- Ma Ying-jeou drifting off to China
- May 19th protest draws 150,000
- Inaugural address adds to the confusion
- The "One Republic of China, two areas" fallacy
- Ma's popularity sinking deeper
- Opinion polls show sharp decline
- Mishandling the US beef issue
- A steep hike in electricity rates
- The capital gains tax debacle
- Taiwan's democracy: whose is it anyway?
- Taiwan and Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng
- Taiwan's beacon starting to flicker
by ambassador Nat Bellocchi
- Former President Chen's health deteriorating
- Prison conditions continue to cause concern
- Members of Congress urge investigation
- Former Alaska governor Murkowski speaks out
- Report from Washington
- House resolution calls for normal relations
- Congressman Berman urges California to drop "Province of China"
- Book Review
- Politicized society, the long shadow of Taiwan's one-party legacy, by Mikael Mattlin, reviewed by Jonathan Sullivan