| Nikkei: Footloose in Tainan, cultural capital of Taiwan |
 | The passing of former Congressman Jim Leach: Remembering an old friend of Taiwan |
 | TaiwanInsight: What Mr. Trump's election win means for Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Election win for Trump: a more turbulent future for Taiwan |
 | Taipei Times: The downside to uncertainty on Taiwan - a rebuttal of James Steinberg |
 | Taipei Times: Where the International Crisis Group's report goes wrong |
 | Formosa Files interviews democracy-fighter Gerrit van der Wees |
 | Taipei Times: Revisiting Xi Jinping's "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" |
 | Reformatorisch Dagblad: Nederland en Taiwan moeten samen optrekken |
 | Focus Taiwan: Founder of pro-democracy publication receives presidential honor |
 | Innovation Origins Eindhoven: How power politics and morality issues invaded ASML's boardroom |
 | Taipei Times: Contrasting President Lai's inauguration speech with that of PRC defense minister Dong at Shangri La |
 | International Scholars Sound the Alarm over Legislative Reforms Proposed in Taiwan |
 | NRC: Handel van ASML met China ondermijnt vrede |
 | SOAS London podcast: What does Taiwan want from America? |
 | Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy in TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's inevitable internationalization in 2024 |
 | Taipei Times: Where have all Taiwan's (sun)flowers gone? |
 | Council on Geostrategy: DPP victory: A rejection of China's threats and intimidations |
 | Japan Forward: The security of Taiwan is crucial for the stability of East Asia |
 | SOAS London podcast: How will Taiwan's new president handle China? |
 | TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's elections a win for the DPP, but a split legislature |
 | Council on Geostrategy: Key Issues on Taiwan: The Facts of History versus Beijing's Myths |
 | Taipei Times: Best way to avoid war is to not be phased by Xi Jinping |
 | The Prospect Foundation: The Biden-Xi meeting at Woodside: what was said about Taiwan? |
 | TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's Presidential Elections in Full Swing |
 | CommonWealth Magazine (Taiwan): Review of documentary "Invisible Nation" by Shawna Yang Ryan and Gerrit van der Wees |
 | TaiwanInsight: "Invisible Nation" documentary is making Taiwan more visible |
 | Nederlands Dagblad: ASML moet op zoek naar duurzamere afzetmarkten dan China |
 | Taipei Times: US academic Oriana Skylar Mastro wrong about Taiwan |
 | Taipei Times: International media often gets Taiwan's history wrong |
 | TaiwanInsight: President Tsai Ing-wen's successful travels in spite of a Chinese headwind |
 | Prospect Foundation (Taiwan): Gallagher's Committee on China: What Can We Expect? |
 | TROUW (in Dutch): No to Dutch microchips in Chinese jetfighters and rockets |
 | The Diplomat: Why the Netherlands should restrict semiconductor tech exports to China |
 | TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's prospects for the New Year 2023: another turbulent year ahead |
 | Nederlands Dagblad (in Dutch): Nederland let op uw zaak bij export geavanceerde ASML machines naar China |
 | TaiwanInsight: Taiwan's mid-term elections: most politics is local, the KMT remains a force to be reckoned with, and the DPP needs to regroup |
 | TaiwanInsight: How not to avoid a war over Taiwan: Misconceptions in the policy brief by a task force on US-China policy |
 | TaiwanInsight: President Biden speaks again: the end of "strategic ambiguity?" |
 | Nederlands Dagblad (in Dutch): Er is nog geen �nieuw normaal� ontstaan in de Straat van Taiwan |
 | The Diplomat: There is no �new normal� in the Taiwan Strait � yet |
 | Bonnie Lin and Joel Wuthnow: Pushing back against China's new normal in the Taiwan Strait |
 | EWMagazine (in Dutch): China "White Paper" a distortion of historical facts |
 | Taipei Times: Beijing twists history to its own end |
 | Nederlands Dagblad (in Dutch): How do the Taiwanese themselves look at the conflict |
 | Dutch National Radio, with Taiwanese music(in Dutch): Verre Geluiden |
 | TaiwanInsight: Nancy Pelosi's visit a major milestone in Taiwan's relations with the rest of the world |
 | Nieuw Rotterdamse Courant (in Dutch): Nancy Pelosi moet Taiwan bezoeken |
 | Taipei Times: A Pelosi visit would be the best support for Taiwan |
 | Reformatorisch Dagblad (in Dutch): US assures to defend Taiwan in case of Chinese attack |
 | TaiwanInsight: Three times is a charm: President Biden's remarks in Tokyo |
 | The Diplomat: On Taiwan, Beijing needs to return to the policies of Chairman Mao |
 | De Volkskrant (in Dutch): De moed van Oekra�ne biedt hoop voor Taiwan |
 | Gerrit and Mei-chin van der Wees in Taipei Times: Prof. Peng Ming-min was a true pioneer |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: Lessons from Ukraine: Beijing should think twice about attacking Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taipei Times: Ukrainian people an inspiration to Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: How Taiwan is strengthening relations with Europe; and Lithuania is leading the way |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Taiwan an China: what way forward? Looking at Taiwan in its own right |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Reformatorisch Dagblad (in Dutch): Was Taiwan altijd onderdeel van China? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Elseviers Magazine (in Dutch): Waar komt ons ��n-Chinabeleid vandaan? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Defeat of Taiwan's Referendums: A Win for Democracy, International space, and the Environment |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Is Taiwan's international space expanding or contracting? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: President Biden's emerging clarity on Taiwan |
 | Joris Teer and Tim Sweijs in the Diplomat: If China attacks Taiwan, what will Europe do? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Bringing Taiwan in from the cold of political isolation |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in De Telegraaf: Nederland hoort achter Taiwan te gaan staan (in Dutch) |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Reformatorisch Dagblad: Afghanistan; Les voor het Taiwan-beleid van de Europese Unie (in Dutch) |
 | Foreign Minister Joseph Wu: Time to let Taiwan work with the UN |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: The Fall of Afghanistan: Implications for European policy towards Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: The Fall of Afghanistan: Why Taiwan is fundamentally different |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Did President Biden's Taiwan remarks represent a US policy change? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in the Taipei Times: Afghanistan comparisons fail |
 | Vincent Chao in The Diplomat: What the fall of Afghanistan means for Taiwan |
 | Anthony Kuhn on NPR: Japan's position on defending Taiwan has taken a remarkable shift |
 | Mike Mazza in War on the Rocks: Shoot it straight on Taiwan |
 | Zoe Leung and Cameron Waltz in Foreign Policy: Beijing's attempts to intimidate Taiwan have backfired |
 | Robert S. Wang in the Foreign Service Journal: Countering China's Intimidation of Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Taiwan deserves its rightful place under the sun |
 | Richard Bush, Bonnie Glaser and Ryan Hass: Don't help China by hyping risk of war over Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: The Biden Administration and Taiwan: Positive Opening Moves |
 | Ryan Hass in the Taipei Times: A broad view on Taiwan's strengths and vulnerabilities |
 | Mike Mazza in The Hill: The West needs a more collaborative approach to Taiwan |
 | Academia Historica releases documents on White Terror era |
 | National Taiwan University dedicates memorial to Prof. Chen Wen-chen |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: The US has rescinded its Taiwan Guidelines; what does that actually mean? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Has Taiwan always been part of China? |
 | Book review Hidden Hand: Dragging the Dragon out from the Shadows |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The National Interest: What a Biden Presidency Means for Taiwan |
 | Ambassador Stephen M. Young: U.S.-Taiwan relations under President Biden |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The National Interest: Strategic Ambiguity over Taiwan has Outlived its Usefulness |
 | Deutsche Welle: The Threat that the World Ignores |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: A 2020 Vision for Strategic Clarity on Taiwan |
 | Gerrit and Mei-chin van der Wees: Fighting for Taiwan's human rights and democracy |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: In memoriam Lee Teng-hui, 1923 - 2020 |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Look at Taiwan in its own right |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in TaiwanInsight: Prospects for President Tsai Ing-wen's Second term |
 | Frank Murkowsi in the Juneau Empire: Why we need to rethink where Taiwan fits into the global order |
 | Hilton Yip in Foreign Policy: It's Time to Stop Pandering to Beijing Over Taiwan |
 | Josh Rogin in the WashPost: The pandemic shows why Taiwan is a far better partner than the People's Republic |
 | Nick Aspinwall in The Diplomat: Pompeo Urges Tedros to Invite Taiwan to WHA as More Countries Join Campaign |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in ANU East Asia Forum: Looking beyond President Tsai Ing-wen�s big election win |
 | Former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen in TIME Magazine: Taiwan Has Been Shut Out of Global Health Discussions. Its Participation Could Have Saved Lives |
 | Frank Chen in the Asia Times: Taiwan's 'exemplary' response deserves emulation |
 | Kathrin Hille in the Financial Times: Financial Times: Containing coronavirus: lessons from Asia |
 | Andrew Leonard in WIRED: Taiwan is beating the Coronavirus. Can the US do the same? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees US Congress Passes Act in Support of Taiwan's Democratic Alliances |
 | Gerrit van der Wees - Journal of Political Risk: Time to bring Taiwan in from the cold |
 | Charles Parton - RUSI: Taiwan's elections: reactions to the DPP's win |
 | Gerrit van der Wees President Tsai Wins an Overwhelming Victory: A strong rejection of China�s encroachment |
 | President Tsai warms China: Taiwan already "independent" |
 | 2020 Elections: Envoys, foreign legislators congratulate Tsai |
 | 2020 Elections: President Tsai Ing-wen wins by a landslide |
 | 2020 Elections: Envy and solidarity from HK advocates as Taiwan votes |
 | Recall Han Kuo-yu petition hits first milestone |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: No room for ambiguity on national sovereignty |
 | Protesters in Kaohsiung demonstrate for Mayor Han's removal |
 | Gerrit van der Wees The December 1979 Formosa Incident: a retrospective |
 | Gerrit van der Wees 2020 Perfect Vision: Taiwan's upcoming presidential and legislative elections |
 | Hong Kong protests at half-year mark |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Whole world watching vote due to HK events |
 | Parade marks 40 years since Formosa Incident |
 | Taiwan in time: 'Noble patriots' vs 'independence mobsters?' |
 | 40th Anniversary of Kaohsiung Incident to be observed with parade |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Carrie Lam is failing Hong Kong |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen picks William Lai as running mate |
 | Stephen M. Young: Why Beijing�s assault on Hong Kong matters |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: LeBron James gets it wrong on the NBA and Hong Kong |
 | Ryan Hass: Hold the faith on Taiwan�s future |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Today's Taiwan, Tomorrow's Hong Kong |
 | President Tsai tells Denver group: Nation will not succumb to Chinese pressure |
 | Joe Bosco: World is taking a stand against China |
 | Tsai tells New Yorkers: Taiwan's freedoms are being menaced |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen vows to outlaw Chinese "surrogates" |
 | Paul Lin: Younger generation waking up to change |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen leading in three-way presidential poll |
