perspective on Han chauvinism

Michael Turton: Taiwan botches an international incident

Miles Yu in the WashTimes: Taiwan, China vie for toughness

Vance Serchuk in the WashPost: Obama’s silence on Taiwan masks its significance in Asia

Mei-chin Chen: Ma's surprises in the crisis with the Philippines

Former Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan must keep a cool head in dispute

Rodel Rodis in Philippine Inquirer: Confronting big China and little China

Taiwan's justice ministry rejects Manila’s investigators

DPP group seeks to base cross-strait ties on rights

New York Times: Tensions flare in Asian seas, now involving Taiwan

Taipei Times editorial: Xi Jinping’s memo is a wake-up call

Philippine-Taiwan row: US mediation likely vital

Taiwan releases data from shipboard recorder

Taipei Times editorial: Ma's second term no cause for joy

DPP to Ma: Put the country back on track

Young Taiwanese show solidarity with Filipinos

TECRO press release: Shooting was ‘extra-judicial killing’

Taipei & Manila arrive at consensus on parallel probe

Thousands in Taipei rally against nuclear power

Taiwan beefs up sanctions on Philippines as row escalates

Philip Bowring in the SCMP: Taiwan's reaction to killing of fisherman is out of proportion

The Economist: Taiwan and the Philippines: Sea of Troubles

United States concerned about WHO restrictions on Taiwan

DPP questions Ma's defense efforts

US DOD report critical of Taiwan’s defenses

US experts: Chinese drones pose threat

Gerrit van der Wees: Ma should seek a clear "Taiwan Consensus"

US Congressmen concerned about Chen Shui-bian

Taipei Times editorial: More jaw-dropping comments

DPP opens Washington office, announces Su’s visit

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwanese must be free to choose their own future

Taipei Times editorial: Lin Yi-shih court ruling puzzles the public

DPP unveals China Affairs Committee makeup

William Lowther: US release files on recognizing PRC

US Expert: Chinese threats impede unification

World Uyghur Congress: Taiwan ‘must follow its own security policies’

Lai I-chung: Democracy activists in China need our help

US Congressman Steve Chabot hopes to meet former President Chen

US House subcommittee unanimously passes Taiwan Policy Act

Nuclear power referendum referred to a second reading in the LY

Pro-independence group to establish union against ‘one China’

Mei-chin Chen: Government actions over Chen widen political gulf

Prosecutor's Office asks for share of sale of Chen’s US property

Cabinet approves absentee vote

Taipei Times editorial: Chen Shui-bian's right to medical care

Jerome Keating: China will have to deal with the DPP

DPP to sue justice minister over Chen transfer to prison

Taiwan Democracy Watch: Support human rights on both sides of Strait

Wu Jieh-min and Hsu We-chun: The need for talks on human rights

Nuclear referendum question protested

China adds ‘carrier killer’ to missiles facing Taiwan

James Wang: DPP must stick to its core values

US Human Rights report points to Taiwan corruption, abuse

Former President Chen: I need medical care, not a big prison

Taichung Prison reveals former president’s new cell

Abian's relocation sparks fury, clashes

Chen Shui-bian's transfer to Taichung Prison ignites furor

Taiwan lawmakers protest A-bian relocation, disrupt session

Secretary of State Kerry vows to look at A-bian case

DPP urges KMT support on nuclear power plant vote

Prof. Chang Kuo-tsai: In Taiwan, selective application of the law

US panel praises Ma speech, warns about China

AsiaTimes online: China sees red over Taiwan-Japan pact

Former Deputy Science Minister Shieh files suit against prosecutor for malicious prosecution

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: How China handles N Korea could mold region

DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang warns of growing Chinese influence

Tsai Ing-wen: Consensus needed on Cross-Strait offices

Congressional panel: Taiwan slipping off US agenda

US Congressmen Andrews and McCaul urge resumption of diplomatic ties

Tsai Ing-wen voted most trustworthy politician

Taipei Times editorial: Worship of Chiang Kai-shek continues

James Wang: Xi Jinping’s dreams are dreams for ruling elite

FAPA calls on John Kerry to pressure Beijing on Taiwan's international space

Richard Bush: Beijing should not ‘push political talks’

Chiang Kai-shek website criticized for effusive praise

Paul Lin: President’s scandal-hit aides reflect deception

US-Taiwan Business Council: US fighter sale ‘shows hypocrisy’

Former US Naval officer McDevitt warns on potential conflict

Taipei Times editorial: Celebrating Deng Nan-jung

Mei-chin Chen: Taiwan at nuclear crossroads

Formosan Association urges US to protest restrictions

DPP lawmakers to propose ban on use of Chinese IT

DPP's Tsai Ing-wen calls for closer cooperation with Indonesia

Next Media: Want Want takover of media deal failed

Lawyer: Prosecutors offered Koo Jr a deal to talk

Huang Kuo-chang: NCC media monopoly draft useless

Deadlock over TaiPower nuclear resolution

Taiwan gets barred from Jakarta defense summit

Former AIT Director William Stanton: Taiwanese spies undermine US confidence

Prof. Lin Yu-hsiung: Formulating nuclear power referendum questions

Taipei Times editorial: Taiwan is hostage to a blatant lie

Former President Lee Teng-hui: Resolve divided national identity

Orioles manager: Use 'Taiwan,' not 'Chinese Taipei'

Congressman Robert Andrews urges US to take stand on Chen’s parole

Mei-chin Chen: Ma must act now to leave rights legacy

Academics: A-bian’s trials show justice as political tool

Taipei Times editorial: Exposing the 228 Massacre’s secrets

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: A focus on defense a must for the nation

