New Taiwan: Ilha Formosa
The Website for Taiwan's History, Present, and Future
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Selected Articles:

in 2004

in 2003

in 2002

in 2001

in 1999-2000

Major Recent Events and Issues:

March 2005: China's "anti-secession law"

October 2004: The EU arms embargo against China

March 2004: Referendum and Presidential Elections

August 2002: President Chen: Taiwan going our own way

August 2001: Full and equal UN membership

March 2000: Presidential Elections

"Nation-to-nation" relations with China

Security in the Taiwan Strait

Chinese stealing nuclear secrets

Visit of Chinese premier Zhu Rongji

20 years Taiwan Relations Act

Some Major Events of the Last Few Years:

Washington, 18 June 1998: "Stand up for Taiwan"

Washington, 29 Oct. 1997: "Say Yes to Taiwan"

Taipei, 28 June 1997: "Say No to China"

"A new flag for a new Taiwan"

"Let Taiwan join the UN"

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The Taipei Times is Taiwan's prime English-language newspaper. Below, we link to a number of its editorials and articles on important issues.

Selected Articles and editorials in 2005

November 2005

December 2005

30 November 2005:Nat Bellocchi: Reading tea leaves of the Bush speech

30 November 2005:Congressional Research Service: China may have the upper hand in five years

30 November 2005:Paul Lin: Saturday polls crucial for the future of nation

29 November 2005:Liang Wen-chieh: History can't excuse KMT's failings

28 November 2005:Election campaign: Party faithful take to the nation's streets

28 November 2005:Paul Lin: Pan-blues, CCP siding against democracy

26 November 2005:DPP expects 600,000 at nationwide parades

25 November 2005:Gallup Poll shows strong support for Taiwan

25 November 2005:Sushil Seth: Achievements of the Bush China visit

24 November 2005:Taipei Times: Be wary of Chinese tourists

24 November 2005:Ray Womack: China, why not be friends with Taiwan?

23 November 2005:Taipei Times: Local elections going off the rails

23 November 2005:Chin Heng-wei: KMT may be digging its own grave

23 November 2005:Charles Hong: Leadership needs clear vision

22 November 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Positive campaigns are needed, desperately

22 November 2005:Manesh SV: Taiwan has options with the UN

22 November 2005:MAC Chairman Joseph Wu: No change to US policy on Taiwan

21 November 2005:Lee Teng-hui: "Is Taiwan Chinese? A history of Taiwanese nationality"

21 November 2005: Hu Jintao ignores Bush on religious freedom

21 November 2005: Huang Jei-hsuan: Warm-up poll is crucial

20 November 2005:Taipei Times: Ceremony for Hu Yaobang an empty gesture

20 November 2005:Taiwanese-Americans to Bush: Tell China to scrap missiles

20 November 2005:Rao Kok-Sian: Mr. Bush, match deeds to words

20 November 2005:Charles Snyder: US Senators urge Bush to pressure EU

19 November 2005:Dennis Hickey: Don't play games with the nation's security

18 November 2005:Taipei Times: US needs to delink Taiwan and China

18 November 2005:Taiwan's APEC envoy: Taiwan is an independent, sovereign country

18 November 2005:US Pacific Command defens submarine comments

17 November 2005:President Bush to China: Be more like Taiwan

16 November 2005:Taipei Times: Flag lovers of convenience

16 November 2005:Jerome Keating: KMT betrays Taiwan's democracy

16 November 2005:Chen Ming-chung: Get rid of the thieves

15 November 2005:Taipei Times: Excessive profits erode security

15 November 2005:Sushil Seth: Taiwan's national identity in crisis

15 November 2005:Richard Halloran: US-Japanese agreement revitalizes strategic alliance

14 November 2005: Bruce Herschensohn: calls for revision of US China policy

14 November 2005:Yang Ji-charng: The KMT never repented

12 November 2005:Walter Chung: Taiwan needs a marketing plan

12 November 2005:Cao Changqing: Don't believe all the TVBS hype

11 November 2005:Taipei Times: US official says Taiwan needs AEGIS

09 November 2005:Taipei Times: The law applies to everyone

09 November 2005:Nat Bellocchi: US policy stuck as China's changes

09 November 2005:The GIO announces TVBS' punishment

06 November 2005:Chang Jiho: Cut the media ties to China

06 November 2005:Taipei Times: The DPP appears to have lost its way

06 November 2005:Lee Teng-hui: Democracies must stand together

05 November 2005:James Auer: Taiwan has a golden opportunity

05 November 2005:Cao Chang-qing: Standing up for what already exists

05 November 2005:Weber Lai: Freedom of the press? or to make lots of cash?

03 November 2005:Taipei Times: the TVBS case, who has the guts to stay seated

03 November 2005:Press freedom watchdog groups decry sale of censoring equipment to China

03 November 2005:Huang Jei-hsuan: Defining moment coming in Taiwan

02 November 2005:Taipei Times: A Japan that can say "let's go"

02 November 2005:Li Thian-hok: DPP must rekindle the fire of freedom

02 November 2005:William Lo: Diplomatic corps needs reshuffle to retain allies

01 November 2005:Taipei Times: TVBS operates on Chinese capital

01 November 2005:Sushil Seth: It is time for China to come clean

01 November 2005:Sing Young: Newswires parroting PRC propaganda

September 2005

30 September 2005:Taipei Times: The US must alter its approach

30 September 2005:Philip Yang: US warnings on arms bill unhelpful

29 September 2005:Taipei Times: Time to pull the plug on this Legislative Yuan farce

29 September 2005:Charles Snyder: Lack of arms budget raises ire in US Congress

29 September 2005:Paul Lin: US begins to understand CCP

27 September 2005:Lai I-chung: US is the loser in the six-nation talks

27 September 2005:Asahi Shimbun: Japan plans for attack from China

26 September 2005:Taipei Times: Marchers rally for defense Taiwan

