| Prof. Tseng Chien-yuan:
Of which "status quo" do you speak? |
 | President Chen
lauds KMT "compromise" |
 | Kuomintang
accepts CEC voting compromise |
 | Frank Hsieh Chang-ting:
"Not guilty" not same as "ethical" |
 | Court ruling
keeps Ma Ying-jeou in election race |
 | Central Election Commission
announces compromise on two-step polling |
 | Sim Kiantek:
The lies that history bequeathes us |
 | Lin Chia:
Why is the US backing the Chinese on Taiwan? |
 | Opinion survey
shows US pressure does not sway supporters |
 | Ambassador Joseph Wu:
It is Beijing that is being 'provocative' |
 | President Chen Shui-bian:
UN Referendum no provocative tool |
 | Taiwan
regrets Rice comments on referendum |
 | Foreign Minister James Huang:
rejects US criticism of island's UN referendum |
 | US Congressmen
urge Rice to constrain US criticism of Taiwan referendum |
 | Frank Hsieh
Bush criticism will not sway us |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
The KMT stereotypes Mainlanders |
 | Prof. Jerome Keating:
Those underhanded secret deals |
 | Prof. Lung-chu Chen:
Left out of the UN, decisions are made for us |
 | Allen Houng:
What is so bad about `UN for Taiwan'? |
FAPA Executive Director Wen-yen Chen:
The US needs to do the right thing |
US' Stephen Yates:
Taiwan can ask US clarification of its policy |
Taipei Times editorial:
Who gains from leaked "minutes"? |
 | American Institute in Taiwan
The US is not playing favorites |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Why is the US silent on the KMT? |
 | Congressman Tom Tancredo:
Changing course on "one China" |
 | Dan Bloom:
The fall of the "Berlin Wall" in Taipei |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Does the US respect democracy? |
 | Lawyer Lee Sheng-hsiung:
Sovereignty is basically a human rights issue |
 | Gerrit van der Wees:
President Sarkozy, J'Accuse |
 | J. Michael Cole:
The method in Beijing's madness |
 | Michelle Wang:
Let's look at the one-step voting issue very closely |
 | Richard Halloran:
US presidential hopefuls quiet on Asian policy |
 | Martial-law-era prison
to reopen as human rights memorial park |
 | Huang Jei-hsuan:
No invitation required |
 | Majority in survey
back CEC's "one step" voting |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Same old rights guff from ASEAN |
 | Li Thian-hok:
Lessons from the UN referendum |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
For the US, it's no port in a storm |
 | Charles Snyder:
US carrier sailed through Taiwan Strait |
October 2007 |
 | Nat Bellocchi:
Gearing up for the voter's elections |
 | US panel
calls for arms sale approval |
 | Lai I-chung:
Hu Jintao's "peace offer" is nothing of the sort |
 | President Chen Shui-bian
touts positives of UN referendum |
 | Foreign Minister James Huang
calls for more active quest for UN membership |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
China and the KMT tipping point |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Blocked by the US at every turn |
 | Kurt Campbell:
US stalling may have ramifications |
 | Prof. Ruan Ming:
Toss out the remnants of the days before democracy |
 | President Chen
wants KMT apology for assasinations |
 | Sande Cohen:
The "One China" myth |
 | Ma Ying-jeou
promises "honest" look at White Terror era |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Better a little tiger with sharp teeth |
 | Gerrit van der Wees:
Common Market won't work for Taiwan |
 | Richard Halloran:
President Chen renews attitude of defiance |
 | President Chen:
Viva democracy, viva UN entry |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
State of a hemmed-in nation |
 | Cabinet spokesman Shieh:
Vincent Siew's speech to businessmen in US "shameful" |
 | Prof. Lee Hsiao-feng:
Double Ten: The roots of an "abnormal" Taiwan |
 | Prof. Jerome Keating:
US choice: principle or realpolitik |
 | US Senators
push for high-level visits |