Taipei Times editorial: Action needed on human rights

Lin Yi-hsiung: Power plant referendum a prank

DPP to challenge nuclear powerplant vote

Nuclear power debate: Lawmakers preparing for nuclear vote

Chen I-chung: Proposed referendum on power plant absurd

Taiwan Diaoyutai group works for China

Presbyterian Church lambasts Ma over treatment of Chen Shui-bian

Woodrow Wilson conference: Taiwan must work on self-defense

Marchers tell public not to forget 228 Massacre

228 Incident: Lin I-hsiung’s family tragedy commemorated

Taipei Times editorial: Remembrance, not burial of the truth

Ketty Chen: Remembering Taiwan's tragic past

DPP criticizes Ma over 228 Massacre

The Independent: Military espionage in Taiwan

Russell Hsiao: Balancing power across the Strait

James R. Holmes: America’s Pivot, Taiwan and Anti-Access

DPP Legislator Yu Mei-nu: Make White Terror files readily available

Chris Twomey: PRC, US have ‘divergent’ Taiwan interests

J. Bruce Jacobs: The Senkakus; A Taiwan coda

Taipei Times editorial: The abuse of Chen's human rights

National Communications Commission: Want Want-CNS merger rules not met

International scholars laud Judge Hung Yin-hua

J. Michael Cole: A new defintion of military success

Brookings paper: Taiwan government 'deficient' on defense

Feature article: Students, activism and social networks

Taiwanese youths urge public to join anti-monopoly fight

Secretary of State John Kerry commits to Taiwan's defense

Assistant Secretary Kurt Campbell resigns from State Department position

Randy Schriver: Taiwan needs to play a 'constructive' role in the Diaoyutais

Senator John Cornyn Taiwan must be alert to PRC threat

Taipei Times editorial: The art of choosing sides

Daniel Twining: The Taiwan linchpin

DPP slams Beijing over Japan comments

Annette Lu urges house arrest for Chen Shui-bian

New Cabinet almost complete, old one to resign today

Communication Commission unveils draft of act to prevent media monopolies

Taipei Times editorial: Want Want media group is a cancer

Gary Rawnsley: Media monopolies must be stopped

Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley: Anti-media monopoly explained

Taipei Times editorial: China's assault on press freedom

Jiang Yi-huah to take over as Premier as Sean Chen quits

AIT Chairman Burghardt: Visit related to security

Chomsky denies being deceived in media dispute

Taipei Times editorial: Denying the 'China factor'

Stuart Gottlieb: Protect Taiwan's press from Beijing

Ex-generals seek PRC tie-up on Senkaku islands

Want Want intensifies attack in Chomsky controversy

Former ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan and the growing crisis in the Diaoyutais

Pan-green camp slams pension reform

DPP urges president to grant Chen Shui-bian medical parole

Congressional report raises questions over Taiwan's cross-strait ties

Dan Blumenthal and Gary Schmitt: US should rethink China policy

Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen tables bill to boost US-Taiwan ties

Brian Benedictus: How to cope with China and threats of conflict

Chang Kuo-tsai: Trust in judiciary diminishing

DPP: Protection of human rights precondition in future cross-strait agreements

Congressman Steve Chabot says A-bian should be paroled

Taipei Times editorial: Ma’s swelling credibility gap

DPP to start media monopoly taskforce

The Economist: Give us our daily Apple

Taiwanese-Japanese professor Ko Bunyu: Taiwan’s future ‘brighter’ than China’s

China calls US warning on Diaoyutais 'betrayal'

Brookings academics urge US action on isles dispute

Former Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: A brighter vision for Taiwan and its future

Richard Bush of Brookings: Taipei on 'slippery slope' in dealing with China

US Senator Murkowski presses Ma on Chen Shui-bian's health

Ketty Chen and Julia Famularo: Cross-Strait media deals spark concern in Taiwan

PRC to issue new official map of 'full' territory

New book by Prof. Bruce Jacobs: Democratizing Taiwan

Thousands protest against Ma

Ma Ying-jeou honors Chiang Ching-kuo, tight-lipped on rally

Taipei Times editorial: Government fans public 'fury'

James Wang: What has Ma done for the nation?

Interview with Su Tseng-chang: Casting light on DPP’s perspective

Angry students protest over KMT’s retreat on media

Beijing accuses Tokyo of heightening Senkaku isles tension

DPP initiates "Fury" protest countdown, supported by the TSU

Congressional Research Service report lists key Taiwan policy issues

DPP questions exclusion from US Congressional group's visit

Int'l Herald Tribune: As Taiwan’s links with China grow, so do concerns

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Economy needs innovative 'wings'

Civic groups protests recent executions

Yuanta-Polaris thinktank cuts economic forecasts

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Want Want monopoly threatens democracy

Index on Censorship: "Horrible disaster" brewing in Taiwanese media sector

Ambassador Ko Se-kai: Pro-China stance risks Japan ties

China "concerned" by US arms law provisions

Taiwan Thinktank opinion poll: People pessimistic and unhappy with Ma

European Union: Taiwan breached its commitments on death penalty

Jerome Keating: Ma administration bumbling along

US Defense bill clause puts pressure on Obama over Taiwan airforce

Human rights advocate Jerome Cohen visits former President Chen

Formosan Association for Human Rights (FAHR) mission: Chen Shui-bian's trial unfair

Woodrow Wilson seminar: Taiwan’s ties with China a problem

PRC steps up pressure for 'peace pact'

Prof. Herbert Hanreich: Taiwan’s human rights in jeopardy

DPP Chairman Su: Erosion of rights requires international attention

President Ma meets protests at human rights event

Former governor Frank Murkowski warns of overreliance on China

Friends of Taiwan in LA: Open letter to President Ma on Chen Shui-bian

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: The 'status quo' is just not good enough

Kurt Campbell calls for caution in dealing with islands dispute

Ruan Ming: Avoiding being left out in the cold

DPP to hold series of protest rallies

Prof Nancy Tucker dies after long cancer struggle

DPP lawmakers defend students’ rights

Democracy activists look back on start of FAPA

Tsai Ing-wen speaks out on music awards row

Academics protest over MOE email

Lu Shih-hsiang: Ma turning a blind eye to will of Taiwanese

US Senate approves amendment backing Japanese claims

FAPA calls on Taiwan government to stop sale of Next Media group

Paul Lin: Ma should stamp his authority on passports

United States asks China to rethink new passports

Federal Trade Commission hears concerns over Next Media buyout

Repr. Ed Royce to head House foreign affairs committee

Next Media deal close to being signed

CSIS' Chris Johnson says Xi Jinping will not change cross-Strait ties

TISR poll: Pension funds a ‘major national crisis’

Lee Min-yung: Dealing with the remnants of the ROC

J. Michael Cole: Taking Asia by surprise: a response

Taipei protests China’s new passports

Tsai Ing-wen to join DPP China Affairs Committee

Gerrit van der Wees: Book review of Tonio Andrade's "Lost Colony"

Taiwan groups slam denial of Dalai Lama visit

Foreign calls for Chen Shui-bian's medical parole growing

Taipei Times editorial: From "bumblers" to real leaders

Mei-chin Chen: Taiwan's China policy is simple

Tsai Ing-wen: Government has to start reforms urgently

Taipei Times editorial: Ma is missing an historic opportunity

Paul Lin: Redefining cross-Strait relations

DPP's Su and Hsieh push for China affairs department

Richard Halloran: US-China ties unlikely to improve

DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang: Ma stalls on national affairs conference