26 September 2005:Elisabeth Rutten: Teach ethics at universities

25 September 2005:Taipei Times: Standing up for the truth

25 September 2005:Richard Halloran: US admiral urges Taiwan to arm

25 September 2005:Liberty Times: The people must save themselves

25 September 2005:Huang Tien-lin: The Taiwanese have sold themselves, country out

25 September 2005:Experts at World Taiwanese Congress: Contain China in joint effort

24 September 2005:Taipei Times: China can't fathom democracy

24 September 2005:Richard Armitage tells DPP to work around AIT

24 September 2005:US DOD official questions China's military buildup

23 September 2005:Charles Snyder: President Chen goes to Washington, sort of; and receives Human Rights award

23 September 2005:US officials welcome Chen in Miami, praise Taiwan

23 September 2005:Nat Bellocchi: US-Taiwan relations remain key

23 September 2005:Taipei Times: China, meet the lusty Mr. Li Ao

22 September 2005:Taipei Times: Taiwan needs consensus on defense

21 September 2005:DOD's Richard Lawless: Taiwanese, stand up for yourselves

21 September 2005:Taipei Times: Don't compromise on the NCC bill

22 September 2005:Arthur Waldron: China's role in global democracy - Part II

21 September 2005:Arthur Waldron: China's rise and world democracy

19 September 2005:Lin Cho-shui: Will China's rise lead to democracy? Fat chance

18 September 2005:Taipei Times: Pan blues lose credibility - again

18 September 2005:Andrew Cheng: Voters to blame for chaos in the legislature

17 September 2005:Taipei Times: Hold a referendum on the UN bid

17 September 2005:Washington blunt on arms purchase

16 September 2005:Taipei Times: Clearing the line to Washington

16 September 2005:US Congressmen push to see Chen in Wahington

16 September 2005:DPP and TSU blame blue camp for UN bid's failure

16 September 2005:Chen Ching-chih: Taiwan and China share little culture

15 September 2005:Charles Snyder: Bush changes topic after Hu asks for support on Taiwan

15 September 2005:Taiwan's thirteenth bid to enter UN fails

15 September 2005:Mac William Bischop: US official in Taipei to finalize military talks

15 September 2005:Sushil Seth: China seeks ways to counter US

11 September 2005:Taipei Times: Foster an angry patriotism

11 September 2005:President Chen to get human rights award on US visit

11 September 2005:James Holmes: Taiwan needs more "oceanic thinking"

11 September 2005:Kengchi Goah: A Chinese lie told a thousand times

10 September 2005:Taipei Times: Lies, damned lies, and KMT "truths"

10 September 2005:Paul Lin: China's "truths" are just more lies

09 September 2005:Taipei Times: Taiwan's media: sex, scandal and accountability

09 September 2005:Charles Snyder: State Department reports serious shortcomings in AIT management

08 September 2005:Taipei Times: Pan-blues a disloyal opposition

08 September 2005:Nat Bellocchi: China bound to increase meddling

08 September 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Legislative Yuan must be publicly monitored

07 September 2005:Taipei Times: Educational standards are critical

07 September 2005:Wang Dan: Tienanmen mother has message for KMT head

07 September 2005:Same old tune: the Kuomintang blocks arms bill

06 September 2005:Taipei Times: China's credibility gap

06 September 2005:Jou Yi-cheng: Ma puts KMT on dangerous ground

05 September 2005:Li Thian-hok: Don't link Penghu with China

05 September 2005:Parris Chang: Strategy for UN bid is a long-needed innovation

04 September 2005:Taipei Times: Government loses grip on cross-Strait links

04 September 2005:Former President Lee urges unity on national identity

03 September 2005:Charles Snyder: Taiwan issue low on the list in US-PRC summit

03 September 2005:Chen Ching-chih: China's lacks Taiwan's democracy

02 September 2005:Paul Lin: Bush, Hu sizing each other up

July 2005

31 July 2005:Liberty Times: Taiwan must stress its democratic character

30 July 2005:US Congressman Robert Andrews aims to boost Taiwan security

30 July 2005:Thomas Hung: KMT's fate tied to its willingness to reform

29 July 2005:Hanna Shen: Beware of China's "soft war"

29 July 2005:Wang Yeh-li: Race to the presidency begins to take shape

28 July 2005:Taipei Times: KMT's flip-flop endangers the nation

28 July 2005:Scott Bates: A new security strategy for Taiwan

28 July 2005:Charles Snyder: US Senate could examine resolution friendly to Taiwan

27 July 2005:Taipei Times: Time for a healthy dose of reality

27 July 2005:Nat Bellocchi: China has "status quo" advantage

27 July 2005:Chin Heng-wei: Blue camp blinded by myths over Ma's victory

26 July 2005:President Chen blames Lien Chan for deadlock

25 July 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Chinese expanding military a global issue

24 July 2005:Taipei Times: Illegal Chinese a growing threat

24 July 2005:Liberty Times: Don't buy into China's "peaceful rise" talk

23 July 2005:Taipei Times: What is Chen up to this time?

23 July 2005:President Chen wants to go to Busan APEC summit

22 July 2005:Taipei Times: Lien Chan just can't help himself

22 July 2005:Richard Halloran: Pentagon report takes no prisoners

21 July 2005:US Pentagon highlights threat to Taiwan

21 July 2005:Taipei Times: Pentagon's warning no surprise

20 July 2005:Taipei Times: Rocky road ahead for Ma

20 July 2005:Sushil Seth: US-China strategic rivalry sharpens

19 July 2005:AIT's David Keegan urges consensus on Taiwan's defense

19 July 2005:Outspoken Tokyo mayor Shintaro Ishihara turnes ire to China

18 July 2005:Nat Bellocchi: A functioning legislature is critical

17 July 2005:Taipei Times: Victorious Ma faces uphill battle

17 July 2005:Ma Ying-jeou gallops to victory over rival Wang