 | Huang Tien-lin: Presidential primary a victory for all involved |
 | DPP appoints Tsai as 2020 nominee |
 | President Tsai and former PM Lai face off in TV debate |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: The Netherlands' relations with Taiwan |
 | Name change: Old CCNAA renamed Taiwan Council for US Affairs |
 | NCCU opinion poll: Most Taiwanese see Taiwan and China as separate countries |
 | US senators reintroduce US Bill on Taiwan membership in international organizations |
 | US diplomat Patrick Murphy urges Pacific Nations to retain Taiwan ties |
 | US House of Representatives passes Taiwan Reassurance Act |
 | James X. Morris in The Diplomat: Taiwan's topsy-turvey cross-Strait politics |
 | Chris Horton in Nikkei: China and US square off in Taiwan's presidential race |
 | John J. Tkacik Jr: President Tsai and Taiwan's sovereignty |
 | Jerome Keating: The US needs a new strategy for Taiwan |
 | Noah Buchan: Much ado about Matsu |
 | John J. Tkacik Jr.: Human rights, the Taiwan Relations Act legacy |
 | Former AIT Director William A. Stanton: Unification not in the US' favor |
 | The DPP postpones its presidential primary |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan's democracy is under threat |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Tsai, Lai on same ticket best option for Taiwan |
 | Walter Lohman: America's role in Taiwan's politics |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan relations beyond the TRA @ 40 |
 | John J. Tkacik: on Kissinger's last meeting with Chairman Mao: "Taiwan under the care of the USA" |
 | Foreign Minister Joseph Wu: Taiwan unfazed by Chinese obstruction |
 | Trump aides support F-16 sale to Taiwan |
 | Taiwan and US to hold annual dialogue on good governance |
 | Taipei Times editorial: China certain to break 'peace treaty' |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan, not a crisis but an opportunity |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Unrecorded 228 victims to receive justice |
 | Youth in the spotlight in march commemorating 228 |
 | 155 Europarliament members express support for Taiwan |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: US speech would depend on three considerations |
 | Taiwan in Time: 228, after the apology |
 | Celebrating the life of a beacon of democracy |
 | Democracy pioneer Reverend Kao Chun-ming dies |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: How the European explorers put Ilha Formosa on the map in the 16th and 17th centuries |
 | Joe Bosco: Inviting President Tsai to address Congress a good step |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Why Speaker Pelosi should invite Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen to address a joint session of Congress |
 | International scholars: Open Letter to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Taiwan, Prospects for 2019 |
 | Former AIT Director Bill Stanton says 'one China' misleading |
 | Admiral John Richardson: US carriers in the Taiwan Strait still an option |
 | Taiwan New Constitution Foundation poll: Nationality, new constitution preferred |
 | Taiwan government decries that Beijing is "out of control" |
 | Senator Cory Gardner: Xi Jinping's speech shifts 'status quo' |
 | Opinion poll: Over 80% reject "One country, two systems" |
 | International scholars: Open letter to democratic Taiwan |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Rejecting "One country, two systems" framweork is consensus |
 | NYTimes: Taiwan's President Tsai calls PRC unification offer "impossible" |
 | President Tsai's remarks to international media |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: How President Xi Jinping Is Misreading Taiwan |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen blasts "one country, two systems" |
 | New York Times: President Tsai Ing-wen's New Year's message |
 | Foreing Minister Joseph Wu: It is very frustrating that they keep misrepresenting Taiwan's status |
 | Chris Horton in the Nikkei Asian Review: China uses Taiwan as R&D lab to disrupt democracies |
 | Jerome Keating: It is time for Taiwan to be Taiwan |
 | Taiwan Presbyterian Church urges push for independence |
 | Foreign Ministry urges NGO's to avoid "Chinese, Taipei" |
 | Senate letter to the Administration on China's interference in the 2018 elections |
 | Josh Rogin in the WashPost: China's interference in the 2018 elections succeeded - in Taiwan |
 | David Ignatius in the WashPost: China's hybrid warfare against Taiwan |
 | David Ignatius in the WashPost: Taiwan's delicate 'status quo' |
 | Congressman Ted Yoho: Recognize Taiwan as the country it truly is |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Contrasting perceptions of Japanese colonial rule |
 | Noah Buchan: A sea change in Taiwanese politics |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen holds steady on 'status quo' policy |
 | J. Michael Cole in The National Interest: What Comes Next After Taiwan's Elections? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The National Interest: A blue wave in Taiwan's mid-term elections |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: "Flashpoint" narrative must change |
 | The News Lens: Taiwan is no "Thucydides Trap" |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The National Interest: Everything you always wanted to know about Taiwan's elections |
 | J. Michael Cole in The National Interest: Taiwan's "Mid-terms" and why they matter |
 | Nick Aspinwall in The Diplomat: What Taiwan's upcoming elections will tell us about its future |
 | Bruce Jacobs: Paradigm shift needed on Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Taiwan an opportunity for Peace |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight: Midterm elections in the US and Taiwan |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Ma's "three noes" hurting the nation |
 | Prime Minister William Lai: China subverting elections |
 | DPP creates unit to tout eceonomic progress in 2018 elections |
 | Documents show Dutch-era Tainan street plans |
 | Ian Easton: Frightfull questions about China |
 | Jerome Keating: US expectations and Tsai's speech |
 | Formosa Alliance rallies for independence referendum |
 | DPP stages China-focused rally in Kaohsiung |
 | MOFA unveils three strategies to counter Chinese diplomatic pressure |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: China 'seriously challenging peace' |
 | New SouthBound Policy: Boosts trade and tourism |
 | Amb. Stephen Young: Taiwan and international space: What�s really important here? |
 | Gerrit van der Wees book review: A Swiss soldier on Dutch Formosa |
 | John J. Tkacik Jr: The Vatican's "provisional accord" with Beijing |
 | Standing up for Taiwan: Hundreds march in Manhattan to rally for UN membership |
 | Taiwan expatriates rally in New York City for UN membership |
 | Taiwan Insight @ U-Nottingham: Taiwan's break of relations with El Salvador |
 | Taiwan Insight @ U-Nottingham: President Tsai Ing-wen�s trip to South America |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Slow shift in Taiwan�s favor |
 | Al Jazeera reporter "infiltrates" pro-unification groups |
 | Formosan Past in a modern Dutch village |
 | Ian Easton: The great defense debate |
 | The Times of London: Solidarity with Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: What Senator McCain meant for Taiwan |
 | Admiral James Stavridis: Taiwan part of Pacific solution |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Uyghurs� internment a wake-up call |
 | United States warns China over meddling |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Beijing trying to influence elections with "unabated" bullying |
 | Taiwan cuts ties with Beijing-wooed El Salvador |
 | New York Times: Taiwan President stops in US as relations warm |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen asks US Taiwanese to join in reform efforts |
 | John J. Tkacik: "Surf and Turf": Maps and the "one China" principle |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: China hurting its goal the be respected |
 | Belize welcomes President Tsai with honors |
 | US DOD Report: Taiwan losing military edge |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: West clinging to "One China" policy |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Arms development budget to soar |
 | Abraham Denmark: Does Taiwan have a role to play in a free and open Indo-Pacific? |
 | Prof. Frank Chiang: A deep dive in to the �one China� policy |
 | Ian Easton: Three big lies you probably believe |
 | J. Michael Cole: China�s bullying of Taiwan highlights its helplessness against the drift of Taiwanese society |
 | Gordon Chang: The China threat cannot be ignored |
 | Josh Rogin in the WashPost: China takes its political censorship global. Will America resist? |
 | John Pomfret: The U.S. makes a new push to bolster Taiwan�s military defenses |
 | Assistant Secretary Randall Schriver urges Beijing to renounce use of force |
 | Palace Museum director Chen Chi-nan: Museum should be more Taiwan-centric |
 | Opinion poll: People who identify as independents hit all-time high |
 | Stephen Young: What Xi wants � but can�t have |
 | US naval transit a warning to China, experts say |
 | Pan Wei-yiu: Now is the best time to normalize our nation |
 | John J. Tkacik: The status quo as we define it |
 | Chen Mao-hsiung: Taiwanese unwilling to identify as Chinese |
 | Ryan Hass: Taiwan needs to adapt to a shifting strategic environment |
 | Tzou Jiing-wen: Restoring ties with the US is not so far-fetched |
 | Joe Bosco in The Hill: Questioning the "One China" fallacy |
 | Taipei Times editorial: World waking up to Taiwan's truth |
 | Foreign Minister Joseph Wu urges Japan to set up security dialogue |
 | Brussels rally in support of Taiwan |
 | Brent Christensen appointed AIT director |
 | Transitional Justice Commission: Over 13,000 may be exonerated |
 | AFP interview: President Tsai urges world to stand up to China |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen urges unity to defend democracy |
 | Former President Lee Teng-hui: Democracy is Beijing's worst enemy |
 | US Senate passes bill touting military exchanges |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan and Allies must think ahead |
 | Taipei Times editorial: MOFA should speak for Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: The rise and fall of the Republic of Formosa |
 | Ambassador Stephen Young: Beijing's latest push to turn up the heat on Taiwan |
 | New York Times: U.S. Gives Its Ties With Taiwan a $250 Million Upgrade |
 | Lauren Dickey: President Tsai Ing-wen at the halfway mark |
 | Chang Kuo-tsai: The world knows of Taiwan, not the ROC |
 | Taipei Times editorial: It is time to rid Taiwan of the ROC |
 | Koh Sebo: It is about time for Taiwan to 'deROCize' |
 | John J. Tkacik: Thoughts on �Orwellian nonsense� |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: A long-term look at Tsai's efforts |
 | Ian Easton of Project2049: China's dangerous path |
 | Josh Rogin in the WashPost: White House calls China's threats to airlines 'Orwellian nonsense' |
 | Walter Lohman: Re-thinking US-Taiwan relations |
 | Taiwan into the WHO: Answering the call |
 | Taiwan Foundation for Democracy opinion poll: Taiwanese willing to fight China |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in Taiwan Insight (UK): Taiwan�U.S. relations face a watershed year |
 | John J. Tkacik Jr.: When the US had a "two China" policy |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Searching for a peaceful resolution |
 | John J. Tkacik Jr.: Sovereign, independent and mutually non-subordinate |
 | Gary Schmitt and Jamie Fly in The Weekly Standard: Challenging China |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen lauds military after joint exercise |
 | Secretary of State-designate Pompeo: Arms sales are consistent with "one China" |
 | Su Tseng-chang to run for DPP in New Taipei City |
 | United States approves submarine technology license |
 | Ryan Hass: Adapting to a more complex strategic environment |
 | The Economist: Taiwan is again becoming a flashpoint between the US and China |
 | Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen urges Washington action on Taiwan |
 | Former DAS of Defense for East Asia Abe Denmark: A role for Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific |
 | Huang Huang-hsiung confirmed as chair of Transitional Justice Committee |
 | Congressman Ted Yoho (R-FL): The Marginalization of Taiwan Must End |
 | Former ambassador Stephen Young: New US security adviser John Bolton good for Taiwan |
 | Ian Easton of Project2049: Making arms sales normal again |
 | US Deputy Assistant Secretary Alex Wong: Taiwan an example for the region |
 | Prof. Julian Ku of Hofstra: The Taiwan Travel Act is legally binding |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: The Taiwan Travel Act in Context |
 | Richard Armitage touts Trump-Tsai meeting |
 | US President signs Taiwan Travel Act into Law |
 | FAPA President Mike Kuo: Taiwan Travel Act signals improved Taiwan-US relations |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: West got China wrong, let's get Taiwan right |
 | Prof. Scott Simon: Canada needs friends in Asia: Taiwan's a great place to start |
 | Taipei Times editorial: When "defense" is "offensive" |
 | J. Michael Cole: 228: trauma, memory and the birth of a nation |
 | Taipei Times editorial: KMT periliously close to collapse |
 | United States Senate passes Taiwan Travel Act |
 | Former President Lee & others urge referendum to change Constitution |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: When Taiwan was a province of China (for seven years) |
 | Cabinet reshuffle targets security, diplomacy |
 | New York Times: As China Puts Pressure on Taiwan, Signs of a US Pushback |
 | US lawmakers vow support for Taiwan |
 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs rebuts US official on status |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: True democratic reform takes time |
 | Ian Easton: So you think China will win? |
 | Olympic name rectification petition gathers signatures |
 | MAC Chairwoman Katharine Chang urges talks on flight routes |
 | Control Yuan member Chen Shih-meng eyes fair fight against "dinosaur judges" |
 | Han Cheung: The Swede who lost Formosa |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan�s "dangwai" magazines on the road to democratization |
 | Ryan Hass: Soft power: low cost, high return |
 | Secretary of Defense Mattis warms of China, Russia threat |
 | Liberty Times editorial: KMT is still a danger to democracy |
 | Walter Lohman: Optimism for US-Taiwan relations |
 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs decries Beijing bullying tactics |
 | US House of Representatives passes Taiwan Travel Act |
 | Legislative Yuan passes amended Labor Standards Act |
 | Ian Easton: Defusing a cross-strait time bomb |
 | Shih Ming-hsiung: A lesson in what White Terror was |
 | Taiwan lawmakers denounce China's air routes |
 | Mainland Affairs Council protests PRC aviation routes |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: What the new US National Security Strategy means for Taiwan |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen vows to enhance defense, aid young people |
 | Defense report focuses on asymmetric warfare |
 | Birdcage Referendum Act amendments approved |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Is the KMT up to the challenge? |
 | Transitional Justice: Minister, legislators clash over Chiangs |
 | Human Rights Museum to be opened on May 17 |
 | Statement by representatives of EU and Australia on International Human Rights Day |
 | Legislative Yuan passes Transitional Justice Act |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan's first Christians in the 17th Century |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Book review: Ian Easton's "The Chinese Invasion Threat" |
 | Professor Peng Ming-min: Democracy and freedom set Taiwan, China apart |
 | President Tsai cautiously optimistic about Trump-Xi meeting |
 | US Senate reminds Trump of vital Taiwan-US ties |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: China's new era opens up a chance for change |
 | Shirley Kan: A transit that is more like a visit |
 | Former Assistant Secretary Danny Russel urges Beijing to resume dialogue |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan can be leader in renewables |
 | Mainland Affairs Council: "One China" won't be accepted |
 | Washington Post: China threatens US Congress on Taiwan |
 | US House committee passes Taiwan Travel Act |
 | AIT Chair Moriarty urges defense spending |
 | Peter Mattis on Ian Easton's new book: Optimism for Taiwan's defense |
 | Former President Lee: Taiwanese identity crucial to facing threat |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen renews call for new model on cross-strait ties |
 | Prime Minister William Lai reaffirms support for independence |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan�s history: student edition |
 | Prof. Jerome Cohen: Taiwan should be represented at the UN |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen calls for constitutional reforms |
 | Ministry of Education reduces classical Chinese ratio |
 | Taiwanese want a seat at the table in the UN |
 | Reshuffle boosts Tsai Ing-wen approval rating |
 | Taipei Times editorial: The fallacy of desinicization |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Hung Hsiu-chu needs to read up on history |
 | Thomas Shattuck: The Taiwanese, a force for freedom |
 | J. Michael Cole: The Liberals' Great Failure on Taiwan: A Response to Edward Luce |
 | Lee Hsiao-feng: China�s democratization is the key |
 | Michal Thim and Michael Turton: The Chinese cult of Cairo and the status of Taiwan |
 | Peter Enav: Taiwan Under the Gun: An Urgent Call to Action |
 | Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu: Time to realize the nation�s ideals |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: The KMT is blocking more than just policy |
 | Huang Tien-lin: Taiwan achievements threatened by China |
 | Presidential Office thanks European Parliament for support of Lee Min-che |
 | Taipei Times editorial: A new front in the diplomatic war |
 | UN Panel agrees to probe Lee Ming-che abduction |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan, 'Ocean Nation' |
 | Ed McCord in The Diplomat: One China, Dual Recognition: A Solution to the Taiwan Impasse |
 | Huang Tien-lin: Panama diplomatic break an opportunity |
 | Reaction to Panama switch: "Normalization" support at 90% |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Politicalization of Chi's death wrong |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Beijing has misjudged its Panama strategy |
 | Taiwan severs official ties with Panama |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan unbowed by China�s 'threats' |
 | Former Premier Yu Shyi-kun: Taipei should forgo ROC framework |
 | Lee Ming-che listed as political prisoner by US-CECC |
 | Southbound Policy forging connectivity in the region |
 | Beijing's handling of the Lee Ming-che case is backfiring |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: China continues to block Taiwan in the international arena |
 | United States strongly backs Taiwan's WHA bid |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Beijing needs to end WHA wedge |
 | US lawmakers urge WHA support for Taiwan |
 | Taipei denounces exclusion from WHA |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen urges PRC to show goodwill |
 | Detained activist's wife to focus on international help |
 | International scholars: Open letter to President Xi Jinping re. Li Ming-che |
 | Christina Hu: Documenting Taiwan's blacklisted dissidents |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: "One China" a disservice to Taiwan |
 | Opinion poll: Most Taiwanese see China as hostile to Taiwan |
 | Opinion poll: Over half of Taiwanese reject "One China" |
 | Environmentalists stage flash mob to protest Asia Cement mining extension |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Let's rethink the 'One China' policy |
 | James Wang: A man of principle versus the opportunist |
 | Liao Lin Li-ling: Transition to justice held up by 'dirty water' |
 | Washington Post: For decades, no one spoke of Taiwan�s hidden massacre. A new generation is breaking the silence. |
 | New York Times: Taiwan Commemorates a Violent Nationalist Episode, 70 Years Later |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Culprits behind 228 must be named |
 | Hundreds in Taipei walk to mark the 228 Incident |
 | 228 Incident book launch disrupted by violent protest |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Removing memorials to a dictator |
 | Ministry of Culture eyes Chiang Kai-shek Hall facelift |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Beijing and massacring the truth |
 | Taipei Times editorial: The KMT's 'milking' of the nation |
 | 228 Exhibition in Taipei remembers pro-democracy movements |
 | 228 Peace Day Democracy movement exhibition launched in Tainan |
 | Joe Bosco in TNI: President Trump's East Asia Challenge |
 | Prof. Peng Ming-min: The second half of the 'one China' principle |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen urges new cross-Strait mindset |
 | J. Michael Cole: Convergence or Conflict in the Taiwan Strait |
 | Taipei Times editorial: The KMT's golden lies |
 | James Wang: US stance on Taiwan is outdated |
 | Shirley Kan: Beijing's sinister long-term goals |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Fresh eyes needed on US policy on Taiwan |
 | J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: The Tsai-Trump Call: The Dynamics in Taiwan |
 | Shawna Yang Ryan: Taiwan is a country with history and people |
 | Shirley Lin: America's policy on Taiwan and China needs to change with the times |
 | Sunflower leaders in the WashPost: Americans should stop using Taiwan to score political points against Trump and China |
 | Andrew Browne in the WSJ: Dispensing With Tip-Toeing, Trump Puts Taiwan in Play |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Trump's Taiwan Phone Call Shows Need for US Policy Change |
 | Gerrit van der Wees Tsai-Trump talk reflects new focus on Taiwan |
 | Former President Lee urges Tsai to lead Taiwan without fear of Beijing |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen takes aim at economic growth |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen talks foreign policy in Trump era |
 | Taipei Times editorial: What Trump means for Taiwan |
 | James K.J. Lee in The Diplomat: Taiwan Should Be Part of Global Fight Against Climate Change |
 | J. Michael Cole in The National Interest: China no longer has a Taiwan strategy |
 | Richard Bush: Cross-Strait ties need to progress |
 | Taiwan opinion poll: Majority says Taiwan is independent |
 | Grand Justice Hsu Chih-hsiung: Taiwan needs appropriate Constitution |
 | Gordon Chang in The National Interest: Say Hello to Taiwan |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen calls for renewed dialogue |
 | National Day parade focused on heroes, diversity and the military |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Beijing chasing an unrealistic goal |
 | Wall Street Journal: Taiwan President Pledges to Resist Beijing Pressure |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: World will see Taiwan's resolve |
 | Book review: Reimagining the Dutch colonial era through fiction |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Tourism protests just what China wants |
 | Prof. Fan Shih-ping: Letting go of Chinese tour groups |
 | Prof. Michael Hsiao: Poll questions skew Tsai�s ratings |
 | United States reaffirms Taiwan stance following false Xinhua claims |
 | Hong Kong vote highlights rising anti-China mood |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: President Tsai's first 100 days: so far so good |
 | President Tsai: Government can take controversy |
 | Taiwan academics caution on approach to civic groups |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen reiterates cross-Strait goals |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Critics too hasty |
 | Taiwan opinion poll: More than half of people would still vote for Tsai |
 | The Diplomat: Interview with Taiwan's deputy minister of culture Pierre Yang |
 | Kerry Brown: Tsai�s Apology Strengthens Taiwan�s Place at Front of Chinese Modernity |
 | Linda van der Horst: Taiwan's President Offers Apology to Indigenous People |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan's history textbook protests; one year later |