Next Media employees stage protest against takeover

Taipei Times editorial: Ma must keep cross-strait status quo

Ministry of Justice/MOFA: Parole for Chen Shui-bian impossible

Su Tseng-chang: President must scrutinize Next Media buyers

The Economist: Ma the bumbler loses his shine

Joseph Wu named DPP representative to the US

US approves King Pu-tsung as representative

Ex US-official pans Ma at TAA holiday dinner

FAPA President Mark Kao criticizes OCAC name change

US-China Commission: warns on military imbalance

Hsieh Chang-ting: "Constitutions" is not a "One China" proposal

Tom Tancredo visits Chen Shui-bian

Taiwan cool to China's unification call

MOFA hopes for boost in US relations

Human Rights groups to stage events in support of A-bian

Want Want's Tsai Eng-meng behind Next Media bid

AIT's Brent Christensen US looks forward to strengthening ties with Taiwan

Newsmedia forum warns of PRC’s influence

DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang optimistic US relations can be rebuilt

Ministry of Defense: Radar data will not be shared with US

Ministry of Defense: Taipei’s missile ‘umbrella’ to be bolstered

Europarliamentarian Callahan: China hampers trade talks

Taipei Times editorial: Goverment support hits new lows

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Granting medical parole for President Chen would heal nation

Opinion poll shows Ma Ying-jeou's approval rating at its lowest yet

Three retired officers arrested for spying for China

William Lowther: US storm puts an end to debate on Asia

Tsai Ing-wen talks economy, 2014 election during US visit

Senator Sherrod Brown asks AIT director to visit former president Chen

Opinion poll results make grim reading for Ma Ying-jeou

Liberal International calls for A-bian medical parole

Mei-chin Chen: Ma government misses the chance to make a case on Senkakus/ Diaoyutai

Former DAS Randy Schriver: Taiwan claim to sovereignty over Diaoyutai "difficult"

US Congressman Howard Berman urges Chen Shui-bian to be freed from jail

Prof. Chang Kuo-tsai: The tragedy of being Taiwanese

Tsai Ing-wen and Su Tseng-chang: Ma should listen to the people

Cain Nunns: China and Taiwan: from enemies to frenemies

Dan Bloom: World must refute Chinese lies

US Taiwanese organizations enraged by OCAC name change plans

Taipei Veterans Hospital: former president Chen Shui-bian needs psychiatric care

Tsai Ing-wen plays down impact of Hsieh's trip to China

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Diaoyutais hiding PRC elephant in the room

Richard Halloran: Senkaku dispute proves worrying for US

Prof. Lai Fu-shun: President Ma needs a history lesson

AIT Director Chris Marut: Taiwan an important part of US’ Asia strategy

Sushil Seth: China-Japan confrontation looms

Former ambassador Joseph Wu on US defense ‘snub’

Jerome Keating: Ma aims yes-men at final fantasy

Mei-chin Chen: The way forward in Senkaku/Tiaoyutai altercation

Senior US officials skip defense meet

Legislative report: ECFA benefits mostly China

TIME Magazine: Big US fleet nears disputed islands, but what for?

Michael Turton: The Diaoyutai on Taiwan’s official maps

Overseas Affairs Commission covertly re-sinicized

Ma Ying-jeou lauds fishermen in island protest

Taiwanese flotilla sails to Diaoyutais

"Julie" Chen Yu-wen: China’s actions undermine image

Tibetans decry Chinese domination

Taiwanese-Americans stage New York event for UN membership

Mitt Romney video flap spreads to opinions on Taiwan relations

Taipei Times: Ma appointments lay bare his cross-strait ambitions

Taiwan commentators: Ma’s new appointments an example of ‘inbreeding’

Mike Mazza: Playing the adult in the Diaoyutais

PRC-Japan tensions grow over Senkaku Islands

Taipei mayor Hau proposes visiting jailed ex-president

Huang Tien-lin: Senkaku island spat is simply a diversion from reality

New calls for medical parole for Chen Shui-bian

Taipei Times editorial: Whitewashing China’s ambitions

Ex-president Lee Teng-hui: Diaoyutais a fishing rights issue

John Bolton: Taiwan should renounce China's outlandish claims

KMT CSC member blasts Ma over party asset issue

Taipei Times editorial: Taiwan, Hong Kong, and democracy

FAPA calls on US Congress for support on Corvallis

Corvallis mayor lectures Chinese officials on freedom of speech

Naval expert James Holmes: Taiwan must rethink naval strategy

Mo Yan-Chih: Ma does little to bolster Taiwan’s claim on islands

Taiwan activists support ‘anti-brainwashing’ protests

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: US should formulate a new policy on Taiwan

US intelligence report: China held secret missile tests

John Tkacik in the WashPost: Underestimating the China challenge

FAPA President Mark Kao: KMT should practice the values they promulgate

Ministry of National Defense: China aiming 200 more missiles at Taiwan

J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: Taiwan hedges its bets on China

DPP considering citizen lawsuit against NCC deal

Thousands in Taipei protest Want Want media monopoly

DPP says Ma has broken his vows on KMT assets

Taipei Times editorial: The China threat is no invention

Ex-president Chen writes of "death in prison"

Ma Ying-jeou insists Chen medical parole not a 'political' issue

Culture Minister Lung Ying-tai: Taiwan must understand China

Ma Ying-jeou rejects Chen's medical parole

DPP demands clarity on Diaoyutai talks

Chen Rong-jye: Ma’s empty promises on defending sovereignty

Romney aide affirms Taiwan stance

James Wang: Historical subtleties complicate land dispute

Taipei Times editorial: Bringing out the whipping boy

Ramsey Clark asks government to free Chen Shui-bian

Tsai Ing-wen files lawsuit over Yu Chang smear

John Tkacik: US commitment on Taiwan is firm

Former DPP chair Tsai Ing-wen: KMT hurt democracy

Liberty Times editorial: China’s power is its deep pockets

Tsai Ing-wen cleared of Yu Chang Biologics allegations

Taipei Times editorial: In a political maze

FAPA President Mark Kao: Jury still out on Taiwan's judiciary

TSU, Tibetans and Falungong stage protests against Chinese

DPP and TSU: Investment pact a "defeat"