17 July 2005:State Department condems threat by PLA general

16 July 2005:Taipei Times: PLA recklessness could lead to war

16 July 2005:Taiwanese fury over PLA official's nuclear threat

15 July 2005:SEF Chair Chang Chun-hsiung: We need a new policy on China

15 July 2005:US Congress considers EU arms-sales bill

15 July 2005:Taipei Times: A blow to lawlessness in Taiwan

15 July 2005:William J.K. Lo: Pan-blues suffer from own distortions

12 July 2005:Taipei Times: KMT's dirty laundry aired once again

11 July 2005:US Condoleezza Rice: Beijing and Taipei must talk

11 July 2005:Huang Tien-lin: Legislature must focus on security

11 July 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: NSC report on security must stress practicality

10 July 2005:Pro-independence group: "Taiwan Republic" is nation's real name

10 July 2005:Liberty Times: Bout of "China fever" needs a cure

10 July 2005:Wang Dan: Hu's desire for more democracy a thin reed

10 July 2005:Lee Long-hwa: Bonnie Glaser's view indefensible

09 July 2005:Taipei Times: Chen fumbles Taiwanese history

03 July 2005:Liberty Times: Break free of the " China fever" trap

03 July 2005:Chin Heng-wei: TSU will suffer if it betrays its core beliefs

May 2005

30 May 2005:Jerry Mills: Wise rulers rule benevolently

30 May 2005:Nat Bellocchi: Legacies and the people of Taiwan

30 May 2005:Chin Heng-wei: Understanding the genuine meaning of Lien-speak

29 May 2005:Liberty Times: Taiwan's security must be foremost

29 May 2005:Taipei Times: Legislative Yuan needs to do its job

28 May 2005:Taipei Times: An Assembly with a mission

28 May 2005:US Congressmen urge passage of arms budget

28 May 2005:United States urges Beijing to seek reconciliation

26 May 2005:Taipei Times: It's time to let go, chairman Lien

25 May 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Understand Beijing to start cross-Strait talks

24 May 2005:Taipei Times: Time is running out on the arms bill

24 May 2005:Chris Lingle: Beijing involved in "land bubble"

24 May 2005:William Stimson: Whatever happened to "smart" China?

23 May 2005:Chin Heng-wei: Lien and Soong make fine lapdogs

23 May 2005:MAC poll shows people upset at China

22 May 2005:Taipei Times: Beijing's offer short on substance

22 May 2005:Liberty Times: The DPP is back on the right track

22 May 2005:Stephen Carter: Destroy the pan-blue camp

21 May 2005:Taipei Times: EU right to keep arms ban in place

21 May 2005:Nancy Pelosi calls US' China policy a "total failure"

21 May 2005:Yu Shyi-kun asks US to give Chen more time

20 May 2005:Taipei Times: Peace at any price?

20 May 2005:German lawmaker Volker Ruehe: EU arms embargo will not be lifted

20 May 2005:Richard Halloran: Chinese protests backfire in Japan

20 May 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Changes to Constitution will deepen democracy

19 May 2005:Taipei Times: Lien and Soong love China first

19 May 2005:Dennis Hickey: Chen is not the root of US Taiwan tensions

19 May 2005:Jerome Keating: It's crunch time soon for the KMT

18 May 2005:Taipei Times: The WHO bows before China again

17 May 2005:Taipei Times: Moving ahead with political reforms

17 May 2005:Tiffany Wu: Election win helps reduce "China fever"

15 May 2005:Taipei Times: Finally an election to cheer about

15 May 2005:Liberty Times: Responding to a double sell-out

15 May 2005:Richard Halloran: The politics of irony overwhelm blue camp

14 May 2005:Taipei Times: Taiwan focuses on Geneva

14 May 2005:President Chen: No talks without sovereignty

14 May 2005:Joy Su: Soong's "consensus" wordsmithing doesn't mean much

13 May 2005:Taipei Times: Soong-Hu meeting an anti-climax

13 May 2005:James Soong makes a pact with Beijing

13 May 2005:European Union ups the stakes in lifting of China arms embargo

13 May 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Chen will have to be both patient and prudent

12 May 2005:Taipei Times: Lack of leadership killing Taiwan

12 May 2005:Colman Bernath: Taiwan is independent

11 May 2005:Taipei Times: Chen's isolation his own doing

11 May 2005:Sushil Seth: China puts Chen on the defensive

10 May 2005:Taipei Times: Pan-greens must unite to save reforms

10 May 2005:Ku Er-teh: Dont'throw our progress away

09 May 2005:Lin Chong-pin: Beware of China's new grand strategy

09 May 2005:Mark Kennedy: All is not quiet on the "united front"

09 May 2005:Jerome Keating: China must learn from Taiwan's democracy

08 May 2005:Taipei Times: Lien Chan just won't go away

08 May 2005:Prof. Ruan Ming: Chinese united front tactic requires united Taiwan

08 May 2005:Taiwan police begin investigation into Bamboo Union after airport clash

07 May 2005:Taipei Times: Does the US get China's game?

07 May 2005:Bush to Hu Jintao: Talk to Chen

07 May 2005:Michelle Wang: Taiwan must take charge of its fate

07 May 2005:European Union drifts away from lifting arms ban

06 May 2005:Taipei Times: Will Soong do the right thing?

06 May 2005:Nat Bellocchi: A ferment in cross-Strait relations

05 May 2005:Taipei Times: Keep panda's away from politics

05 May 2005:Chen Ching-chih: China's annexation bid won't work

05 May 2005:Mark Caltonhill: The KMT unlearns old lessons

05 May 2005:Jim Hale: Republic of Taiwan needed

04 May 2005:Taipei Times: It's time for Lien to come clean

04 May 2005:William Wolfe: The tragic farce of Lien Chan

04 May 2005:Gandalf Liu: Lien Chan bows to Beijing

04 May 2005:Chen Ming-chung: Selling out the people

03 May 2005:Taipei Times: Chen must stand up to the quislings

03 May 2005:President Chen calls for cross-Strait talks based on democracy

01 May 2005:Taipei Times: Lien Chan plays his last card

01 May 2005:Liberty Times: Lien Chan betrays democracy in China

01 May 2005:Washington tells China to talk to President Chen