 | President Tsai's apology to Taiwan's indigenous people |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Apology to aborigines must be backed by actions |
 | Opinion poll: Tsai dissatisfaction rate rising |
 | Legislative Yuan approves law on ill-gotten party assets |
 | Washington Post interview with President Tsai Ing-wen: Beijing must respect our democratic will |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: The South China Sea ruling is actually good for Taiwan |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Far-fetched worst-case scenarios unhelpful |
 | NPP bill aims to transform Chiang Kai-shek Memorial |
 | Ministry of Defense unveils US$6bn warship building plan |
 | Ministry of Defense: Missile mishap due to fatigue |
 | Ministry of Defense seeks to debunk missile launch conspiracies |
 | James Wang: AIT chair Ray Burghardt�s words send out message to Chinese |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen gets NSC brief on missile mishap |
 | Judicial probe into missile launch continues |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen upbeat on ties across the Taiwan Strait |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Remembering Chen Wen-cheng |
 | Prof. Peng Ming-min: Preparing the nation for global recognition |
 | President Tsai Ing-wen: Looking for a dialogue with China |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Shredding the "1992 Consensus" |
 | Linda van der Horst: The Evolution of Taiwanese Identity |
 | Taipei Times editorial: China's obsession with concessions |
 | Hong Kong bookseller defies orders, leads protest |
 | Taiwan Communiqu� and ThinkingTaiwan: Losing voices |
 | Opinion poll: Taiwanese identity reaches record high |
 | Taipei Times editorial: It comes with the territory, President Tsai |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Standing up for Taiwan and political freedoms |
 | John J. Tkacik: Half a 'consensus' is worse than none |
 | Health Minister Lin Tzou-yien gives speech to WHA in Geneva |
 | Taiwan academics analyze Tsai Ing-wen's inauguration speech |
 | Tsai Ing-wen reportedly taps Stanley Kao for US post |
 | Minister of Education Pan: History guideline changes to be undone |
 | Tsai Ing-wen outlines her administration's goals |
 | President Tsai's inauguration: Democracy focus of celebrations |
 | Youtube video of May 20th inauguration ceremony in Taipei |
 | Full text of President Tsai Ing-wen's inaugural address |
 | Tsai Ing-wen assures US on regional stability |
 | United States' Kritenbrink urges flexibility on cross-strait ties |
 | Taipei Times editorial: '1992 Consensus" is a poison pill |
 | James Wang: Zhou Enlai feared what Resolution 2758 means |
 | Winston Dang: The WHO needs Taiwan, not China |
 | Masahiro Matsumura: Ma Ying-jeou benefits Taiwan�s foe |
 | Taiwan lawmakers tout constitutional reform |
 | US DOD report: Taiwan should increase military spending |
 | Taiwan report: No 'consensus' in Tsai speech |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: Taiwan and the World Health Assembly |
 | Taipei Times editorial: UN�s 1971 resolution irrelevant |
 | Cabinet spokesman Tung Chen-yuan: Health minister to attend WHA meet |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Cleansing the White Terror wounds |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Ma's erratic maneuvers put regional ties at risk |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Ma desperate to save his legacy |
 | Anthony Blinken: US opposes Chinese coercion |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Ma and KMT's selective tough stance |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Remarks by future cabinet members undermine trust in DPP |
 | Huang Cheng-yi and Yeh Hung-ling: On legislating transitional justice |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Thanks for a job well done! |
 | Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat: A new perspective on Taiwan-China relations |
 | Shirley Kan: Obama should invite Tsai to visit |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Is the DPP becoming like the KMT? |
 | Tsai Ing-wen urged to outline curriculum changes |
 | Premier-designate Lin Chuan taps future heads of defense, foreign affairs |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Tumultuous times in foreign affairs |
 | CSPA opinion poll shows Taiwanese do not believe in 'one China' |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Chen Shui-bian�s trial should be investigated |
 | CFR report urges US to promote cross-strait stability |
 | Nina Solarz: Synergy in relations and medicine |
 | Lilly Lee: Time to look for positive ties across the Strait |
 | Liberty Times editorial: Overcoming an addiction to China |
 | Paul Lin: Tsai Ing-wen has a gentle way belying her inner power |
 | Huang Tien-lin: China lays plan for economic unification |
 | TISR Survey: Majority says 'Mainland China' should no longer be ROC territory |
 | Ma and Tsai meet behind closed doors |
 | Tsai and Ma have �relaxed� meeting |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Serious challenges await Hung |
 | Liberty Times editorial: China should work to improve ties |
 | New Power Party proposal targets media monopolies |
 | Former envoy to the US David Lee to be foreign minister |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Jiang Yi-huah visits Washington with mixed messages |
 | New Power Party tables amendments to the Referendum Act |
 | Taiwan ally Sherrod Brown cited as possible VP candidate |
 | Former AIT Chief Richard Bush decodes Xi's Taiwan comments |
 | Tsai Ing-wen names Lin Chuan as her Premier |
 | Civic Alliance touts constitutional reform |
 | Taipei Times editorial: KMT must own up on party assets |
 | DPP legislator Chen Ting-fei questions KMT party asset figure |
 | TISR survey: Most reject "One China" |
 | Tashi Tsering: A long road traveled |
 | Lanyu Island: The people's island |
 | Collector has over 1,000 White Terror dcouments |
 | ARATS Chairman: Reject independence or no dialogue |
 | Prof. Michael Hsiao: The master of cross-Strait relations |
 | US DAS Kurt Tong: Taiwan can help solve world problems |
 | "Temporary" plan for nuclear waste slammed |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: The US needs to recalibrate its policies on Taiwan |
 | Deputy Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton: US committed to backing Taiwan�s dignity in international organizations |
 | House Asia-Pacific subcommittee hears concerns about arms sales to Taiwan |
 | Tainan earthquake: nine bodies found, death toll rises to 62 |
 | Prof. Thomas McNaugher: Defending Taiwan is crucial |
 | Taipei Times report from Washington: Major US statement expected |
 | Tainan reels after 6.4 earth quake |
 | Donations flood in after Tainan disaster |
 | Taipei Times editorial: The DPP is ready to govern |
 | The DPP nominates Su Jia-chyuan for legislative speaker |
 | Prof. Michael Hsiao: From ROC ashes, Taiwan can rise |
 | Washington 'disappointed' with Ma's decision to visit Itu Aba |
 | AIT Director Kin Moy looks forward to working with Tsai |
 | Washington Post: urges Obama to stand by Taiwan |
 | Tsai interview with Liberty Times: cross-strait policy to rest on democratic will |
 | DPP's Joseph Wu in the US to tout stability |
 | Foreign Policy magazine rebukes use of 'renegade province' |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Flush away the �1992 consensus� |
 | Freddy Lim's election a sign of changing times |
 | Tsai Ing-wen woos US with stability vow |
 | Tsai Ing-wen meets Japan envoy and Frank Murkowski |
 | Election results "A message to China", ex AIT-chief |
 | Elections: Madame President Tsai Ing-wen |
 | Elections: DPP secures absolute majority in Legislative Yuan |
 | International observes: Elections marked by youth engagement and energy |
 | Dr. Tsai Ing-wen urges MAC to clarify transit offer |
 | Taipei Times editorial: The past should not be forgotten, Mr. Soong |
 | Prof. J. Bruce Jacobs: Taiwan was never part of China |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Ensuring a smooth power transition |
 | Liberty Times editorial: Voters can choose a brighter future |
 | Taipei Times editorial: A new year, a new step backwards |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Reshuffling the political scene |
 | Taiwan academics back the DPP's Tsai and Chen ticket |
 | Radio host Clara Chou not guilty of defamation |
 | Taipei Times editorial: The Kuomintang resumes scaremongering |
 | Two opinion polls: Ma suporters move to Tsai |
 | Washington analyst Rick Fisher: Chinese stealth advances 'diminish deterrence' |
 | Taipei Times editorial: KMT desperate to keep 'consensus' |
 | Prof. Tung Chen-yuan: Tsai Ing-wen's China stance perfectly clear |
 | Support for Tsai slides, Chu and Soong get boost |
 | Arlington military funeral held for former AIT Chairman Nat Bellocchi |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Debates are for show, not reality |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Defending rights and democracy |
 | Liberty Times editorial: Beijing, Ma attempt to trap Taiwan |
 | Zane Kheir: The reshaping of Taiwan�s identity |
 | FAPA President Mark Kao: Ma�s efforts are putting cross-strait peace at risk |
 | Parris Chang: Safeguarding democracy, security |
 | BrainTrust poll: Sovereignty key issue for voters |
 | Huang Tien-lin: KMT pushes to legislate pro-China agreements |
 | Interview with LY Speaker Wang Jin-pyng: Consensus calls for legislative reform |
 | DPP's Tsai and Chen register candidacy for the elections |
 | Chen Po-wen: Exclusion of Taiwan is weak link in security |
 | Tung Chen-yuan: Redefining the "status quo" |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Do cross-strait relations matter? |
 | Prof. Peng Ming-min: The absurd, delusional "One China" propaganda |
 | FAPA President Mark Kao: KMT's Eric Chu opting for reckless scare-tactics in Washington |
 | State Department expert praises Taiwan's democracy |
 | Andrew Browne in the WSJ: The End of 'One China' |
 | Chen Po-wen: 'Kinship' a non-starter for young Taiwanese |
 | The Economist editorial: The emperor�s descendants |
 | Former AIT Director Stephen Young: Pageantry without a hint of real substance |
 | Survey shows Taiwanese "dissatisfied" over Ma-Xi meeting |
 | Mainland Affairs Council: released Ma-Xi meeting transcript |
 | Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan in charge of its future |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Mr. Ma humiliated the nation |
 | Tsai Ing-wen: Meeting limits Taiwan�s cross-strait options |
 | President Ma trumpets 'one China,' peace |
 | US was told about Ma-Xi talks |
 | Ma Ying-jeou: Xi talks "for Taiwanese well-being" |
 | Tsai Ing-wen sees "manipulation" in play in Ma-Xi meeting |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: Ma meeting Xi a selfish gamble to save legacy |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Ma�s sly effort to slip into history |
 | Ma Ying-jeou to meet Xi in Singapore on Saturday |
 | Huang Tien-lin: Ma crippled nation�s fiscal standing |
 | Lai Fu-shun: A factual review of Taiwan's history |
 | Gerrit van der Wees: KMT candidate Eric Chu is on the wrong track |
 | Shirley Kan: Reconciling cross-strait contrivance |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Eric Chu's China conundrum |
 | Gary Schmitt at AEI: US needs to normalize ties with Taiwan |
 | J. Michael Cole: Hung Hsiu-chu is Out, Eric Chu is In |
 | Frozen Garlic: Comparing two weekend events |
 | Lorand Laskai in Foreign Policy: Taiwan�s ruling party just booted its own Sarah Palin off the ticket |
 | Taipei Times editorial: The government is in shambles |
 | Eric Chu replaces Hung Hsiu-chu as KMT candidate |
 | Tsai Ing-wen vows "New age" at campaign HQ opening event |
 | Prof. Michael Hsiao: New voters will play critical role |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Ma still detached from reality |
 | Hung Hsiu-chu says she will not back down |
 | KMT Secretary-General apologizes to Hung Hsiu-chu |
 | Poll finds majority disagree with KMT ousting Hung |
 | KMT to hold congress on ousting Hung |
 | KMT intraparty battle: Rift over Hung's replacement grows |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Hung's cross-strait focus hurts her |
 | KMT politician Chiang Shou-ping demands review of Hung's selection |
 | Opinion poll: 64.97% say Taiwan is independent |