SEF and ARATS sign cross-Strait investment pact

Su Tseng-chang again calls for rights in pact with China

Heavy security as ARATS chief visits Taiwan

J. Michael Cole: US to deploy drones over Diaoyutais

Ma Ing-jeou urged to end his silence on Taiwan detainee in China

Tsai Ing-wen announces launch of new foundation

Honingmann Hong named DPP China Affairs director

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: US should heed Huntsman's advice

Joe Bosco: Time for Taiwan to take action on South China Sea

Ma Ying-jeou says Taipei Treaty transferred Taiwan to ROC

Jerome Keating Time to end these futile charades

Ma Ying-jeou proposes East China Sea initiative

Senators Murkowski and Begich introduce Taiwan democracy resolution

London 2012 Olympics flag warning sparks outrage

Former President Lee working on book about the future

Singapore observer: Time to do the right thing with Chen Shui-bian

Taipei Times editorial: Wanted: a government with spine

Michelle Wang: Crying out for humanitarianism for Chen Shui-bian

Former President Lee Teng-hui supports student protesters

DPP Chiayi officials released on bail

DPP Chiayi officials detained for questioning in new probe

Taipei Times editorial: Probe seems like bad soap opera

Huang Tien-lin: The hidden costs of unification economics

DPP to reinstate China affaird department

Taiwan Solidarity Union sees red as ECFA referendum rejected

Legislature votes to allow ractopamine

Legislative Yuan in last-ditch talks ahead of extra session

KMT corruption and graft scandal widens to premier Wu Den-yi

Prof. Chu Ping-tzu: KMT plans revisionist constitution and schoolbook rewrite idea

Tsai Ing-wen: Chen Shui-bien merits proper medical care

DPP is firm on "China" name issue

United States to accept "Taiwan" on entry forms

US-Taiwan Business Council: F-16A/B upgrade not enough

ECFA referendum application will be heard

US Senator Sherrod Brown urges US involvement in Chen Shui-bian's prison case

Taipei Times editorial: Ma's commitment to human rights

Jon Huntsman: US must rely on its values to face China

Stephen Hadley: Much heat has gone out of Taiwan issue

Taiwan historians insist Ma should leave textbooks alone

Prof. Huang Tien-lin: China myth is leading Taiwan into decline

Japanese lawmakers warn Taiwan over cozying to China

DPP election ushers in new party leadership

US lawmakers call for Chen Shui-bian's release

United States pays tribute to 'six assurances'

AIT Chairman Burghardt: US-Taiwan relations remain robust

Taipei Times editorial: US 'abandoning' Taiwan is outdated

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen sets up public policy foundation

TVBS poll: President Ma Ying-jeou's popularity plunges to new low

Taipei Times editorial: Now is the time for Ma to act

Ma Ying-jeou refuses to consider letting go of KMT helm

Prof. Tung Chen-yuan: Economic policy requires focus

Wu Li-pei: No democracy without US support

Taiwan Solidarity Union: demands visa for Rebiya Kadeer

Democratic Progressive Party seeks public support for ex-president

Russian expert: China is 'severe' nuclear threat to Taiwan

Vietnamese analyst: Taiwan detente with PRC cause of increasing tension

AIT Director William Stanton: US beef is political hostage

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: How Taiwan can be a good model for China to follow

Jeff Tsai: The fallacy of Ma's 'one ROC, two areas' idea

Prof. Tung Chen-yuan: ECFA, US beef: More empty words?

Taipei Times editorial: Prof. Chen Wen-chen, honoring a democratic cause

Prof. Hsu Yung-ming: President Ma running democratic dictatorship

Congressman Howard Berman objects to ‘China (Taiwan)’ reference on I-94

Former President Lee Teng-hui speaks out on ractopamine, key influences

Liberty Times editorial: Textbook tactics to re-write history

Tsong Tien-tzou: US shows us an ideal transition of power

Executive branch urges extra session for beef vote

Civic group CCW blames Ma for gridlock

TSU calls for referendum reform

US medical experts: Prison harming Chen Shui-bian

Former governor Frank Murkowski: Treatment of Chen Shui-bian is a national disgrace

Prof. Jerome Keating: Time for Taiwan to define its own history

AEI report: Chinese missiles threaten Taiwan airfields

AmCham says Ma needs to lead better

US concerned about Taiwan-China ties in the South China Sea

Minister Lung Ying-tai silent on Tienanmen massacre

New DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang appoints personnel to key positions

Jonathan Manthorpe in the Vancouver Sun: Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou sees popularity plummet

Taipei Times editorial: Now the DPP must show it can lead

New DPP boss Su Tseng-chang rings in changes

New DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang extends olive branch to China

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan’s beacon starts to flicker

Yang Liu Hsiu-hua: Taiwan must face its ROC demons

Lee Teng-hui: Economy should be like Noah’s Ark

Su Tseng-chang wins DPP chair vote

Hung Chi-kune: Goose could be cooked with eggs in one basket

DPP goes to the poll in chairmanship elections

Serena Su: WHO, Taiwan continuing to play the name game

US Congressional Research Service: Taiwanese air force faces plane shortage by 2020

US Human Rights Report mixed on Taiwan

Taiwan analysts: Ma’s inauguration speech vague, conflicting

TSU legislator gets booted out of WHA Forum

US lawmakers: Taiwan a "bastion of hope"

Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen intrigued by ‘one country, two areas’

Ex-President Chen slapped with more charges

Taiwanese legislators ask for WHO and UN status

Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen: The US must stand by its old ally Taiwan

Hundred thousand+ take part in anti-Ma rally

Taiwanese come together to protest

Prof. Chen Ching-chih: "Lo lat", Taiwan's lost culture of gratitude

J. Michael Cole: PRC hijacking Chennault legacy?

Taipei Times editorial: Is Ma deaf to normal people’s pleas?