01 May 2005:Lee Teng-hui: Lien and Soong are fools

March 2005

30 March 2005:Taipei Times: Beijing setting trap for KMT

30 March 2005:President Chen blasts KMT trip as deranged action

29 March 2005:Taipei Times: China moves in the shadows

29 March 2005:Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan must stress its democracy

29 March 2005:DPP bashes KMT trip as "surrender"

28 March 2005:Taipei Times: Time to curb investment in China

28 March 2005:Former President Lee pushes for action after rally

28 March 2005:MAC chairman Joseph Wu: riding the waves of cross-Strait relations

27 March 2005:One million march in Taipei: Standing up for peace

27 March 2005:Taipei Times: Freedom is Taiwan's best weapon

25 March 2005:Taipei Times: Send the right message

25 March 2005:President Chen will join the march on 3/26

24 March 2005:Former Swedish Deputy PM Ahlmark: Lifting weapons ban on China could spark Asian arms race

24 March 2005:Mac William Bishop: Can't find 319 truth? Make up your own

23 March 2005:Taipei Times: China's anti-secession law could force local unity

22 March 2005:Taipei Times: Rice botched her chance in Beijing

21 March 2005:Huang Tien-lin: China cooks up "unification soup"

19 March 2005:Taipei Times: Beijing's clumsy maneuvers

19 March 2005:Gerrit van der Wees: The EU must not appease Beijing's agression

18 March 2005:US House of Representatives slams anti-secession law

18 March 2005:Ku Er-teh: Does China need a law to wage war on Taiwan?

17 March 2005:Taipei Times: Appeasement didn't stop Hitler

17 March 2005:US Secretary of State Rice to tell Beijing that US is upset over law

17 March 2005:President Chen lashes out over China's law

16 March 2005:Taipei Times: Rice should see China's true face

16 March 2005:United States slams anti-secession law

16 March 2005:Foreign Minister Mark Chen urges world to take action

15 March 2005:Taiwan blasts "anti-secession law"as irrational act

15 March 2005:Taipei Times: Taiwan must act, but carefully

15 March 2005:Prof. Chen Lung-chu: Challenges ahead in staying on course

14 March 2005:Taipei Times: French perfidity must be challenged

14 March 2005:Opinion poll: Dislike of China's law widespread

14 March 2005:Pro-independence groups back March 26 protest plan

13 March 2005:President Chen: We will not sit idly by

13 March 2005:Taipei Times: Nation must unite against China

13 March 2005:Liberty Times: Counter China's naked agression

12 March 2005:Taipei Times: It's time for the PFP to deliver

12 March 2005:Richard d'Amato: China will "pay a price" for anti-secession law

11 March 2005:President Chen: EU arms sales to China a "threat to peace"

11 March 2005:US Security Review Commission blasts anti-secession law

11 March 2005:Taipei Times: Lien Chan starting to look very lonely

11 March 2005:Paul Lin: Taiwan should not be fooled again

10 March 2005:Charles Snyder: US up in arms about anti-secession law

10 March 2005:Taipei Times: The EU; Beijing has a new yes-man

10 March 2005:Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan's fate different to predict

09 March 2005:The Observer: The UK is not alone when it comes to the art of kowtowing to Beijing

09 March 2005:Taipei Times: The world that can say no

09 March 2005:Stephen Carter: It's Chen who is delusional

09 March 2005:Chen Ming-chung: Taiwan is bigger than Chen

09 March 2005:An Yang: Anti-secession law threatens democracy activists

08 March 2005:Taipei Times: Living with uncertainty

08 March 2005:Doug Bandow: Is Europe Taiwan's friend or foe?

07 March 2005:Taipei Times: Searching for a spine

07 March 2005:Lai I-chung: China moves to change the status quo

07 March 2005:Taiwan marchers send message to China

06 March 2005:Charles Snyder: US Congress will respond to "anti-secession" if need be

06 March 2005:Taipei Times: Chen's concessions were for naught

06 March 2005:Liberty Times: Taiwan the biggest loser after Chen-Soong tryst

06 March 2005:Chang Kuo-tsai: DPP in crisis after Chen's betrayal

05 March 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Chen must try to build national solidarity

05 March 2005:Richard Halloran: US and Taiwan must listen better

05 March 2005:Paul Lin: Chen, Soong affirmed the "middle way"

04 March 2005:Taipei Times: It's not easy being green

04 March 2005:Chin Heng-wei: Chen-Soong consensus revives civil war rivalry

03 March 2005:Taipei Times: Taiwan outshines China in rights

03 March 2005:European lawmaker plans resolution to protest Chinese law

03 March 2005:Wu Li-pei works to bridge Taiwan-US divide

02 March 2005:Taipei Times: Stand up to China's legislation

02 March 2005:Chen Chien-ming: President Chen trips on the way to the land of promise

02 March 2005:Lin Chung-pin: Beware of China's encirclement

01 March 2005:Taipei Times: The sobering lesson of 228

01 March 2005:Former president Lee slams China law at 228 event

January 2005

31 January 2005:Taipei Times: Would-be quisling is no prodigal son

31 January 2005:Li Thian-hok: Bush's freedom speech and Taiwan

31 January 2005:Su Tseng-chang elected as new DPP chairperson

30 January 2005:Taipei Times: Soong playing a complicated game

30 January 2005:Tseng Chao-chang: Self-help is key to countering Chinese law

29 January 2005:Joseph Wu: US against China's anti-secession law

29 January 2005:Taipei Times: Open the window of opportunity

29 January 2005:Paul Lin: Hu Jintao is starting to show his true colors

27 January 2005:Taipei Times: Taiwan a tale of two cities

27 January 2005:Lin Cheng-yi: US policy an obstacle for Taiwan

27 January 2005:Prof. Henry Wang: US must side with Taiwan

27 January 2005:United States maintains opposition to lifting arms embargo