 | President Obama "supports" Taiwan in Xi Jinping talks |
 | KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu says polls show close race |
 | FAPA President Mark Kao: Open letter to President Obama on the visit of Xi Jinping |
 | US officials Russel and Kritenbrink seek to reassure Taiwan |
 | Prime Minister Mao Chih-kuo: Taiwan "extremely dissatisfied" with Beijing's identity card move |
Opinion poll: NPP only 'third force' likely to win seats |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Governing more important than presidency |
Former AIT director William Stanton: US has been ignoring Taiwan |
Taiwan experts tout Japan defense adjustment |
TISR poll: Tsai way ahead, and Soong trails Hung |
Parris Chang: Xi to focus on Taiwan during US visit |
US resolution supporting UN bid introduced |
Lim Kuan-tsi: Taiwanese should take up own view on history |
KMT discussing disciplina against Lien Chan for attending China's military parade |
Richard Bernstein in FP: Assassinating Chiang Kai-shek |
June Lin of Democracy Tautin: A youthful perspective on national identity |
Critics disagree with president Ma Ying-jeou�s �Washington Times� op-ed |
FAPA President Mark Kao: High-school protesters won moral high ground |
Lai I-chung: Nation's 70-year search for closure, a just peace |
Legislative Yuan advises Education Ministry to revise curriculum |
Prof. Andrew Cheng: Daring to challenge the culture of deference |
Brian Hioe: Five days of struggle against black box education in Taiwan |
Talks break down: A Pyrrhic victory for Ministry of Education |
Curriculum talks with Ministry of Education break down |
FAPA expresses deep concern about handling of textbook issue by Ma administration |
Curriculum protests: Discussions underway for students, ministry to meet |
Curriculum protests: Academics tout government concessions |
Curriculum protests: Student protest a "reprise" of Sunflower movement |
Curriculum protests: Lin's mother: students not influenced by politics |
Curriculum protests: Protesters under 18 may avoid charges |
Curriculum protests: Student activists vow "to fight to the end" |
Curriculum protests: Poll finds majority of public want halt to guideline change |
Student protester Dai Lin commits suicide |
Liberty Times interview with Dai Lin three days before his death |
Anti-curriculum change group blames Education minister for death |
Angry students storm legislature |
Kerry Brown: Taiwan's modernity and the 2016 elections |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma's assent to diplomatic isolation |
Taipei mayor Ko Wenje: Ma must make stance to history curriculum clear |
New Party files charges against Lee Teng-hui over Senkaku remarks |
Noah Buchan: Twilight of the China-centric primacy |
DPP derides legal action by Education ministry in curriculum protests |
Lee Teng-hui Diaoyutai remarks defended |
NCCU poll: Support for unification dives |
Wang Jin-pyng dismisses team-up with James Soong |
Taipei Times editorial: Freedom of the press under fire |
History curriculum protests: Civic groups demand release of detained students |
DPP criticizes arrests of reporters |
Taipei Times editorial: Make no mistake: China is the enemy |
Student protesters Storm out of history textbook forum |
Former President Lee Teng-hui meets Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe |
Lee Teng-hui addresses joint session of the Japanese Diet |
Liberty Times editorial: Solving the KMT assets issue with votes |
 | Grace Tsoi in Foreign Policy: Taiwan has its own history textbook controversy brewing |
 | Highschool students protest outside Education Ministry's gate |
 | China simulates attack on Presidential Office |
 | DPP says details of KMT assets are 'tip of the iceberg' |
 | Ricky Yeh in The Diplomat: The Challenging Road for Taiwan's Newest Presidential Candidate |
 | Kuomintang makes Hung Hsiu-chu's nomination official |
 | Congressman Randy Forbes chides Obama administration concessions to China |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Xi Jinping misunderstands the rule of law |
 | BrainTrust opinion poll: Support for KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu has fallen by 10 points |
 | CSIS report: US interest is preserving cross-strait stability |
 | AIT Chairman Ray Burghardt: Taiwan important to the US |
 | MAC Chair Andrew Hsia: Distrust cripples cross-strait ties |
 | History experts slam foreign ministry's WW-II videos |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Dependence on a faltering China |
 | Former CRS' Shirley Kan: urges Obama to sell arms to Taiwan |
 | Education minister refuses to withdraw education guidelines |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Taiwan could boot ROC for freedom |
 | New Power Party reveals "two-state" China policy |
 | Seth Cropsey: Chinese island-building spurs concerns |
 | Taipei Times editorial: Soong polling strong for blue camp |
 | Student slips by police in Taipei rally |
Highschool students rally against altered curricula |
Gerrit van der Wees: AIIB a black hole for Taiwan�s economy |
Taipei Times: Ma aides China's annexation dream |
TSU urges teachers not to use the new history textbooks |
James Soong mulls presidential run |
Taipei Times editorial: Only Taiwanese can save Taiwan |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen says Hung's policies 'reckless' |
KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu stands by her policy |
Taipei Times editorial: Hung Hsiu-chu�s cross-strait sleight of hand |
Eric Chu says: a possible US trip needs discussion |
Prof. James Holmes: How Taiwan can avoid a Chinese takeover |
KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu wants political talks on cross-strait agenda |
KMT's Hung Hsiu-chu and chair Eric Chu clash over US visit |
Hung Hsiu-chu says she, not Eric Chu, to decide on US visit |
Senate bill paves way for military visits |
Hung Hsiu-chu says: the US doesn't understand me |
Congressman Matt Salmon questions "One China" |
 | DPP's Tsai Ing-wen dominates polls against KMT's Hung |
 | KMT's Hung Hsiu-chu not inclined to visit US |
 | Hung Hsiu-chu: Curriculum changes not enough |
 | Activists assail KMT over failed constitutional reform |
 | Shelley Rigger: US may be rethinking stance |
 | Constitution bill fails to pass on last legislative session day |
Students stage flash protest in Taipei against history textbook changes |
Legislative Yuan: Interparty talks on constitutional reform fall apart |
Lin Chia-yen: Tsai gains trust during Washington visit |
Tsai applauds poll results , calls for voting age reform |
 | Ms. Hung Hsiu-chu passes KMT poll threshold |
Tsai Ing-wen's US trip leads to boost in public support |
Hsinchu students organize opposition to curricula changes |
Highschool student pans 'black box' curricula changes |
Lynn Miles , veteran human rights activist, dies at 72 |
Taipei Air Raid: A forgotten history |
Tsai Ing-wen greets about 1,000 in New York City |
Tsai Ing-wen completes DC visit |
Tsai Ing-wen visits White House and State Department |
Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA) promises Tsai support on TPP |
US lawmakers attend Tsai Ing-wen reception on Capitol Hill |
Tsai Ing-wen (at CSIS) vows 'consistent' cross-Strait ties |
Tsai Ing-wen has 'very successful' US meetings |
DPP condemns Chinese ambassador to the US |
Tsai Ing-wen clarifies China policy in Wall Street Journal |
Washington crowd cheers Tsai Ing-wen's arrival in DC |
Michal Thim in TNI: Taiwan can't save the South China Sea |
Taipei Times editorial: South China Sea policy must change |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen in LA: meets US academics and expats from Taiwan |
China rejects US outlook as security forum closes |
Petition on curriculum textbook changes gathers pace |
United States re-evaluating Taiwan's role in the South China Sea |
Students stage nationwide protest against textbook changes |
Tung Chen-yuan: US supports peaceful presidency |
Opinion poll: Tsai policy is in line with US, Tsai leads KMT rivals |
Gerrit van der Wees: A firm basis for cross-Strait relations |
Hung Hsiu-chu passes key hurdle to KMT candidacy |
Tsai Ing-wen responds to Lin Yi-hsiung's broadside blast |
Deputy Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton: Taiwan a vital partner for US |
Assistant Secretary Danny Russel: US not taking sides in elections |
Taipei Times editorial: Only Ma to blame for his failures |
Voting age reform said to be "held hostage" by the KMT |
Taipei City orders Farglory to stop Dome constrcution |
Tsai Ing-wen beats all political rivals in poll |
Opinion poll: Ma's disapproval rating near 70% |
FAPA President Mark Kao: Rebuttal of Ma Ying-jeou's WSJ interview |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma's attempt to evade responsibility |
KMT nominations close without Eric Chu |
Wang Jin-pyng indicates no presidential bid |
C. Donovan Smith: The coming collapese of the KMT? |
Tsai Ing-wen to discuss economics on trip to US |
Taipei Times editorial: Textbook changes, ideological or just common sense? |
Liberty Times: Toughening up against 'one China' |
TAUP: KMT must acknowledge "Taiwanese consensus" |
Publishers delete democracy references |
Lawmakers slam textbook restrictions |
Taipei Times editorial: Potential peril of shifting loyalties |
Dome report could lead to Ma probe |
Mainland Affairs Council admonishes Eric Chu |
KMT Chairman Eric Chu aims to clarify "one China" remark |
Eric Chu welcomed back with flying shoes and empty bottles |
Taipei Times editorial: Eric Chu casts consensus on China�s terms |
KMT-CCP Forum: Xi touts 'one China' with solicitous Chu |
DPP slams Chu's 'consensus' talk |
Jon Sullivan in the WSJ: China's failed Taiwan policy |
Jon Sullivan in The National Interest: The battle for Taiwan's soul |
Taipei Times editorial: KMT draws tired political battle lines |
Former President Lee Teng-hui: No such thing as the '1992 consensus' |
Michael Danielsen: Facing new reality after cross-strait bubble burst |
Gerrit van der Wees: Defining the 'status quo' is a new paradigm |
Taipei Times editorial: The 1992 Consensus: the enemy within |
Tsai Ing-wen rejects Ma criticism, saying he is out of touch |
Ma Ying-jeou: '1992 consensus' foundation for ties |
FAPA President Mark Kao: What Eric Chu should tell China's Xi Jinping |
Evan Medeiros: Tsai's 'status quo' views interesting and constructive |
Taipei Times editorial: Brazen brainwashing mocks democracy |
Eric Chu's China visit: Legality queried |
MAC: President Ma to repeat importance of "1992 Consensus" |
Huang Tien-lin: Ma�s banked credit denied by AIIB |
Ex-Premier Jiang loses Supreme Court appeal |
Bonnie Glaser of CSIS: US won't poke around in next ballot |
Ma Ying-jeou draws fire over new grand justice nominees |
J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: As Tsai Ing-wen Enters Taiwan's Presidential Race, the China Challenge Looms Large |
The DPP nominates Tsai Ing-wen as 2016 candidate |
The Economist: Sunflower seeds |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: dismisses KMT criticism on China relations |
Su Tzu-yun: Rejecting the AIIB is a no-brainer |
Taipei Times editorial: "Vague" policy a good choice |
Civic groups mount pressure over Referendum Act |
DPP's Tsai Ing-wen warns on KMT-CCP talks |
DPP vows to keep 'status quo' going in cross-strait ties |
Report: DPP resolute on its resolution for future |
Prof. Michael Hsiao: Taiwan's bottom line in Strait talks |
J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: US Marine F-18s Land at Taiwan Air Base, Beijing Protests |
Taipei Times editorial: KMT still unclear over transparency |
Liu Shih-chung: China dares DPP to walk the walk |
United States denies stance over Taiwan elections |
Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng: brushes off candidacy rumors |
Ricky Yeh in The Diplomat: Taiwan's Rash Decision to Join AIIB |
Taipei Times editorial: Jumping on the AIIB bandwagon |
Premier Mao Chi-kuo: Equality necessary for AIIB bid |
DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen reaffirms stance on sovereignty |
FAPA President Mark Kao: US pressure on "specific outcomes" unjust |
AEI's Derek Scissors: Taiwan's TPP lobbying falls on deaf ears in US |
Taipei mayor Ko urges a 'family,' not enemies view of Taiwan Strait |
DPP legislator Pasuya Yao urges nationwide Chiang Kai-shek purge |