Susil Seth: US, China play risky power game

Former President Lee Teng-hui visits Chiayi, Tainan

Taipei Times editorial: A youthful conflict of interests

Tsai Ing-wen accuses President Ma of heavy-handed rule

Perry Link in the WashPost: America's outdated view of China

California changes Taiwanese policy

Congressman Howard Berman wants fairness for Taiwanese voters

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Leading by example is a good way to influence

White House ‘considering’ F-16 jet sale

Richard, Lord Faulkner: Time for a fresh start with Taiwan

US China Review Commission: China's space know-how said threat to US, Taiwan

Huffington Post: Chen Shui-bian and the rough waters of human rights

Cain Nunns in The Diplomat: Taiwan’s pointless toe treading on the South China Sea

Prof. Bruce Jacobs: Taiwan should focus on decolonization

Prof. Huang Tien-lin: ‘Lost years’ showcase Taiwan’s true story

US Congressman Dan Lungren calls for Chen Shui-bian to be given medical leave

Prof. Peng Ming-min: China and Taiwan too different to get along

J. Michael Cole: How to deter Taiwan clash

Former president Lee Teng-hui: Ma Ing-jeou has his history wrong

Opinion survey: Ma’s approval rating at 18.7%

US-Taiwan Business Council and Project 2049 report: Ignore China on US arms sales

Liberty Times editorial: Ma’s diplomacy needs to grow up

Mark Stokes & Russell Hsiao in The Diplomat: Why U.S. Military Needs Taiwan

Liu Shih-chung: An open and democratic race for DPP leadership

Paul Lin: Ma should stop, look and listen

FAPA condems "One country, two areas" formula

Su Tseng-chang registers for DPP chairman election

DPP plans huge rally around Ma’s inauguration day

FAPA President Mark Kao: Celebrating 33 years of the TRA and free Taiwan

Pro-independence groups urge US to stand by TRA

Taipei Times editorial: Ma’s small fib reveals big lie

Former diplomat Joseh Wu: Ma ‘sold out’ sovereignty

DPP officials: ‘Diplomatic truce’ of no benefit to nation

Tung Chen-yuan: Three easy steps to get DPP, CCP conversing

Liu Shih-chung: Ma’s policies bring uncertainty

Michael Danielsen: KMT fails to extend Taiwan’s global reach

J. Michael Cole: China modernizing missile brigades

Freedom of Speech Day to honor Deng Nan-jung

VP elect Wu Den-yih meets with Li Keqiang at Boao Forum

Christian Fan Jiang: Democratic Taiwan is unrelated to China

Kuomintang Party denies ex-US official's claims

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: "One country, two areas" a big step in the wrong direction

Taipei Times editorial: Ma's China policy inching toward breaking point

Ex US diplomat John Tkacik: Taiwan ‘agrees’ it’s part of China

Congressman Steve Chabot: Chen Shui-bian’s treatment ‘a tragedy’

Jerome Keating: All aboard Ma’s rudderless ship

Mrs. Yang Liu hsiu-hua: Release Chen Shui-bian

Opinion poll: Public rejects ‘one country, two areas’

AsiaTimes online: Loose tongues in cross-strait relations

DPP demands Ma apology over "One country, two areas" policy

KMT defends "One country, two areas"

China's Taiwan Affairs Office ‘One China’ cannot be negotiated

Winston Dang: Taiwan can learn from EU over US beef issue

Ex-Obama official Jeff Bader: Abandoning Taiwan is ‘unthinkable'

Tsai Ing-wen blasts proposed ‘one country, two areas’ policy

DPP and TSU strongly criticize ‘one country, two areas’

FAPA asks Obama to help get medical parole for Chen Shui-bian

Tsai Ing-wen demands ‘two areas’ clarification

Chen I-chung: Beef controversy is a political issue

Taipei Times editorial: For Beijing, mutual trust is one-way

Hillary Clinton: US has ‘strengthened’ relationship with Taiwan

Civic panel calls on DPP to rediscover roots

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan deserves normalized relations

Taiwan human rights groups demand China stop repression of minorities

Taiwan academics warn about China’s media influence

China's defense spending to top US$100 billion

Taipei Times editorial: Spying cases lose-lose for Taiwan

J. Michael Cole: Taiwan hit by another espionage case

Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chu accepts DPP reins

US Congressmen mark anniversary of 228 Massacre

Former Foreign Minister Mark Chen: Time to end one-sided ‘diplomatic truce’ ploy

Lin Yung-mei: The historical significance of 228

Hundreds in Taipei commemorate 228 victims

President Ma renews pledge to uncover 228 truth

Taipei Times editorial: 228, more to truth than a number

Tsai Ing-wen praises late independence icons

Liu Shih-chung: DPP must get serious about China

Hung Chi-kune: Beijing’s push for talks will not succeed

Taipei Times editorial: More nails in the annexation coffin

Liu Shih-chung: Tsai Ing-wen still controlling the DPP's agenda

Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chu to take the helm at DPP

Sushil Seth: Tibet problem will not go away

Tsai Ing-wen expresses concerns over escalation in Tibet

Prof. Chang Yen-hsian: It’s time we boycotted pro-China companies

Jeremy Lin's family insists he is Taiwanese

President Obama takes ‘tougher’ tone with Xi

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan has to move towards true democracy

Taiwanese-Americans complain of US interference in Taiwan's elections

Text of Open Letter to President Obama

Taiwanese to protest against Xi Jinping’s US visit

Sushil Seth: How strong is China’s economy?

Julian Baum and Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Taiwan’s Imperfect Democracy

Michael Danielsen: Waking from the hamster wheel

Winston Dang: China and US cannot co-manage Taiwan

Taipei Times editorial: KMT, none so blind as he who can’t see

Gerrit van der Wees: The Chinese shadow on Taiwan's elections

DPP soul-searching on Taiwan, ‘1992 consensus’

Taiwan academics: No full democracy in Taiwan yet

Tsai Ing-wen embarks on ‘thank you tour’ of nation

Tsai Ing-wen: No tears for a tough fighter

Lee Teng-hui: Both election winners and losers have responsibilities

US academics see little progress in ties

Washington Post: Tycoon prods Taiwan closer to China

Wall Street Journal: What is next for Taiwan's DPP opposition?

Parris Chang: What can Taiwan do for the US?

Taipei Times editorial: The DPP versus corporate greed

Prof. Jerome Keating: The mandate that never was

Julian Baum: Taiwan elections, democracy is still under China's siege

Jonathan Power: The Taiwan enigma

The Economist: Taiwanese democracy catches on—in China

Taipei Times editorial: Where next for the DPP?