26 January 2005:Taipei Times: Hsieh has the real job ahead of him

25 January 2005:Taipei Times: Interview with former President Lee Teng-hui

25 January 2005:Orville Schell: Remembering and forgetting Zhao Ziyang

25 January 2005:Chiou Chwei-liang: A workable coalition needs wisdom

24 January 2005:Taipei Times: US' inept policy turns on itself

24 January 2005:James Wang: Soong has to play his cards right

23 January 2005:Taipei Times: Let's hope Bush keeps his word

23 January 2005:Lee Teng-hui urges Chen not to be a "lame duck"

22 January 2005:Taipei Times: Goodbye Legislative Yuan, but thanks for nothing

22 January 2005:Charles Snyder: White House denies Taiwan inauguration snub

21 January 2005:Taipei Times: Pan-blues disregard public interest

21 January 2005:Prof. Chen Lung-chih: "Peaceful rise"in China is a costly hoax

21 January 2005:Nat Bellocchi: Cross-strait ties enter new territory

21 January 2005:European arms sales to China boom despite ban

21 January 2005:Richard Halloran urges openness on security

20 January 2005:Taipei Times: Hope for peace in Bush's next term

20 January 2005:Wang Dan: A death in Beijing is cause for reflection

20 January 2005:Paul Lin: China's move towards oil diplomacy

19 January 2005:Taipei Times: Illegitimacy spawns ludicrous 319 report

19 January 2005:Bao Tong: A rememberance of Zhao Ziyang

18 January 2005:Taipei Times: Zhao Ziyang, a symbol for China's lost options

18 January 2005:President Chen claims Soong will back arms bill

18 January 2005:Vincent Wang: EU ban should cover "dual use"

17 January 2005:Taipei Times: The Economist painting a realistic portrait

17 January 2005:Antonio Chiang: Inter-party cooperation is the way forward

17 January 2005: On James Soong's meeting with US officials

16 January 2005:Liberty Times: The DPP will rue the day it made a deal

16 January 2005:Taipei Times: Is a model for air links at hand?

16 January 2005: On DPP and PFP finding some common ground

15 January 2005:European Parliament votes to uphold arms-sale ban

15 January 2005:Hawang Shiow-duan: Taiwan can't afford domestic split

15 January 2005:Taipei Times: James Soong faces a moment of truth

13 January 2005:Lin Cheng-yi: China launching a dual strategy

11 January 2005:Taipei Times: It's almost time to pull the plug

11 January 2005:Kuomintang in league with Beijing over flights

11 January 2005: Alimamy Bakarr Sankoh: African criticism of "anti-secession" law

10 January 2005:Taipei Times: The Chinese gulag beckons

10 January 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Legislative defeat was a winner for Chen

10 January 2005:Northern Taiwan Society: New "anti-secession" law may influence US policy

09 January 2005:Taipei Times: The PFP and DPP have different ideals

09 January 2005:William Stimson: China still living in the past, as "anti-secession" law tells us

08 January 2005:Therese Shaheen talks about Taiwan-US ties

08 January 2005:Henry Wang: A letter to Chinese president Hu Jin-tao

07 January 2005:Taipei Times: President Chen's proposal is very pragmatic

07 January 2005:Li Thian-hok: Foggy Bottom follies spell trouble

06 January 2005:Taipei Times: Don't exclude Taiwan's aid efforts

06 January 2005:Therese Shaheen says arms funds needed to insure security

06 January 2005:Beijing's envoy discusses new "anti-secession law" at White House

06 January 2005:Gerrit van der Wees: Newswires don't tell the full story

06 January 2005:Paul Lin: Talking straight with US paramount

05 January 2005:US and China to discuss "anti-secession" bill

05 January 2005:Sushil Seth: Is Taiwan actually a "landmine"?

05 January 2005:Charles Snyder: Shriver's "Times"snub not official

03 January 2005:Taipei Times: President Chen's "five no" pledges must go

02 January 2005:President Chen's New Year message: Reconcile and talk to each other

01 January 2005:Taipei Times: Lee's visit to Japan gives Taiwan dignity

28 December 2005:Taipei Times: We need a Taiwanese Constitution

28 December 2005:Foreign Minister Mark Chen: Stalling arms bill could make Taiwan irrelevant

27 December 2005:Taipei Times: Standing up for the Fourth Estate

27 December 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Ma and Soong arrive at discgraceful consensus

26 December 2005:Li Thian-hok: Time for the DPP to toughen up

26 December 2005:Lai I-chung: Debate on arms bill must be allowed

26 December 2005:Japanese feel unfriendly towards PRC

25 December 2005:Taipei Times: "Soft coup" verdict not helpful

23 December 2005:Taipei Times: The pan-blue camp fuels the Wu charade

23 December 2005:Cao Changqing: China not profitable for most US companies

23 December 2005:Honingmann Hong: Asian moves require close attention

22 December 2005:Taipei Times: The meaning of the arms bill

22 December 2005:Nat Bellocchi: For the US, a period of waiting

22 December 2005:Paul Lin: Ma risking inseparable rift with major ally

21 December 2005:Taipei Times: Protests teach Hong Kong a lesson

21 December 2005:"Special budget" arms bill goes before the legislature

21 December 2005:Chin Heng-wei: Pan-blue premier is wrong way to go

21 December 2005:Ron Judy: Create a Taiwanese identity

20 December 2005:Taipei Times: The end might justify the means

20 December 2005:Hsu Yung-ming: Polarization hurt the DPP's hopes

20 December 2005:Yu Shyi-kun's history makes him popular with deep greens

17 December 2005:Chen I-shen: Pan-blues show true colors at NCC review

17 December 2005:Huang Jei-hsuan: The DPP should stay the course

16 December 2005:Former President Lee Teng-hui: We must defend our democracy

16 December 2005:Prof. Bob Kuo: Chen must cultivate a Taiwanese identity

15 December 2005:Taipei Times: Chen and Lu need to grow up

15 December 2005:Paul Lin: CCP losing its grip as riots worsen