Taipei Times editorial: US intervention in Taiwan elections |
Dennis Wei: Sunflower movement marches on |
Executive Yuan museum fails to record occupation |
Students and activists mark Sunflower crackdown at Executive Yuan |
DPP party: Ex US official Schrage out of order |
White Terror victim Chen Wen-cheng to be honored in NTU memorial |
Taipei forum calls for progress on oversight bill passage |
Gerrit van der Wees: Taiwan must establish bottom line |
Ku Chung-hwa: Reforming constitution is of major importance |
Kuomintang rejects DPP political reform conference invite |
The KMT's Lee Hong-yuan might run for president |
Taipei Times editorial: Sunflowers shine light of leadership |
Stephane Corcuff: Sunflower movement in global perspective |
Taipei rallies mark Sunflower anniversary |
Taipei Times editorial: Beijing muscles in on elections |
Tsai Ing-wen: Effects of the Sunflower movement to last |
Mayor Ko Wenje to take responsibility for Taipei City's China policy |
Legislators question foreign minister over denial of entry to UN convention |
Tens of thousands protest nuclear power across the nation |
Taipei Times editorial: Injustice of grand justice nominee |
Lai I-chung: Xi engineers new Taiwan offensive |
Taipei Times editorial: KMT�s WW-II events confound public |
Kurt Campbell urges US, PRC not to meddle in Taiwan's elections |
Former defense minister Andrew Yang Taiwan prepared to defend itself alone |
Gordon Chang: Early end to the Chinese century? |
Prof. Fan Shih-ping: Doubts grow over the "1992 Consensus" |
Parris Chang: Moving the concensus goalposts |
Gerrit van der Wees: Wendy Sherman's talk ignores Taiwan�s real issues |
Sunflower activists question absence of police brutality probe |
Prof. Michael Hsiao: Public debunks 'status quo' myth |
DPP: Key for cross-strait peace lies with both sides |
Huang Tien-lin: No need for consensus over ties with China |
Hsueh Hua-yuan: Understanding the lessons of 228 |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen touts "free and democratic" Taiwan |
Tears and controversy mark 228 memorial ceremony |
Taiwan nation prepares to mark 228 Incident anniversary |
Huang Tien-lin: Sub-colonial era still holds sway |
CSIS report: Marginalizing Taiwan harms global security |
Former President Lee Teng-hui: Reforming the Constitution is the only way forward for Taiwan |
Denny Roy: New crisis likely in cross-Strait ties |
Students demand that history curricula remain in place |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen declares candidacy for presidential race |
Taipei Times editorial: Alex Tsai vote reveals recall flaws |
Recall vote significant despite failure |
Prosecutors file charges against 119 Sunflower Movement leaders |
MAC Minister Wang Yu-chi resigns as charges against deputy are dropped |
Tainan prosecutors call for vote-buying detentions |
Legislative by-election: DPP keeps 3 seats, KMT 2 |
King Pu-tsung Resigns despite call to stay |
Taiwan BrainTrust poll: Support for Taiwanese independence, identity |
Lee Teng-hui urges amendment of the Constitution |
Mayor Ko Wen-je talks about colonialism, China |
The Riveter Magazine: The story of the Taiwanese Sunflower Movement |
Foreign Policy Magazine: Taipei's fiery new mayor knows whose culture is best |
Taipei Times editorial: Taipei-Shanghai forum is merely symbolic |
Prof. Michael Hsiao: KMT unresponsive to new citizens |
Cathryn Yarbrough: Keep following the light |
James Wang: The fading dynasty of Taiwan's 'king Ma' |
Prof. Peng Ming-min: PRC's new air routes merit tough response |
Taipei Times editorial: China targets Taiwan's young |
DPP sets election nomination schedule |
Christian Fan Jiang: Simplicity may be key to reforming constitution |
Five in Tainan indicted in vote-buying charges |
Sunflower leader supports embattled former student |
Opinion poll: Taiwanese identity hits record high |
Gerrit van der Wees: Time to normalize Taiwan relations |
Taipei Times editorial: Standing up to big business |
Tainan mayor William Lai: Promoting an open, transparent government |
Newly-elected KMT chair Eric Chu opens KMT assets probe |
Civic groups call for constitutional reform |
J. Michael Cole: Debunking the Myth of Inevitability in the Taiwan Strait |
Michael Turton: Washington's Obsolete Taiwan Policy |
Sunflower activists set rallies for anniversary |
Taipei mayor Ko slams Hon Hai newspaper adverts and threats |
Shyu-tu Lee: US must not meddle in 2016 polls |
New Chinese air routes: bold action urged in Taiwan |
KMT lawmaker pushes draft political party act review |
Taipei Times editorial: The case of the disappearing billions |
Ma Ying-jeou denies over-reliance on China trade |
United States demands replacement of Taiwan representative Shen Lyu-shun |
United States wants no repeat of ROC flag-raising |
Ministry of Defense being reshuffled after 'resignation' |
Huang Tien-lin: Sunflowers boosted the economy |
Taipei Times editorial: Government bumbles Chen parole |
KMT government criticized over delay in Chen's release |
Parris Chang: If Ma frees Chen that would increase his popularity |
FAPA President Mark Kao: US should normalize relations with Taiwan |
Mei-chin Chen: Only a real consensus can usher in progress |
Wayne Pajunen: The times in Taiwan they are a'changin' |
FAPA President Mark Kao: Elections bring hope for a better Taiwan |
Former President Lee Teng-hui renews call for President Ma to step down |
Taipei Times editorial: Chen release a step to reconciliation |
US-Taiwan Business Council: Ma failed to improve US relations |
Taipei Times editorial: 'Pro-democracy' is not 'anti-China' |
New Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je: urges health release for Chen Shui-bian |
Michael Hsiao: reflects on the implications of the elections |
Hoon Ting: Ko Wen-je emerges as possible leader for diplomacy |
Thinktank survey: Strong disapproval of Ma led to KMT's rout |
Kuomintang trounced in municipal elections |
Taipei Times editorial: Public awareness needed on recalls |
Gerrit van der Wees: Reliance on China is a hindrance to free trade |
Liu Shih-chung: Voters need to think about change |
Taipei Times editorial: KMT leaders are stoking ethnic tensions |
Ko Wen-je tells young voters: Convince your parents |
Ko Wen-je's Taipei parade draws twohundred thousand |
DPP leaders in big show of support for candidates |
Ethnic discrimination seen in KMT attacks |
US-China Review Commission: Closer cross-strait economic ties help China |
Former AIT Chairman Nat Bellocchi dies at age 88 |
Taipei Times editorial: Lien Chan reveals hatred, ignorance |
Former VP Lien Chan lashes out at DPP |
Obama lauds Taiwanese democracy |
Associated Press: clarifies story on Obama's 'one China' comment |
Obama's: Taiwan remarks unconfirmed |
Foreign Ministry: criticizes Obama misquote |
David Keegan urges US: Make Taiwan part of TPP |
David Shambaugh: Hong Kong protests may have cost Beijing Taiwan |
David Pilling in the FT: Taiwan resolves to resist China's embrace |
Mark Kao: Bringing real cross-Strait stability |
Formosan Association: Obama must insist China dismantle missiles |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Obama's China trip must affirm democracy |
Harvard academic Rosecrance: sees irrevocable Taipei, Beijing split |
Liu Shih-chung: Cross-strait relations after Nov. 29, 2014 |
Richard Bush wants to 'clarify concerns' with DPP |
Taipei Times editorial: KMT resorts to Potemkin trickery |
AEI study: Taiwanese, Hong Kongers identify less with China |
Governor/Senator Frank Murkowski: US policy on Taiwan must bolster democracy |
John Garnaut in the Canberra Times: Young people of Taiwan and Hong Kong refusing to accept the unification of 'Greater China' |
Taipei Times editorial: More sycophantic hubris from Ma |
Tsai Ing-wen and Huang Kuo-chang slam Ma Ying-jeou comments |
Taipei Times editorial: KMT resorts to dirty tricks, again |
Prof. Peng Ming-min: 'Spiritual contract' with Beijing? |
Timothy Webster: The West gets the blame, but it's China that Hong Kong and Taiwan fear |
DPP Outlines national defense plans |
Formosan Association: HK shows Taiwan needs cross-strait caution |
Taipei Times editorial: Government must learn Hong Kong's lessons |
Civic groups tell KMT: "learn from Hong Kong" |
HK protesters not deterred by tear gas |
Taiwan Citizen Union vows to overhaul political system |
Liu Shih-chung: Time to stop negative campaigns |
Ma Ying-jeou hit by "Formosa Betrayed" |
Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je accuses Lien team of "Watergate" |
Students in Hong Kong rally and strike for democracy |
DPP and students voice support for Hong Kong strike |
Sunflower students remember Oliver Chen |
DPP lauds Scottish referendum "democratic values" |
Tang Prize winner Yu Ying-shih urges conservation of freedom |
Washington says Bush's Taiwan remarks are his own |
UDN Survey: ranks cross-strait relationship |
DPP dismisses report on US invitation for Tsai |
American Institute in Taiwan: Richard Bush' remarks do not represent US position |
Peng Ming-min: cross-Strait negotiations involve only China |
Tsao Yung-ho , Taiwan history expert on the Dutch period, dies |
Richard Bush: US may try to sway vote |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Hong Kong a mirror for Taiwan? |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma making Taiwan next Hong Kong |
Joseph Tse-Hei Lee: Hong Kong democracy is China's nightmare |
Taipei Times editorial: The KMT's rule-breaking finally judged illegal |
Sunflower leaders urge US to drop 'one China' policy |
Gerrit van der Wees: China is only holding Taiwan back |
Roxie Chuang: National defense key to saving democracy |
Kurt Campbell: Analysis of China may have warning for Taiwan |
William Lowther: No shift in Washington�s arms sales to Taiwan policy |
Kuomintang is again the world's richest party |
Prof. Robert Sutter: US needs 'pro-active policy over China' |
Opinion poll: Support for independence up |
TEPU pushes for year-end Kung-liao plant referendum |
Tsai Ing-wen: Beijing will learn to deal with DPP |
Legislator Lin Chia-lung warns of interference in elections |
Huang Tien-lin: Sunflower movement helped lift economy |
DPP: Joseph Wu subpoena is 'abuse of power' |
Another former NSC official criticizes King Pu-tsung visit |
ThinkingTaiwan Forum: All the King's persecutors |
Tsai Ing-wen rejects mayoral campaign rumors |
Activist groups urge referendum reform, lawmaker recall |
Support slump for mayoral candidates prompts KMT action |
Tsai Ing-wen pans KMT over Control Yuan nomination impasse |
Michael Danielsen: Ma's policy undermining Taiwan |
US Naval War College report describes Chinese missile force as "formidable" |
Control Yuan probe into March 24 Executive Yuan eviction fizzles |
Academia Sinica members petition for former President Chen's release |
US academics: Sunflower movement set stage for major political change |
Hong Kong marches for democracy |
Trilateral panel urges regional security cooperation |
DPP: ECFA promises not delivered |
TAUP symposium: TAO visit shows fragility of democracy |
Lin Fei-fan: Chinese guest disrespectful |
Zhang Zhijun: Visit was successful despite 'situations' |
Randall Schriver: Sunflowers altered the dynamics |
Protests greet Zhang Zhijun at airport |
Activists outraged over raid at Novotel |
DPP police evicted protesters from hotel |
Taiwan regime imposes strict media restrictions on Zhang visit |
Taipei Times editorial: HK, Tibet have lessons for Taiwan |
Hillary Clinton: Reliance on China makes Taiwan vulnerable |
Activists insist on state-to-state talks |
Su Chi denounces 'weak, lazy, ineffective' legislature at US forum |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Consensus is building among Taiwan public |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma must protest Fan statement |
Congressional Research Service: US has concerns over Taiwan�s defense |
DPP accuses Ma Ying-jeou of double standards on Palace Museum exhibit in Japan |
Tainan mayor William Lai: Rational debate on pilot zones needed |
Protesters blame China for hacking attacks |
Taipei crowds protest trade pact, pilot zones at legislature |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma Ying-jeou quibbling with the best of them |
Critics link division judge's axing to Wang decision |
Taipei Times editorial: MOFA fails to defend sovereignty |
Sunflower students to mark Service Trade Agreement anniversary |
