New Taiwan: Ilha Formosa
The Website for Taiwan's History, Present, and Future
Click Here for the Taiwan Communique

Major recent events and issues:

March 2004: Referendum and presidential elections

August 2002: President Chen: Going our own way

September 2001: Full and equal UN membership

March 2000 Presidential Elections

"Nation-to-nation" relations with China

Security in the Taiwan Strait

Chinese stealing nuclear secrets

Visit of Chinese premier Zhu Rongji

20 years Taiwan Relations Act

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EU arms embargo against China

In early 2004, Germany and France started to advocate lifting the EU arms embargo against China, imposed after the 1989 Tienanmen Square massacre of student activists. During the subsequent months, a number of articles appeared in international publications such as the International Herald Tribune, the Far Eastern Economic Review, and the Financial Times, speaking out against lifting the embargo.

The issue is building up as a source of friction between Europe on the one hand, and the US and democratic nations in Asia, such as Japan, Taiwan and South Korea on the other. The latter perceive the military buildup of China as threatening peace and stability in East Asia.

On 07 October 2004, Congressional Resolution H.Con.Res. 512 was introduced in the US House of Representatives. The Formosan Association for Public Affairs is urging US citizens to ask members of Congress to support the resolution.

On 02 February 2005, the US House of Representatives adopted Congressional Resolution H.Res. 57 by a vote of 411-3. Here is the text of the resolution in pdf-format.

On 17 February 2005, Senate Resolution S.Res.59 was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Joseph Biden (D-DE). On Thursday, 17 March 2005, the full Senate passed the resolution by a unanimous vote.

Overview of press reports and editorials