15 December 2005:James Holmes: China's navy flexing "soft power"

14 December 2005:Taipei Times: Don't hold out for a KMT-PFP merger

14 December 2005:Sushil Seth: China will choose its own time

14 December 2005:Chin Heng-wei: The DPP must first shore up its base of support

07 December 2005:Taipei Times: Standing firm to cross-Strait pressure

07 December 2005:Taipei Times cartoon: DPP electoral postmortem

07 December 2005:Chin Heng-wei: The DPP loses when it abandons localization

06 December 2005:Taipei Times: Building democracy is the priority

06 December 2005:Bruce Jacobs: DPP's loss highlights urgent need for reform

06 December 2005:Ku Chung-hwa: Democracy favors our better angels

05 December 2005:Liberty Times: DPP spurned for betraying values

05 December 2005:Lai I-chiung: US policy shift a chance for Taiwan

05 December 2005:Mainland Affairs Council: No China policy changes

04 December 2005:Taipei Times: The DPP receives a stern warning

04 December 2005:Taipei Times: KMT crushes DPP in landslide victory

04 December 2005:Huang Tien-lin: Blame local business, not the government

03 December 2005:Taipei Times: The sloth weeps, the vandal laughs

03 December 2005:Li Tian-hok: Government must defend the nation

03 December 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: US-Taiwan relations need to be reinforced

02 December 2005:Mac William Bishop: General backs arms procurement package

02 December 2005:Chiu Hei-yuan: 'Local' polls, 'national' importance

01 December 2005:Taipei Times: Nation can't afford election boycott

01 December 2005:President Chen Shui-bian warns of cost of KMT victory

October 2005

31 October 2005:Huang Tien-lin: Economic marginalization is at hand

31 October 2005:Yao Jen-to: The media has to face its own double standards

30 October 2005:Liberty Times: the true meaning of "retrocession"

30 October 2005:John Tkacik: Taiwan deserves more support from Western democracies

29 October 2005:AEI's Blumenthal blames PFP for impasse

29 October 2005:Richard Halloran: What's a salute in two directions?

28 October 2005:Taipei Times: Diplomacy isn't just about numbers

28 October 2005:President Chen talks of need for Constitutional reform

28 October 2005:Lee Teng-hui: The path of Taiwan's democracy

28 October 2005:Cao Changqing: Lee can still pull a crowd among the expatriates

27 October 2005:China-based Taiwanese split over identity

26 October 2005:Taipei Times: An odd event across the Taiwan Strait

26 October 2005:President Chen Shui-bian: Retrocession Day about self-rule

26 October 2005:Legislative Yuan blocks arms bill again

25 October 2005:Randy Schriver warns of US losing sway over China

25 October 2005:Taipei Times: Cure needed for political flu

24 October 2005:Prof. Chen Lung-chu: New plan needed for Taiwan's UN bid

23 October 2005:Bruce Jacobs: Chiang Kai-shek lost the ROC its UN seat

23 October 2005:Liberty Times editorialsorial: Lee and Lien trips highlight truth

23 October 2005:Taipei Times: Lee denounces China as "slave state"

22 October 2005:Taipei Times: Lee's voice is better than none

22 October 2005:Former Taiwanese President Lee calls pan-blue camp "collaborators"

20 October 2005:Charles Snyder: Former President Lee says: We are the Republic of Taiwan

19 October 2005:Lee Teng-hui takes tour of US independence icon

19 October 2005:Lee Teng-hui: Taiwanese lack vision for future

19 October 2005:Taipei Times: It's time to go on the offensive

17 October 2005:Huang Jei-hsuan: Pro-China coalition using the US

16 October 2005:Taipei Times: Wang case shows KMT complicity

16 October 2005:Taiwan MND says US weapons it wants to buy are defensive

16 October 2005:Gareth Price: Chaos a part of the KMT's aim

15 October 2005:Lee Teng-hui in Alaska: China fears democracy

15 October 2005:Lai I-chung: New viewpoint needed, not reform

15 October 2005:Cao Chang-qing: Celebrating 10-10, something that never really was

15 October 2005:Yang Chun-hui: A contemptible insolence

14 October 2005:Joseph Wu: "Peace Bill" is a recipe for disaster

14 October 2005:Paul Lin: Age will not weary Lee Teng-hui

14 October 2005:Beijing embassy protests Lee speech at National Press Club

13 October 2005:Taipei Times: Speak out against injustice

13 October 2005:Nat Bellocchi: Memories of Lee Teng-hui's American visit

12 October 2005:Taipei Times: Legislative impasse bodes ill

12 October 2005:Michael Turton: The US is picking on the wrong target

12 October 2005:DPP blasts pan-blue "surrender bill"

12 October 2005:Former President Lee begins trip to US to visit "old friends"

11 October 2005:Taipei Times: The DPP must root out corruption

11 October 2005:Trong Chai: Pan-blues "peace" bill violates the Constitution

08 October 2005:Taipei Times: There is time for talk, but not now

08 October 2005:Lin Cho-shui: US should support full sovereignty for Taiwan

07 October 2005:Taipei Times: A small step forward for justice

07 October 2005:Paul Lin: Beijing creates an enemy in Japan

07 October 2005:President Chen offers "peace coffee"

06 October 2005:Taipei Times: Is the DPP the new KMT

06 October 2005:Sushil Seth: Australia is China's new spokesman

06 October 2005:Daniel Mojahedi: No shift in US policy

05 October 2005:Taipei Times: Ma should stop passing the buck

05 October 2005:Lin Cho-shui: Taiwan is giving up its gains at the WTO

04 October 2005:Yang Ji-charng: Double Ten, double trouble

04 October 2005:European Parliament member supports continued arms embargo on China

04 October 2005:TSU tells Google: Taiwan not a province of China

01 October 2005:Li Thian-hok: Impact of the Koizumi landslide

August 2005

31 August 2005:Taipei Times: Hero or villain? Lien must decide