Prof. John Garver warns over pace, extent of cross-strait moves |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen rejects Ma's 'free island' analysis |
China's Taiwan Affairs Office' remarks draw strong response |
Taipei Times editorial: Premier Jiang Yi-hua's backwards view of the problem |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Pilot zones not a solution to the economic problems |
DPP tells Beijing to respect HK rights |
Premier Jiang seeks support for national affairs conference |
Jane's Defense Weekly: Radar might be compromised |
Tainan Mayor William Lai rattles Chinese audience |
DOD report on China's military power: China "focused" on Taiwan conflict |
American Chamber of Commerce: Taiwan may need 'down payment' to join the TPP |
William A. Stanton: All need to re-examine their policies |
Taipei Times editorial: Imperfect cross-strait relations plan |
Joyce Huang: Taiwan can learn from Tiananmen |
Tiananmen reflections: Vigil to mark massacre tomorrow |
Taipei Times editorial: Review South China Sea Policy |
Paul Lin: Why China is concerned by Taiwan's Sunflowers |
Amnesty International says nation must still improve human rights |
Hong Kong blocks Taiwanese academic |
Academia Sinica supports researchers' freedom of expression amid criticisms |
US at Shangri La Forum: China 'destabilizing' force |
Opinion poll: Majority view cross-strait ties as 'state-to-state' |
DPP Introduces its new officials at press conference |
Tsai Ing-wen elected as DPP chairperson |
Taiwan Solidarity Union: Ma bids to repress national identity as policy fails |
Retired generals defy defense ministry in cross-Strait visit |
Legislators set to vote on cross-Strait oversight bills |
Taipei Times editorial: Subway killing: quick to judge, slow to reflect |
Mei-chin Chen: "China" confusion in Vietnam |
Sunflower leaders to form new activist organization |
Vietnamese representative apologizes over riot losses |
Jay Fang: Taipower figures need scrutiny |
Academics slam cross-Strait shipping regulations |
Liberty Times editorial: Use the power at the ballot box |
US drones' move to Japan could aid local defense |
Vietnam's anti-China protests: Critics fault 'one China' policy |
Ko Wen-je sounds off at book event |
Michael Thim in The Diplomat: The Odd Couple: Japan & Taiwan�s Unlikely Friendship |
Joseph Wu in The Diplomat: The Future of U.S.-Taiwan Relations |
Randy Schriver: urges US to stay out of Taiwan 2016 Taiwan polls |
Raymond Burghardt: Taiwan-US ties stronger than ever |
Separate opinion polls put Ma approval rating at under 18% |
KMT draws fresh fire over service trade pact review |
Civic groups: Sunflower lessons go wanting |
Critics: Ma recruits from his "inner circle" once again |
Huang Tien-lin: Blocking pact gives economy boost |
US Congressman Ed Royce: Taiwan should spend more on own defense |
Taipower: Nuclear plant may shut early |
History textbook sparks hullabaloo |
Bob Hathaway @ Woodrow Wilson: Taiwan is small but hardly insignificant |
Joyce Huang: Expanding Taiwan�s position worldwide |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: Sunflowers changed everything |
Dr. Ko Wen-je calls on government to let ailing A-bian 'go home' |
Environmentalists give Service Trade pact warning |
Hundreds protest at Alex Fai�s office in recall drive |
Students, netizens initiate recall of KMT lawmakers |
Taipei Times editorial: Back to Taiwan's future |
Gerrit van der Wees: Key to liberalization is diversity |
James Kuo: Plant conversion a viable option |
Premier Jiang Yi-huah quizzed on power plant policy |
Gerrit and Mei-chin van der Wees: Open letter thanking Lin I-hsiung |
USCC report: Trade protest has curbed cross-strait ties |
National Police Administration criticized over 'martial law era' tactics |
Civic groups accuse police of abusing protesters at rally |
Lin I-hsiung ends anti-nuclear hunger strike |
Taipei Times editorial: Nuclear policy must be made public |
Civic and journalist organizations condemn violence by police |
Taipei Times editorial: Restore constitutional order |
Lin I-hsiung hospitalized on seventh day of hunger strike |
Commomwealth poll: majority favor suspending or aborting nuclear plant |
Taipei police use batons, water cannons against protesters |
Tens of thousands continue anti-nuclear protests |
Academia Sinica wades into debate on nuclear power |
Taiwan Association for Truth and Reconciliation: Do not turn Lin I-hsiung into 228 victim |
Thousands start anti-nuclear protests |
FAPA urges referendum on nuclear power plant |
Chairman Su and President Ma discuss nuclear power plant |
DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang warns Ma on responsibility for Lin Yi-hsiung |
Taiwan academics take to the streets against nuclear generation |
Taipei Times editorial: Nuclear concerns not addressed |
Taipei protests back nuclear hunger strike |
Lin I-hsiung's daughter sends support in letter |
Lin I-hsiung starts anti-nuclear hunger strike |
James R. Holmes in The Diplomat: Why Taiwan Wants Submarines |
DPP's Joseph Wu: The road to a better democracy |
US APEC official Robert Wang: China factor not an issue in Taiwan's TPP accession |
Prof. Mark Harrison: The Sunflower Movement in Taiwan |
Prosecutors question Sunflower student leaders |
Premier Jiang Yi-huah rejects DPP nuclear statute |
Former AIT director William Stanton: Sunflower movement is a �wake-up call� |
Michael Thim in The Diplomat: China threaten's Taiwan's reputation |
Marie-Alice McLean-Dreyfus: Protest Songs and Taiwanese Identity in the Sunflower Movement |
Mei-chin Chen: Betting on the wrong horse |
US Senate report supports TPP membership |
Prof. Gloria Hsu Nation's future turned into scrap |
Premier Jiang blasts DPP over nuclear referendum statute proposal |
Taipei Times editorial: Justice minister Luo should not interfere with the law |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen signs up for DPP chair election, calls for reform |
Prof. Chu Ping-tzu: Ma Ying-jeou must stop using the law as a weapon |
Protesters greet Ma at Academia Sinica |
Sunflower student leader Tseng vows to keep up activism |
Zachary Keck in The Diplomat: China Responds to Taiwan�s Sunflower Movement |
Vincent Chao in The Diplomat: How Technology Revolutionized Taiwan�s Sunflower Movement |
Shannon Tiezzi in The Diplomat: After Taiwan Protests, Chinese Leaders Stress Continued Cross-Strait Ties |
J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: Sunflowers End Occupation of Taiwan�s Legislature |
DPP plans new law to resolve nuclear dispute |
Student leader Hung Chung-yen stands up to criticism |
Lin Yi-hsiung to start anti-nuclear hunger strike |
Volunteer works to protect the students |
Su Tseng-chang and Frank Hsieh drop out of DPP chair race |
Taipei Times editorial: Implications of sunflowers for Beijing |
NTU law dean: "We did not teach Ma well" |
Communication experts launch anti-pact petition |
Opinion poll: Most unhappy at government handling of Sunflowers |
Sunflower student representatives defend protests in Washington |
International scholars: Letter to Sunflowers and Ma |
LY Speaker Wang Jin-pyng vows monitoring law before pact |
KMT is 'shocked,' does not endorse Wang�s promise |
Taipei Times editorial: Signing of trade pact not imperative |
Chou Fu-i: A profile of a behind-the-scenes Sunflower heroine |
US Senator Rubio seeks answers on the "six assurances" |
Student demonstrators insist "four bandits" must quit |
Moms and children support protest, stopped by police |
Former ambassador Nat Bellocchi: It's not about "free trade" but about freedom in Taiwan |
John Tkacik in the WashTimes: Taiwan struggles in China�s trade grip |
Sunflower leaders reject Ma's conference plan |
Ex-Ma adviser Rex How starts pro-Sunflower art campaign |
GWU professor Bob Sutter: Ma may face questions on China stance |
Taipei Times editorial: Implications of the "Sunflowers" |
Half a million people show their support for student-led protests |
Former president Lee Teng-hui: Students give hope to the nation |
Student protesters: Stand up for your democracy |
Ma at press conference: wants to 'sit down' with students |
Students plan Sunday rally for Ketagalan Blvd |
Lee Teng-hui urges Ma, Wang to initiate dialogue with protest leaders |
DPP opinion poll finds majority supports student protest |
National Public Radio: Taiwan's students head to the streets with sunflowers to protest closer ties with China |
Taiwan officials deny police used violence to expel students |
DPP: police should be held accountable for violence |
Letter to the editor: Why did police attack Legislator Chou? |
University professors call on President Ma to resign |
Opinion survey shows public favors students' demands |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma's arrogance aggravating crisis |
Gerrit van der Wees: KMT tactics conjure up memories of White Terror |
Protest leaders willing to meet with Ma |
United States stays neutral on pact, lauds Taiwan democracy |
Taipei police officials face questioning over bloody crackdown |
Taipei Times editorial: A sad yet great day for Taiwan |
Activists condemn use of force in protest breakup |
Politicians, civic groups lash out over crackdown |
Student protesters undaunted after violent eviction |
New York Times: Anger Grows in Taiwan Against Deal With China |
Christian Science Monitor: Taiwan ejects protesters from government offices |
Students storm Executive Yuan as standoff persists |
Taipei Times editorial: Enough of Ma's half-truths |
University presidents call on Ma to respond to occupiers |
Former presidential advisor Rex How: Government hides from scrutiny |
New York Times: Taiwanese students pledge to continue occupation of Taiwan's legislature |
J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat: Taiwanese Students Occupy Legislature Over China Pact |
FAPA President Mark Kao: Be there now: Your nation needs you |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma must engage student protesters |
Mei-chin Chen: Trade agreement gives away too much to China |
DPP: Ma should apologize for pact |
LY Speaker Wang promises a solution, response to students� appeals |
Students give Ma and Wang an ultimatum |
Dafydd Fell: The importance of social movements in Taiwan |
Opposition, students and civic groups protest service trade pact |
Legislative review on service trade pact cut short |
Protesters slam KMT over service trade pact |
Former diplomat John Tkacik: Service trade pact brings little benefit |
Julie Wu: Remembering Taiwan's White Terror |
State Department at House hearing: No extra cost for F-16 refit |
DPP urges upgrading of US ties |
Economics expert: pilot zones will hurt produce suppliers |
Taipei Times editorial: New Cabinet, old haplessness |
Prof. Chen Tsui-lien: Understand context of 228 Incident |
LY Service Trade Agreement review: Violent skirmish, condemnations mark second day |
Service Trade Agreement survey: Most support line-by-line cross-strait review |
Taipei Times editorial: No more covering eyes and ears |
NSB Director Tsai Der-sheng : Taiwan would not survive month of attack |
Historians petition over history textbook changes |
Huang Song-lih and Shih Yi-hsiang: Protect the rights of Tibetans in Taiwan |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Say goodbye to Taiwan, say goodbye to peace |
Taipei Times editorial: Rare clarity amid Beijing gathering |
Thirteen in military jailed over conscript's death |
Nationwide parades call for end to nuclear power |
Taipei Times editorial: Ukraine crisis resonates in Taiwan |
DPP's Joseph Wu: Defense talks in US productive |
Defense minister Yen: Taiwan could withstand attack for a month |
Jerome Keating: 228 accents Ma�s chilling outlook |
Taipei Times editorial: Taiwan's internal and external media threats |
Gerrit van der Wees: China fails test of being 'responsible stakeholder' |
Joe Bosco: Taiwan and China: a ticking clock |
DPP wants to renegotiate trade services pact |
Human rights groups call for new 228, White Terror probes |
Teachers forgo food in protest over curriculum |
Febr. 28th commemoration: 228 Massacre marked by calls for truth |
Ma Ying-jeou: promises at 228 event to uphold human rights |
Liberty Times editorial: Outsiders miss cross-strait details |
Taipei Times editorial: Political outsiders on the rise |
Chou Wei-tung and Kao Chuan-po: Restarting review of curriculum guidelines |
US-Japan military exercise warning to China |