Richard Bush sees cautious cross-Strait policy

Taiwan academics encourage Ma to be cautious with policies

Taipei Times editorial: Ma needs bold, balanced action

Phil Bowring in the WSJ: Taiwan's economic tunnel vision

Rev. Kao Chun-ming et al: An open letter to the DPP’s Tsai Ing-wen

Michael Turton: Property and taxes in Taiwan's elections

Lee Teng-hui: ‘1992 consensus’ not to blame for DPP’s loss

Wall Street Journal: Taiwan Vote Shows Doubt About China

Vancouver Sun: Washington, Beijing's relief over Taiwan election will be temporary

Taipei Times editorial: The changing "status quo"

Tsai Ing-wen to step down March 1st

DPP ponders reason for defeat

International ICFET observers: Elections ‘free, partly unfair’

Washington Post: Taiwan unlikely to move to reunify with China in spite of Ma win

Former president Lee Teng-hui stumps onstage for Tsai

American Institute in Taiwan distances itself from Douglas Paal

Former Alaska governor Murkowski: lambasts Doug Paal for remarks

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Washington must back Taiwanese democracy

AFP report: Wary of China, many Taiwanese hope for DPP win

Tsai Ing-wen confident DPP heading for victory

DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen’s election platform

Presidential candidates stage rallies nationwide

Tsai Ing-wen talks to NYTimes about "Taiwan consensus"

Wall Street Journal: KMT taps temple networks

Christian Science Monitor: Taiwan elections: US must show respect for self-determination

Tsai Ing-wen: Ma responsible for abuse of power

Prof. Jerome Keating: Taiwan can’t afford Ma’s inaction

DPP files charges over spying claims

Liu Shih-chung: Projecting the post-election scene

Bo Tedards: President Ma Ying-jeou's Watergate?

Last DPP poll has Tsai ahead by one point

The KMT shredded spying documents

Joseph Bosco: Beware unfulfilled expectations

Tsai Ing-wen declares 2012 to be ‘special year’

Ambassador Joseph Wu Integrity, or the lack of it, pervades this election

International watchgroup calls for spying probe

United States worried by closeness of Ma to China

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: China issue constantly looming in background

Presidential candidates cross swords in debate

Rev. Milo Thornberry: How long until true democracy in Taiwan?

Gerrit van der Wees: Does the US have a preference in Taiwan’s elections?

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Neutrality needed from Beijing and Washington

Taipei Times editorial: Bad, bad timing on the visa waiver

Prof. Peng Ming-min talks about need for fair election

US lawmakers demand poll neutrality

Tsai Ing-wen: Democracy weakened under Ma

Former President Lee Teng-hui accuses Ma of ‘distorting history’

US Congress urge US to be neutral in the presidential election

KMT says VWP decision shows US support for Ma

Jerome Keating: Preparing for a new legislature

Russel Hsiao: convergence in cross-strait policies

AIT: Taiwan gets US visa-waiver nomination

Liberty Times editorial: KMT smear campaign backfires

DPP: Yu Chang Biologics papers altered twice

DPP steps up attack over Fubon merger

Ambassador Joseph Wu: Taiwanese democracy, Stalin-style

Presidential candidates spar in final TV debate

Yahoo-Kimo poll gives Tsai a huge lead in the debate

DPP: China must respect wishes of Taiwanese voters

DPP's Tsai Ing-wen hits back at KMT

Gerrit van der Wees: Yu Chang Biologics investigation backfiring on President Ma

Liberty Times poll shows Tsai and Ma virtually tied

Politicians and academics form fair election committee

Scholars and scientists speak out to support Tsai

Li Thian-hok: Remembering a son of Taiwan

Brookings forum: ‘Anxiety’ affecting elections

Taipei Times editorial: Enough mud, we want policy details

DPP says: KMT inciting a ‘Watergate’

Taipei Times editorial: A self-inflicted wound for the KMT?

CEPD Minister Christina Liu apologizes for ‘confusing the dates’

John J. Tkacik Jr.: AIT has nothing but praise for Tsai Ing-wen

Prof. Peng Ming-min: Missionary work aided democracy movement

Tsai Ing-wen: the KMT has nothing to offer, resorts to smear tactics

J. Michael Cole: Chinese netizens praise democracy

Tsai Ing-wen's ‘little piggies’ find way home

DPP overwhelmed by clinking piggies

William Lowther in the TT: US media start paying attention to election

Washington Post: China frets as Taiwan president faces tough reelection bid

Michael Turton: KMT Smear Campaign Moves Into High Gear?

Taipei Times editorial: Reflecting on Human Rights Day

Tsai Ing-wen accuses Ma of using smear tactics

Lee Teng-hui: Ma’s actions on ‘1992 consensus’ a ‘disgrace’

Joe Doufu: KMT even running out of ‘quality’ dirty tricks

Shirley Kan urges Taiwan to show its commitment

Taipei Times editorial: Standing up for a fair election

Bill Chang: Striving to divine US intentions

Ma Ying-jeou's office: denies China interference

Taipei Times editorial: Locking in the ‘1992 consensus’

DPP preparing for the return of the piggybanks

DPP: Ma changed KMT ‘in a bad way’

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: What the US "pivot" may mean for Taiwan

Presidential candidates outline visions for Taiwan

Presidential candidates cross swords

Michael Danielsen: Seeing the real outliers in Taiwan’s recent past

US Congress to watch Taiwan election closely

Tsai Ing-wen's lead over Ma increasing

European election observers denied funding by MOFA

Milo Thornberry: Celebrating US complicity in terror

Richard Halloran: Ambiguous reaction on US posture from China

DPP rolls out two new campaign ads focusing on policy

Tsai Ing-wen promises long-term care system

Huang Tien-lin: TAIEX drop is proof of failings in Ma policies

Taipei Times editorial: A new Cold War looms in East Asia

Lin Cheng-yi: It is time to pick sides in the South China Sea

Global Times OpEd: South China Sea all PRC’s

Sushil Seth: US confronts China in Asia-Pacific

Ma Ying-jeou on the defensive after "Dreamers" fiasco

James Soong says he supports eventual unification

Tsai Ing-wen says she is ‘open-minded’ on China visit

Central Election Commission tallies candidates on last day

Taipei Times editorial: Though past, Ma’s meeting wrong

Richard Halloran: Obama maps out new Asia strategy

Russell Hsiao: Avoid the China trap, recognize Taiwan

Tsai Ing-wen expands lead over Ma in poll

James Soong signs up for presidential race

DPP's Tsai Ing-wen registers for presidential election

Liu Shih-chung: Ma puts his re-election in jeopardy

Presidential candidates present their platform at AmCham meet

Taiwan Thinktank: Tsai leading Ma in opinion poll

Huang Tien-lin: Why Ma is not keen to pursue TPP membership

Taipei Times editorial: Fear descends upon the elections

Rev. Milo Thornberry denounces ‘conspiracy of silence’