31 August 2005:Chin Heng-wei: Don't whitewash the past, Mr. Ma

31 August 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Chairman Ma's flair alone won't save the KMT

30 August 2005:Ku Er-teh: Mr. Ma's "Taiwan discourse" is misdirected

29 August 2005:Jerome Keating: Is Ma just all sizzle and no stake?

29 August 2005:Ken Huang: Taiwan fiddles

28 August 2005:Charles Snyder: US denies talks have been cancelled

27 August 2005:Taipei Times: What happened to the rule of law?

27 August 2005:Richard Halloran: China's navy prompts US concern

26 August 2005:Taipei Times: US opts for cents and insensibility

26 August 2005:United States cancels defense meet with Taiwan

25 August 2005:Taipei Times: Take action against business scum

25 August 2005:Nat Bellocchi: US needs real experts on Taiwan

25 August 2005:US Secr. of Defense Rumsfeld: Taiwan arms decision will not alter US policy

25 August 2005:Taiwan Cabinet to revise special arms bill

24 August 2005:Taipei Times: Does ma know the truth?

24 August 2005:Ma Ying-jeou cool on revised defense bill

23 August 2005:Interview with Swiss Speaker Bruno Frick: Trade and democracy bolster Swiss ties

23 August 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Can Ma put an end to the political stand-off?

23 August 2005:Liberty Times: Lay the assasination case to rest

23 August 2005:Chien Meng-hui: Time will support 319 findings

21 August 2005:Taipei Times: "Clear Sky" should clear the seas

21 August 2005:Lee Teng-hui: blasts DPP on China policy

21 August 2005:Richard Halloran: Taiwan should heed US warnings

21 August 2005:Analysts wondering if Ma will support the arms budget

19 August 2005:Chen Ming-chung: Ma's not fit to rule

18 August 2005:Taipei Times: Lien trying to set state policy

18 August 2005:Ku Er-teh: Deciding what Taiwan stands for

18 August 2005:Chin Heng-wei: PRC and ROC both rode on history's coattails

17 August 2005:Taipei Times: Speak with one voice on China

17 August 2005:Taiwan Foreign Ministry plans UN membership bid campaign

17 August 2005:Sing Young: The US needs "Taiwan hands"

16 August 2005:Taipei Times: Japan apologies miss the mark

16 August 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Pan-greens must pull together to help Taiwan

15 August 2005:Dan Bloom: Let's hope China evolves

14 August 2005:President Chen -- in speech to WFTA in Brisbane -- urges unity in dealing with China

13 August 2005:Taipei Times: Ma shows contempt for democracy

13 August 2005:Taiwan allies launch new UN bid

12 August 2005:Taipei Times: The new DPU has noble aims

11 August 2005:Taipei Times: Call the pan-blues' bluff

10 August 2005:Nat Bellocchi: Identity issue raises its head again

10 August 2005:Antonio Chiang: Ghosts of history haunt East Asia

09 August 2005:Paul Lin: US right to block CNOOC offer

09 August 2005:Prof. Chen Lung-chu: Aborigines can aid in nation's UN aspirations

08 August 2005:Lee Teng-hui says China dare not attack

08 August 2005:Northern Taiwan Society: Education reform is still needed for Taiwan

07 August 2005:President Chen updates cross-Strait guidelines

07 August 2005:Pro-Taiwan US Caucus asks Ma to back arms bill

07 August 2005:Liberty Times: We're all sick of political bickering

06 August 2005:Taipei Times: Nation's defense must be bolstered

06 August 2005:Huang Tien-lin: China's rise is anything but peaceful

06 August 2005:Richard Halloran: No simple answers to threat posed by China

03 August 2005:Taipei Times: Remembering a political pioneer

03 August 2005:Huang Jei-hsuan: China's playing chicken

02 August 2005:Taipei Times: Taiwan's media need discipline

02 August 2005:Sushil Seth: Australia dithers between US and China

01 August 2005:Jerome Keating: The world must wake up to the China threat

01 August 2005:Chang Shi-mo: The allure of China is fading for business

June 2005

28 June 2005:Prof. Chen Lung-chu: UN's court not a resort for Taiwan to consider

28 June 2005:Lin Cho-shui: Sovereignty issue clouds the waters

26 June 2005:President Chen Shui-bian promises end to "ossified" national identity

26 June 2005:Taipei Times: Achievements in PRC propaganda

26 June 2005:Liberty Times: Distinguishing friends from foes

19 June 2005:Taipei Times: Pan-blue China visits full of pitfalls

19 June 2005:Liberty Times: Gradual unification a major threat

18 June 2005:Taipei Times: Winning the battle, losing the war

18 June 2005:Mark Kennedy: Pan-blues hold democracy in contempt

18 June 2005:Ton Su: Companies like UMC are hurting the nation

17 June 2005:Liu Kuan-teh: Measures needed to clean up the media

17 June 2005:Huang Jei-shuan: Unification won't bring peace

16 June 2005:Taipei Times: A unificationist in Aboriginal garb

16 June 2005:William Stimson: China should give in to freedom

16 June 2005:Bonnie Glaser: Is a Chen-Hu summit desirable?

15 June 2005:Michael Fonte: Kissinger misconstrues US policy

14 June 2005:Trong Chai: It's time for the people to decide on reforms

14 June 2005:Liang Hong-ming: Taiwan democracy in jeopardy

13 June 2005:Chen Ming-chung: The TSU has a chance

12 June 2005:Liberty Times: Constitutional reform is difficult

11 June 2005:Taipei Times: Electoral system reform: the worst is yet to come

11 June 2005:Richard Fisher: Turn the missile buildup against China

11 June 2005:William Meldrum: A blue week for pro-unificationist splittists

10 June 2005:Bush says he will defend Taiwan if China starts a war

09 June 2005:Taipei Times: Close the door to Chinese tourists

09 June 2005:United States calls on Beijing to talk to Chen and drop its insistence on "One China"

09 June 2005:Lien Chan gives up the KMT chairmanship

08 June 2005:Taipei Times: Constitutional reforms must continue

08 June 2005:Dr. Wu Shu-min: WHO bid not simply a failure

