Washington Times' blooper:

"People's" Republic of China on Taiwan ?

Washington, 2 February 1998

In an editorial titled "Taiwan's opportunity"published on February 1st, 1998, the Washington Times made an interesting blooper by referring to Taiwan as "People's Republic of China on Taiwan."

This error is of course not of the Washington Times' making, but is due to the outdated policy of the Kuomintang authorities on Taiwan, who continue to refer to themselves as "Republic of China."

The democratic opposition in Taiwan has long argued in favor of discarding this anachronistic title, and to work towards acceptance of Taiwan as a full and equal member of the international family of nations under its own name, "Taiwan."

To many in the Taiwanese democratic opposition, the "ROC" title stands for "Republic of Confusion." An example of how it confuses everyone, is the fact that during his visit to Honduras in September 1997, Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui was greeted with full-page advertisements adorned with the flag of the Communist PRC.

We urge the Kuomintang, and the international community to end this confusion and to let Taiwan be Taiwan.

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