"Robin Hood" label stokes Ma, Tsai war-of-words

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Selling out Taiwan not an option for the US

Former President Lee Teng-hui: Ma's peace proposal poses grave risk

DPP says it can back up claims of interference

Tsai Ing-wen: APEC envoy’s talk raises concerns

Election polls indicate Ma lead starting to fall

DPP lashes out at Lien-Hu APEC talks

‘New York Times’ op-ed calls on US to sell out Taiwan

New TVBS poll gives DPP’s Tsai a slight lead over Ma

2012 Elections: Woman makes large piggy bank delivery

Seminar at AEI: Taiwan has key role to play in future of Asia

Liu Shih-chung: Soong’s strategic electoral thinking

Taipei Times editorial: KMT’s piggy bank is not for sharing

Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: US needs to help protect free choice in Taiwan

Tsai Ing-wen highlights her elderly-care policies

Opinion polls: Ma’s lead falls within margin of error

Jerome Keating: Smoke and stagnation under Ma

Taiwan Thinktank opinion poll: People think Tsai more capable, but support Ma

Ma re-election team slams ‘three little pigs’ campaign

Tsai Ing-wen seeks the hearts of voters on east coast

Kuomintang leaders worried about January 2012 election

Kuomintang LY caucus huffing, puffing over ‘three little pigs’ campaign

Senator Joe Lieberman: calls for US-Taiwan FTA

Businessweek: Taiwan pollster says his surveys ruffled feathers

Taipei Times editorial: Piggy banks fly as change desired

BrainTrust poll: Tsai Ying-wen in the lead

National Chengchi University: Tsai, Ma’s chances almost level

James Soong vows to run for president

Tsai Ing-wen apologizes to aborigines for nuclear waste woes

2012 elections: November called ‘little pigs month’

Former premier Hau Pei-tsun’s praise of martial law draws fire

Cain Nunns in The Diplomat: Ma Feeling the Heat

James Holmes in The Diplomat: Is the US a reliable ally?

United States mulling further Taiwan arms sales

President Obama accused of ‘timidity’ in Taiwan arms deal

David Pilling in the Financial Times: Why Taiwan still rattles Beijing and Washington

Gerrit van der Wees: A Lose-Lose Fighter Decision

John J. Tkacik Jr: White House bickering and Taiwan’s F-16s

Ed Feulner @ Heritage: Look what we have 'made in Taiwan'

Walter Lohman @ Heritage: Taking sides in the Taiwan Strait

Gordon Chang: Biden goes to Beijing

Defense News: U.S. to deny Taiwan new F-16 fighters

David Pilling in the FT: US cannot sacrifice Taiwan to court the Chinese

Rupert Hammond-Chambers: Time to straighten out America's Taiwan policy

James Holmes and Toshi Yoshihara: Getting real about Taiwan

Gerrit van der Wees in the WashPost: Ma Ying-jeou's inconsistencies on China and arms sales

Vancouver Sun: China's spies continue to target Taiwan despite thaw in relations

Prof. June Dreyer in The Diplomat: China as Rumpelstiltskin

BBC: Hu Jintao and Barack Obama's conjuring trick

Washington Post: Hu Jintao visit prompts pride and protests

Julian Baum in the CSMonitor: Taiwan press freedoms are eroding

Joe Bosco in the WashTimes: China's growing threat

Wall Street Journal: Local races set stage for presidential election

FocusTaiwan: DPP sees major gain in municipality council elections

FocusTaiwan: Sliding KMT vote count leaves its future uncertain

Joel Brinkley in the SF Chronicle: Taiwan bowed, but not broken, by China

Dan Blumenthal: Why Taiwan finds Washington unreliable

Gary Schmitt of AEI: The Games Nations Play: ‘Chinese Taipei’

Prof. Jerome Cohen: Rule of Law in Taiwan: neither "green" nor "blue"

Central News Agency: Thousands demand referendum on trade pact with China

AFP news report: Thousands rally against China trade pact

Reuters report: Tens of thousands protest against China trade deal

Congressman Robert Andrews on YouTube: Support for US-Taiwan FTA and against ECFA

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen on YouTube: For US-Taiwan FTA and against ECFA

Gordon Chang: Taiwanese Voters Send Message to Taipei — and Washington

CNN: U.S. announces $6.4 billion arms deal with Taiwan

Voice of America: U.S. announces Taiwan arms sale

Washington Post: U.S. sells weapons to Taiwan

Michael Danielsen: Interview with the Liberty Times

Micah Springut of the CNAS: US agonizes over Taiwan arms sales

Associated Press: Taiwan's ruling party defeated in byelections

Reuters: Thousands protest in Taiwan over China trade talks

Agence France Press: Up to 30,000 in Taiwan anti-China rally ahead of talks

Associated Press: Thousands of Taiwanese protest China envoy's visit

Associated Press: Opposition scores gains in Taiwan local elections

Reuters: Anti-China opposition gains ground in Taiwan local election

AIT Chair Ray Burghardt: Press roundtable in Taipei on 24 November 2009

Prof. Parris Chang in the WSJ: Is President Obama Abandoning Taiwan?

Ross Terrill in the Weekly Standard: Obama blunders through Asia

Dan Blumenthal in Foreign Policy: Obama's Asia trip: a series of unfortunate events

Nicholas Consonery: Can Beijing save the Taiwanese president?

Philip Bowring in the NYT/IHT: Taiwan and China

Vancouver Sun: Evidence fails to support life sentence for Taiwan's former president

NY Times: Life sentence for Taiwan ex-president

BBC news: Taiwan ex-leader jailed for life

John J. Tkacik Jr: The US doesn't recognize China's claims to Taiwan

Kyodo News: Dalai Lama meets Taiwan DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen

AP: Dalai Lama calls on Taiwan to safeguard democracy

Presbyterian Church in Taiwan: Morakot disaster relief assistance

WSJ editorial: Ma Ying-jeou's Katrina Moment

CNN News: Taiwan's leader takes blame for typhoon response

Associated Press: Taiwan's president criticized for typhoon response

Randy Schriver in the WashTimes: China's Peoples' Army not standing still

The Economist: Reunification by Trade?

FAPA President Bob Yang in the Washington Times: Taiwan Independence

US National Endowment for Democracy: Taking democracy out of the TFD?

Gordon Chang in Forbes Magazine: Will Taiwan defect to China?