08 June 2005:Paul Lin: Ching Cheong a victim of Beijing's games

07 June 2005:Taipei Times: Taking Rumsfeld's warning to heart

07 June 2005:Joseph Wu: China must follow Taiwan's lead

05 June 2005:Taipei Times: Chang Chun-hsiung brings heft to SEF

05 June 2005:Liberty Times: Don't fall for Beijing's propaganda

03 June 2005:Taipei Times: Beijing tramples rights -- again

03 June 2005:Strait Times reporter arrest: about Zhao Ziyang text for democracy

03 June 2005:Richard Halloran: The truth about Japanese nukes and US deterrence

02 June 2005:Taipei Times: The KMT needs democratic reforms now

02 June 2005:Paul Lin: The US should take a side in the Strait

01 June 2005:Sushil Seth: Where does Taiwan go from here?

April 2005

30 April 2005:Taipei Times: What to do with Lien's treachery

30 April 2005:The Taipei Society: Politicians must respect the people

29 April 2005:President Chen rejects "One country, two systems"

29 April 2005:Charles Snyder: US says China ought to talk to Chen

28 April 2005:Taipei Times: Will Lien fiddle as Taiwan burns

27 April 2005:Taipei Times: Beijing can't buy Taiwan

26 April 2005:Paul Lin: Chinese protests were manipulated

26 April 2005:Northern Taiwan Society: An open letter to the people of Taiwan

25 April 2005:Orville Schell: China's victimization syndrome

25 April 2005:Arthur Waldron: The meaning of Lien Chan's visit to China

24 April 2005:Taipei Times: Be less tolerant of Lien and Soong

24 April 2005:Liberty Times: Don't let the opposition sell us out

24 April 2005:Taiwan National Security Bureau: China to deploy cruise missiles

22 April 2005:Lee Teng-hui: Lien and Soong "colluding" with China

22 April 2005:Sushil Seth: China's play for regional dominance

19 April 2005:Wang Dan: An open letter to KMT chief Lien Chan

18 April 2005:European Union: Arms ban "in China's court" now

18 April 2005:Taipei Times: Taiwan must answer China's threat

18 April 2005:Nat Bellocchi: Clear up the cross-Strait confusion

18 April 2005:Isabelle Hinton: China's beating the nationalist drum may backfire

18 April 2005:Richard Halloran: Japan's demand for apology show sea change in China relations

16 April 2005:Taipei Times: Put the screws to the blues

15 April 2005:Japan puts blame for violent riots at Beijing's door

14 April 2005:Sushil Seth: Instability sure to grow in China

13 April 2005:Chang Hsi-mo: Anti-Japan protests are grounded in neofascism

12 April 2005:Yang San-yi: China arms embargo must be kept

11 April 2005:Mainland Affairs Council kicks out Chinese journalists

10 April 2005:Taipei Times: China should learn some manners

09 April 2005:Taipei Times: Jailing P.K. Chiang is the priority

08 April 2005:President Chen attends funeral of Pope John Paul

03 April 2005:Taipei Times: With these friends, who nees foes?

03 April 2005:Liberty Times: The KMT again plays the CCP's fool

02 April 2005:Taipei Times: The KMT trip a slap in the face

02 April 2005:President Chen labels KMT-CCP deal "meaningless"

01 April 2005:Chen Ming-chung: The KMT can go back to China

01 April 2005:Taipei Times cartoon: The KMT and its history in China

February 2005

28 February 2005:Taipei Times: Triangulation meets apostasy

28 February 2005:Chang Yen-hsian: Time to face the truth about 228

27 February 2005:Former President Lee: Chen-Soong consensus is "irrational"

27 February 2005:Taipei Times: Say the right thing, Clinton

27 February 2005:Liberty Times: President Chen betrayed the voters

27 February 2005:Vice-President Annette Lu: 228 murderers should pay

25 February 2005:Christian Lloyd Bell: Dismantle the ROC

21 February 2005:Taipei Times: Time to put Taiwan's history first

20 February 2005:Prime Minister Hsieh touts "One country, one system"

20 February 2005:Taipei Times: China must not be appeased

20 February 2005:Liberty Times: Stop the mixed messages on China

19 February 2005:President Bush to discuss China arms with EU

19 February 2005:Taipei Times: China's pressing for "legal warfare"

19 February 2005:Chiau Wen-yan: Taiwan has a future as a sea power

19 February 2005:Michael Yeun: US should support Taiwan

19 February 2005:Former President Lee: Taiwan must fight anti-secession law

18 February 2005:US Congressional bill would scrap "One China" policy

17 February 2005:Taipei Times: The DPP must not forget its roots

17 February 2005:Robert Zoellick condems anti-secession law

16 February 2005:Taipei Times: The KMT needs reforms, not politicking

16 February 2005:Wu Shu-min: Government must take action on China's law

16 February 2005:Lin Chong-pin: Beat the giant through wise action

15 February 2005:Taipei Times: Set aside Tiaoyutai dispute

15 February 2005:Nat Bellocchi: US must be more active in the Strait

14 February 2005:Hao Pei-chih: Taiwan must start speaking up

14 February 2005:Taipei Times: Put an end to the empty posturing

12 February 2005:Condoleezza Rice: Europe receptive over arms sales

05 February 2005:Taipei Times: China's threat is not hard to see

05 February 2005:Richard Halloran: Beijing's military threat is escalating

05 February 2005:Huang Tien-lin: Lunar New Year charters; So much for "historic" moments

04 February 2005:US Congress lambasts EU on China arms

04 February 2005:Taipei Times: How can Taiwanese trust Beijing?

04 February 2005:Prof. Chen Lung-chu: Negotiation and arms necessary to ensure peace

04 February 2005:Paul Lin: China chipping away at US national security

03 February 2005:Charles Snyder: EU may delay lifting the arms sale ban

03 February 2005:Mark Plumb: China is stoking the fire

02 February 2005:Sushil Seth: Is politics losing ground in China?

01 February 2005:Taipei Times: Zhao's death shakes Beijing's rule

01 February 2005:Bruce Jacobs: China lives down to expectations