 | Prof. Dennis Hickey:
US should seek compromise at UN |
 | US House
urges sale of F-16s to Taiwan |
 | Formosan Association for Public Affairs
promotes EU-US-Taiwan dialogue |
 | Ambassador Edgar Lin:
The US must improve relations |
 | DPP
passes "normal country" resolution |
August 2007 |
 | DPP Central Executive Committee
passes "normal country" draft |
 | Prof. Arthur Waldron:
Taiwan's UN bid |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
What does "friendship" mean? |
 | Negroponte
sends multiple messages |
 | Democratic Progressive Party
sticks to its guns on referendum |
 | Gaines Ho:
Stop kowtowing to China |
 | John Negroponte:
UN referendum a mistake |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
No friends of democracy in the US |
 | Huang Jei-hsuan:
Washington pans sentiment |
 | Frank Hsieh
hints at picking Yeh Chu-lan for Premiership |
 | Shen Chieh:
Restoring diplomatic relations (Between US and Taiwan) is the best option |
 | Li Thian-hok:
Hsieh in Washington, an appraisal |
 | St. Lucia government
says it supports Taiwan's UN bid |
 | President Chen
tells BBC: Taiwan is independent |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Time for MOFA to clean house |
 | Cao Chang-qing:
Eight ways in which the Hsieh-Su ticket boosts the DPP's edge |
 | President Chen
calls for greater US-Taiwan communication |
 | Randall Schriver:
Taiwan needs six "new assurances" |
 | Nat Bellocchi:
It's time for creativity: beyond a referendum |
 | Wilson Chen:
"One China" in the US and PRC has two meanings |
 | Yeh Chu-lan
sworn in as secretary-general of Presidential Office |
 | DPP heavyweights
pull together for the unity of the party |
 | President Chen
calls Kuo Yu-hsin the father of Taiwanese democracy |
 | Michelle Wang:
the "Republic of China" must end |
 | Majority of survey respondents
back "Taiwan" bid for the UN |
 | Su Tseng-chang
welcomed by Hsieh at airport |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
When China is Taiwan's friend |
 | Analysts
split on Hsieh's support for new DPP resolution |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Independent judiciary is still a dream |
 | Prof. Chen Lung-chu:
Taiwan's statehood is undeniable |
 | Fifteen allies
support Taiwan with a motion at the UN |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Ma Ying-jeou's halo loses its luster |
 | President Chen Shui-bian
tells the US to stop changing the rules |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Ma Ying-jeou verdict raises more questions |
 | John Bolton:
China would not act if US recognized Taiwan |
 | Liu Kuan-teh:
Managing US response to the UN bid |
 | Presbyterian Church
played catalyst role on road to reforms |
 | Presbyterians
celebrate human rights declaration anniversary |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
China and the `nuclear option' |
 | Paul Lin:
Hsieh must unify DPP to overcome weaknesses |
 | Prof. Chen Lung-chu:
The evolution of Taiwan's statehood |
 | Lai I-chung:
Whose side is the KMT on, anyway? |
 | Randy Schriver
disagrees with UN stance on Taiwan's status |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Olympics will reveal the real China |
 | Sushil Seth:
The strategy and logic of the US' Asia policy |
 | Presbyterian Church
to hold rally for 30-year-old declaration |
 | Former DPP legislator Lin Cho-shui:
The status quo's illusion of peace |
 | Nat Bellocchi:
Better dialogue in the triumvirate |
 | Taiwan's diplomatic Allies
accuse Ban Ki-moon of violating UN protocol |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Carrots for China, sticks for Taiwan |
 | Frank Hsieh
supports re-writing the Constitution |
 | Democratic Progressive Party
unveils its "normal country" draft resolution |
 | Presidential Office
explains letters to the UN |
 | US House of Representatives
votes for top-level Taiwan visits |
 | MOFA:
Taiwan may benefit from US visa-waiver bill |
June 2007 |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Turning the referendum into a joke |
 | Wu Chih-Chung:
Vincent Siew just doesn't understand the issues |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
The NCC saga sinks into a farce |
 | Taiwanese
don't want to follow Hong Kong's lead |
 | House Foreign Affairs Committee
approves bill on high-level visits |
 | Chiang Huang-chih:
The US should keep silent on Taiwan's UN appeal |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
The albatross of KMT Party assets |
 | Randall Schriver:
Pro Taiwan (but not anti-China) |
 | Prof. Lo Chih-cheng:
Washington is ignoring the reality in the Taiwan Strait |
 | Prof. Jerome Keating:
The process of Taiwanese identity |
 | Prof. Arthur Waldron:
UN bid referendum an internal affair |
 | Liu Kuan-teh:
Fighting China's diplomatic warfare |
 | Frank Hsieh:
criticizes KMT for easing anti-corruption rule |
 | Analysis:
KMT's Ma-Siew ticket reflects aging party |
 | United States
softens tone on President Chen's plan for UN referendum |
 | Taiwan opinion polls
show support for UN bid |
 | Nat Bellocchi:
Should Taiwan follow Singapore? |
 | Ma Ying-jeou
selects Vincent Siew as running mate |
 | US House
approves Tancredo amendment, easing curbs on Taiwan contacts |
 | Frank Hsieh Chang-t'ing:
UN referendum no election ploy |
 | Prof. Chen Wen-hsien:
"One China" policy does not prevent UN bid |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
Taiwan is worth fighting for |
 | Shirley Kan:
The TRA and Reagan's Six Assurances |
 | Taiwan Government
slams US remarks on UN bid |
 | Taipei Times editorial:
When being bad isn't bad |
 | Charles Snyder:
Pro-China State Department staff killed official's trip |
 | Taiwan News:
DPP to push referendum despite protest from the US |
 | President Chen
expresses hope for referendum on Taiwan into the UN |
 | Liu Kuan-teh:
Re-examining Taiwan's diplomacy |
 | Gerrit van der Wees:
Taiwan is as much a nation-state as the US |
 | Lin Chia-lung:
Time to return to the spirit of the TRA |
 | Formosan Association for Public Affairs:
Key document on Taiwan non-binding |
 | Lin Cho-shui:
Ma Ying-jeou subscribes to fiction as history |
 | Michael Turton:
Prof. Copper follows pan-blue line |
 | US DOD's Richard Lawless:
China is changing the "status quo" |
 | President Bush
shakes hands with Joseph Wu |
 | Legislative Yuan:
Budget greenlighted for Friday |
 | Richard Halloran:
"Transparency" clouds US-Sino ties |
 | Taipei Times:
Ma Ying-jeou remains a walking contradiction |
 | Li Thian-hok:
The US needs to face the facts about China |
 | Frank Hsieh
seeks win-win relationship with PRC |
 | Kris Liao:
The KMT is out of touch |
 | Huang Jei-hsuan:
Independence gains support |
 | Chee Siok Chin:
Open letter to Ma Ying-jeou: Singapore is no role model |
 | Analysts agree
on need for US review of Taiwan status |
 | Attention shifts to
Hsieh Chang-ting's choice for running mate |
 | Yang Chun-hui:
Cut Ma Ying-jeou some slack |
 | Repr. Joseph Wu:
Taiwan's man in Washington on maintaining relations |
 | Prof. Chen Shih-min:
New EU presents an opportunity for Taiwan |
April 2007 |
 | Liberty Times editorial:
It is time for the US to define the "status quo" |
 | President Chen
blasts WHO for rejecting bid |
 | James Tu:
Bishop Tutu and reconciliation |
 | Tapei Times editorial:
Good riddance to the Olympic torch |
 | Taiwan government
rejects Beijing's claim on torch consensus |
 | Taipei Times:
A rebuttal to Senator John Warner |
 | Dennis Wilder:
US opposed to missile buildup |
 | Margot Chen:
Key issues interesting only during campaigns |
 | Bishop Desmond Tutu
encourages reconciliation, forgiveness |
 | Prominent deep-green leaders
weigh in on DPP hopefuls |
 | Congressional report:
Joseph Wu could boost TECRO |
 | Charles Snyder:
State Department not in favor of WHO vote |
 | Jerome Keating:
Is Sun Yat-sen still turning in his grave? |
 | Michael Lin:
Time to say no to US' "One China" |
 | Foreign Affairs Minister James Huang:
World Health bid is nation's will |
 | Bishop Desmond Tutu to 228 families:
Speaking out aids healing |
 | Michael Lin:
Time to say no to US "One China" |
 | Huang Jei-hsuan:
Presidential elections: the KMT's sellout |
 | President Chen:
new WHO bid doesn't violate pledges |
 | President Chen's WHO bid
garners praise from professionals |
 | Joseph Wu
Takes up Washington Post |
 | Prof. Chen Lung-chu:
Membership bid for WHO is the correct way |
 | Steven Yates says
PRC rise is an "inconvenient truth" |
 | Steven Yates:
Taiwan needs a new "army of ants" |
 | Li Thian-hok:
Early start in the White House ace |
 | Feng Chien-san:
Policies can encourage more media discipline |
 | Taipei Times analysis:
What is Wang Jin-pyng's angle in attacking the KMT? |
 | Council on Foreign Relations Report:
Chinese satellite killer raises threat |
 | Paul Lin:
China driving out Taiwanese businesspeople |
 | Tsai Horng-ming:
Developing a strategy for an FTA with the US |
 | Lee Long-hwa:
The KMT needs to wake up |
 | Liu Kuan-teh:
US-Taiwan relations need better balancing |
 | In memory Chen Nan-jung:
Friends and family pay tribute |
 | Tchen Yu-chiou on cultural policy:
Whither Taiwan? |
 | Taipei Times:
Ethnicity: the joker in the KMT pack |
 | Prof. Chen Ming-tong:
A pragmatic Constitutional solution |
 | Joseph Wu
seeks better communication |
 | Taipei Times:
Ma Ying-jeou caught in web of ironies |
 | Randall Schriver:
Defense: time for Taiwan to take ownership |
 | Prof. Chen Ming-tong
tipped as Joseph Wu's successor |
 | New Taiwan
Draft Constitution moves ahead |
 | Taipei Times:
Shih Ming-teh running out of dupes |
 | Tseng Tse-fung:
Kaohsiung needed to break free |
 | Paul Lin:
What the Hong Kong poll changed |
 | Ma Ying-jeou:
Guilty verdict or not, I plan run for presidency |
 | Herschensohn's Taiwan, the Threatened Democracy:
With friends like the US State Department, who needs enemies? |
 | William Stimson:
Small, independent and free is best |
February 2007 |
 | DPP Chief Yu Shyi-kun
confirms plan to run for President |
 | President Chen:
US should be happy with speech |
 | Former AIT Chair and Congressman
criticize State Department |
 | Richard Armitage
criticizes State Department |
 | Taipei Times:
The blooding of Ma Ying-jeou |
 | John Diedrichs:
Abian needs to fight fire with fire |
 | Margot Chen:
Lee has not amended his stance on Taiwan |
 | Huang Jei-hsuan:
Fighting KMT colonialism in the history books |
 | Taipei Times:
Ma's bid against the spirit of the Law |
 | John Tkacik:
The best defense is a good offense |
 | Taipei Times:
Who is to blame if Ma falls? |
 | Lo Chih-cheng:
Beijing's strategy is to divide and conquor |
 | Taipei Times:
Ma Ying-jeou indicted, resigns as KMT chairman |
 | Prof. Wilson Chen:
Taiwan is a democratic, independent nation now |
 | Name change movement
Reflects increasing Taiwan identity |
 | Taiwan government
continues with name change of state-owned companies |
 | Nat Bellocchi:
The US relationship with Taiwan |
 | Shen Chieh:
Reaching a consensus on national identity |
 | Kurt Campbell:
Neglecting defense budget a folly |
 | Bruce Jacobs:
Describing Taiwan's real history |
 | Democratic Progressive Party
vows to push for transitional justice laws |
 | Congress members
laud friendship with Taiwan |
 | Taipei Times:
Good riddance to a tyrant |
 | Prof. Jerome Keating:
Democracy, the KMT and reality |
 | DPP legislators
initiate referendum campaign for UN "Taiwan" bid |
 | Taipei Times:
An independent Taiwan in 2008? |
 | Huang Kun-hui:
TSU needs to change image, values |
 | Lee Teng-hui
stirs up commentary storms |
 | Taipei Times:
Solving the riddle of the BCC sale |
 | Arthur Waldron:
Taiwan's global identity is critical |
 | Huang Jei-hsuan:
Boosting defense is a must |