Michael Turton's blog: 5/17 protest a roaring success

Agency France Press: Taiwan opposition protests Ma's China policies

BBC: Taiwanese march against president

Associated Press: Taiwan protest targets leader's pro-China policies

Wall Street Journal: Love in a time of swine flu

Prof. Parris Chang in the WSJ: Beijing's Taiwan Gambit

Michael Turton in the AWSJ: The culture of Taiwan

Rick Fisher in the WSJ: Taiwan's call to arms

Newsweek: Chas Freeman derailed; The intel czar stumbles

Washington Post editorial: Exit Chas Freeman; Blame the 'Lobby'

Washington Post: Impartiality questioned, Chas Freeman pulls out

Singapore Straits Times: China, too close too soon for Taiwan?

Prof. Bob Sutter in PacNet: Cross-Strait moderation and the US

Washington Post: Taiwan not ready for peace talks with China

Boston Progressive Examiner: 228 Massacre was covered up during decades of ROC martial law

'228 Massacre' protesters heckle President Ma Ying-jeou in Taiwan ceremonies

Jon Chait in the Washington Post: Obama's Intelligence Blunder

Investors Business Daily: Chas Freeman, the wrong man for the job

Gabriel Schoenfeld in the WSJ: Obama's questionable intelligence choice

Financial Times: Interview with detained former President Chen

New York Times: Case Against ex-leader stirs unease in Taiwan

The Economist: Taiwan's economy: Mirror, mirror on the wall

European-American Robin Winkler vies for Taiwan parliamentary seat

Jonathan Adams in the GlobalPost: Trial of former president morphs into media circus

Dan Blumenthal in the Washington Times: China policy change?

The Economist: Trial and error: former president and judiciary are both in the dock

Int'l Herald Tribune: Mentor urges Taiwan's Ma to ensure trial fairness

Stephen A. Nelson in the AsiaTimes: A return to dark days in Taiwan

Kyodo News report: Taiwan stages anti-China military exercise

Radio Taiwan International: US Congressmen urge Taiwan human rights concern

Amnesty International: Taiwan police should avoid using excessive force

Frank Muyard in Taipei: Ma Ying-jeou new Chinese policy

Defense News: In Taiwan, arrests raise echoes of martial law

Associated Press: Several thousand rally in support of Taiwan's Chen

Reuters: Thousands in Taiwan protest ex-president's arrest

Paul Mooney: Ex-President Chen Shui-bian refuses to end hunger strike

The Economist: Chen Shui-bian in jail: Hungry for justice

Financial Times: Ex-president Chen Shui-bian hospitalized

Jonathan Adams in Newsweek: Strait Talk: So Near And Yet So Far

Newsweek: Fallout from Chen Shui-Bian's dramatic arrest

Jerome A. Cohen in the SCMP: Taiwan and China; Ties that Blind

Jonathan Manthorpe in the Vancouver Sun: Detentions in Taiwan spark fears of return to authoritarian approach

Financial Times: China envoy stumbles on Taiwan protocol

Agence France Press: Anti-China protests bring Taiwan capital to standstill

Associated Press: Angry Taiwanese swarm hotel as Chinese envoy dines

BBC: Taiwan crowd besieges China envoy

Voice of America: Taiwanese protesters surround Chinese envoy's hotel

Agence France Press: Chinese envoy trapped in hotel by protesters

Cindy Sui in the ATimes: Ma Ying-jeou goes too far, too fast for Taiwan

TIME / CNN report: Taiwan president faces growing opposition

Financial Times: Taiwan protesters stage mass march

Bloomberg report: Taiwan Pro-Independence party protests China policies in rally

WashPost/Reuters: Half a million march in Taiwan against China & president Ma

BBC News: Taiwanese attack Chinese envoy

The Economist: An end to the KMT's mainland honeymoon; but no divorce yet

John Tkacik: Taiwan Arms Sales: Less than meets the eye

Congressional Research Service: US-Taiwan relations: recent developments and their policy implications

Christian Science Monitor: Taiwan arms deal sours U.S.-China relations

Wendell Minnick: Taiwan's military faces uncertain future

Ian Williams: Taiwan and the Georgia Precedent

New York Sun editorial: A Job for the General Assembly

BBC News: Huge rally against Taiwan leader

Michael Turton's blog: August 30th rally blows away expectations

New York Times: Beijing's bad-faith Olympics

The Boston Globe: China's totalitarian Olympic Games

Blumenthal and Griffin: China looks across the Strait; events in Georgia bode ill for Taiwan

Paul Wolfowitz says: US will OK Taiwan arms deal

John Tkacik and Gary Schmitt in the Fort Worth Star Telegram: Bush administration decision weakens Taiwan’s position

John Tkacik: A freeze on Taiwan arms?

Blumenthal, Friedberg, Schriver and Tellis in the WSJ: President Bush should keep his word on Taiwan

Ed Ross in the WSJ: Arming Taiwan

The Economist editorial: China, Taiwan and Tibet; fraying at the edges

Jonathan Adams in the FEER: The Key to Cross-Strait Détente

Yomiuri Shimbun: Ma administration causes downturn in Taiwan-Japan relations

Washington Post: Top US officials stalling Taiwan arms package

Wendell Minnick in Defense News: US Freezes $12B in Arms Sales to Taiwan

Rupert Hammond- Chambers: Taiwan’s security on hold

Washington Times editorial: Taiwan's new direction

Former Senator George Allen: US - Taiwan ties

Richard Halloran: Taiwan's inaugural

The Economist editorial: Ma Ying-jeou's inauguration: Strait is the gate

Michael Turton on Ma Ying-jeou's inaugration speech

Rick Fisher in the AWSJ: China's Naval Secrets

John Pomfret's China: The ugly Chinese

Jonathan Manthorpe in the Vancouver Sun: New Taiwan leader shows an early streak of independence

Christian Science Monitor: China bends on Taiwan, why not Tibet?

John J. Tkacik Jr: The US and Tibet; Leadership event

Ma Ying-jeou damps hopes of early Taiwan-China ties

Prof. Dan Lynch in the FEER: Mr. Ma's Taiwanese Identity

John Bolton in the LATimes: What's good for Taiwan

John Tkacik: Taiwan's elections: Sea change in the Strait

AEI / Armitage report on improving US-Taiwan relations

BBC: Taiwanese to rally over China law

Washington Post: Ad by 67 overseas Taiwanese organizations