US Naval intelligence officer Fannell: China training for "short, sharp war" with Japan |
228 Commemorations: Number of events to commemorate 228 massacre |
James Clad & Robert Manning: The Pacific Century Myth? |
John J. Mearsheimer: Say goodbye to Taiwan |
Prof. Parris Chang: Beijing's strategy to 'buy' Taiwan |
Civic groups: Meeting shows Ma wants unification |
Civic groups lambast curriculum changes |
Jerome Keating: China is Enron reborn as a country |
Blumenthal: China moving to accept independence |
Dan Blumenthal: Five faulty assumptions about Taiwan |
The Economist: Cross-Strait relations; Symbolism as substance |
Democratic opposition: Wang, Ma administration made mistakes |
Lee Teng-hui disapproves of Ma-Xi APEC meeting proposal |
Taipei Times editorial: Wang-Zhang: What lies beneath? |
Prof. Bruce Jacobs: Party conflict drives away voters |
Reporters without Borders: Taiwan press freedom in jeopardy |
United States keeps low-key stance on Wang-Zhang meeting |
Taiwan academics slam curriculum changes |
US academic Jeff Bader 'Nine-dash' line talks needed |
DPP files complaint over history textbook changes |
Taipei mayor Hau Lung-bin draws flak over comments about Ma |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma Ying-jeou's empty economic refrain |
DPP denies nomination reports |
Prof. Chen Tsui-lien: Party-state haunts history revisions |
Chabot asks Russel about threats to US plans for jet fleet |
DPP cities and counties reject new curriculum |
United States warns China over air defense identification zones |
Philippines' president Aquino sounds alarm over China |
Joe Bosco: Draw a Big Red Line in Asia |
Defense News report: F-16 fighter upgrade program in danger |
Ex-DPP chair Lin Yi-hsiung to help build new party |
Prof. Lee Hsiao-feng: History textbook 'tweaks' sow confusion |
US defense specialists: PLA seeking to limit US protection of Taiwan |
Hundreds of academics protest in opposition of revised curriculum |
Tainan mayor William Lai refuses revisionist textbook changes |
Max Baucus urges Beijing to reduce military deployments aimed at Taiwan |
Former DOD official Joe Bosco: Defend Taiwan in all circumstances |
Elbridge Colby & Ely Ratner: Roiling the Waters; start making China feel uncomfortable |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: US must be clear on core values |
Parris Chang: Beijing pressuring Ma to hold political talks |
Su Tseng-chang stays mum on election plans |
Freedom House: Criticism of lack of political independence of prosecutors |
Mei-chin Chen: Diverging views on DPP China policy paper |
Control Yuan chastizes use of "Taiwan" |
James Wang: Imprint of Taiwanese outweighs Ma's vision |
Taipei Times editorial: The myth of Taiwan's China policy |
Tsai Ing-wen: No place for egos in cross-strait ties |
Hai-handed: China moves in the South China Sea |
Former Minister Yeh Chu-lan regarding Cheng Nan-jung's legacy |
Taipei Times editorial: Suppression in Nan-jung Square |
Cheng Kung University professor apologizes over Cheng nan-jung remarks |
BrainTrust poll finds public largely dissatisfied with Ma, KMT |
Taipei Times editorial: No response to ma's unmet promises |
Joseph Wu urges caution on Ma Ying-jeou - Xi Jinping meet |
Former AIT Chairman Richard Bush warns on PRC coercion |
DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang: Reiterates Taiwan policy |
Lee Teng-hui: 'Second democratic reform' should be next |
Taiwan opinion poll: China benefiting more from improved ties |
Tsai Ing-wen: Policy debate can harm flexibility |
Independence pioneer Chai Trong-rong dies at 78 |
Chai Trong-rong: driving force behind Taiwanese independence hopes |
Chen Mao-hsiung: Sacrificing Taiwan�s service industry |
DPP defends its China policy review |
Mei-chin Chen: DPP China policy no space for daydreams |
DPP meeting: Heated debate expected on China policy |
TVBS poll: finds DPP�s Tsai Ing-wen, KMT�s Eric Chu in tie |
Top prosecutor Huang escapes impeachment by Control Yuan |
Taipei Times editorial: Emergence of a new political force |
Defense News: Taiwan's Sub-launched Harpoons Pose New Challenge to China's Invasion Plans |
James Holmes: Asia's Worst Nightmare: A China-Japan War |
Gerrit van der Wees: Time for the West to change to status quo |
Prof. Chen Yi-shen: Examining the birth of our nation |
"Bookstore of Taiwan" fights Chinese headwinds |
DPP softens position on Ko Wen-je |
US analysts fear Taipei is growing closer to Beijing |
Groups urge DPP to name strongest pan-green runner |
Taiwan civic groups hold discussions on creation of new political group |
Dr. Ko Wen-je visits former President Chen in prison hospital |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: DPP must change, work with civil society |
Taipei Times editorial: Another empty New Year's pledge? |
President Ma seeks support for liberalization policies |
Taipei Times editorial: Beware trying to win over Beijing |
Taiwan opinion poll: Independence beats 'status quo' |
Police clash with Aerotropolis protesters outside rezoning meeting |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan and Ukraine, Democratization remains in process |
Former governor Frank Murkowski: Bridging Taiwan�s political divisions |
DPP releases report on public�s top complaints |
Taipei Times editorial: Presidency or legislative majority? |
Civic and labour groups protest service trade agreement |
FAPA President Mark Kao: Fairness in judiciary essential to democracy |
Prof. Peng Weng-chen: Justice needs greater transparency |
United States tries to avoid Taiwan in South China Sea |
Ko Wen-je to meet with DPP chairman Su |
Peng excluded from prosecutor evaluation panel |
Judicial reform alliance demands that Control Yuan head be impeached |
Justice Ministry evaluation panel: Top prosecutor Huang should be dismissed |
Liberty Times editorial: Government's missed opportunity |
Former SEF sec.gen. Chen Rong-jye: Ma's team unable to grasp ADIZ issue |
CSIS urges US action on Taiwan's international participation |
US cancellation of EPA administrator visit sparks talk of Chinese influence |
DPP attacks SID for spying on it, others |
Wallace Gregson & Joanna Yu Taylor Xi's Air Defense Offense |
DPP factionalism as primary polls heat up |
Ma Ying-jeou: KMT will face its past honestly |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma must uphold human rights pledge |
Vincent Chao: Ma takes on Constitution and other nuisances |
Gerrit van der Wees: Cairo Declaration has its limitations |
Former US Ambassador John Bolton: Taipei must not accept China's air zone |
Joe Biden: No US recognition of PRC's zone |
Ma Ying-jeou: China's new air zone 'not helpful' |
Joanne Chang: Government must act strong on ADIZ |
Steinberg: Taiwan doesn't need to "take sides" on China's ADIZ |
Ministry of Education: Schools to teach Nanjing is ROC capital |
Taiwanese-American teenager raises funds for Philippine typhoon relief |
Taiwan lawmakers briefed on Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone |
Legislators chastise no-show NSC boss Jason Yuan |
Taiwan scholars: Incorrect to use Cairo Declaration as legal basis |
Former AIT director Bill Stanton: Declaration 'intended to return Taiwan to ROC' |
Former President Lee Teng-hui: Ma's ADIZ stance undermines nation |
Brahma Chellaney : China's creeping 'cabbage' strategy for territorial expansion |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Taiwan's sovereignty challenged by Beijing |
Legislative Yuan resolution urges air zone protest |
Taipei Times editorial: Ma wimps out over defense zone |
Hoon Ting: Air defense zone raises tensions |
CSIS urges changes to help Taiwan join world bodies |
Ma Ying-jeou: China's ADIZ not connected to sovereignty |
DPP to Ma government: Take steps against China�s ADIZ move |
Japan labels air defense zone 'dangerous' |
Taipei government urges calm after China claims East China Sea ADIZ |
Ma Ying-jeou to foreign correspondents: Peace agreement not a priority, but economy is |
Sushil Seth: Territorial dispute over Senkakus could flare up |
Vincent Siew seeks to raise Taiwan's US profile |
Taipei Times editorial: Foreign policy overhaul needed |
Liberty Times editorial: 'Truce' opens Taiwan up to attack |
USCC report: China's docks can aid invasion |
Taipei Times editorial: Awaiting the DPP's China policy |
DPP's Joseph Wu pleads for full international participation at TAA-GWC Thanksgiving banquet |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Helping Manila is moral and strategic |
USCC report: China spying aggressively against Taiwan |
Taipei Times editorial: KMT 'reform' shows Ma desperate |
TISR poll: President's approval rate hits new low |
Tsai Yung-wen: 'Taiwan from Above' film bids to save nation by showing its marvels |
Taipei Times editorial: Taiwan losing patience with Ma, KMT |
Hundreds protest at KMT Party congress in Taichung |
Chinese embassy 'strongly objects' to speech in US |
Washington Post: In Taiwan, a young and restless force multiplies |
Overseas Taiwanese see growing backslide in democracy |
Michael A. Turton: Constructing China's Claims to the Senkaku |
US Pentagon:
PRC not consulted over Taiwan arms sales |
Congressional testimony:
European weapons are boosting China's might |
Taipei Times editorial:
It is hard to listen with closed ears |
Ma Ying-jeou:
I have heard complaints, will try harder |
Political analysts:
Ma's pro-China tilt breeding anxiety |
TVBS opinion poll:
Taiwanese prefer independence over unification |
Prof. Eric Chiou:
Taiwan�s defense at a crossroads |
DPP and TSU opposition
slams KMT-CCP suggestions |
agree to prioritize service trade agreement |
Judicial Reform Foundation:
Disband centers of surveillance |
AEI report:
Cross-strait political integration must remain 'far-off' |
Shannon Mann:
Taiwan is Moving Closer to China, So Why Isn't the U.S. Freaking Out? |
Charlie Liao:
Small Taiwan has a big pull |
James Wang:
Ma Ying-jeou defines law to serve himself, not Taiwanese |
Lai I-chung:
Taiwan, embrace resurfacing ideas |
Twu Shiing-jer:
Policies reveal Ma takes orders from China |
Poet Lee Min-yung:
KMT, CCP both see their home in China |
Liberal International
alarmed about Taiwan wiretapping |
Taiwan legal experts:
SID unconstitutional, illegitimate |
Ma Ying-jeou security
strengthened after shoe-hurling attacks |
Center for Naval Analyses
study questions 'sensibility' of US' Taiwan policies |
Project 2049:
Taiwan target of Chinese political warfare |
Prof. Rong-i Arthur Hong:
Taiwan has a strategic role to play in region |
Gordon Chang:
Is China Turning Up the Heat on Taiwan? |
Taipei Times editorial:
No-confidence motion boosts KMT |
Foreign minister David Lin
defends rebuttal of foreign scholars |
Kurt Campbell:
Taiwan needs to diversify across region |
KMT says:
Legal battle with Wang to continue |
Hung Chi-kune:
At APEC summit Ma crossed point of no return |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Fairness missing from APEC talks |
Taiwan academics
demand that Premier Jiang resign |
International scholars and writers:
Taiwan's human rights, democracy threatened |
Prof. Wong Ming-hsien:
Ma remarks could rule out US intervention |
Liberty Times editorial:
Ma should listen to his own words |
Former AIT director Stanton:
Cross-strait ties affect the world |
TISR opinion poll:
Views on independence depend on China's policy |
DPP leaders
slam Ma's definition of cross-strait ties |
Premier Jiang
facing no-confidence motion |
Taipei Times editorial:
Empty words meet civic action |
National 10-10 Day
turns into day of protests |
DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang
announces no confidence motion against Cabinet |
Ma Ying-jeou and Wang Jin-pyng
talk, shake hands at Double Ten ceremony |
National Taiwan University Economics Department Chairwoman
warns of dangers of service trade agreement |
Financial Times:
Ma calls for closer China ties amid protests |
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:
China able to attack Taiwan by 2020 |
Joseph Lin:
Abolition the only option for the SID |
KMT's congress venue
still a mystery |
More civic groups
join Double Ten anti-government rallies |
Prosecutor-General Huang
sorry for SID mistakes |
Taipei Times editorial:
Building a better legislature |
Huang Tien-lin
warns on Ma's cross-strait policy |
US State Department:
US-Taiwan ties 'in a very good place' |
summon President Ma and Premier Jiang |
Lawmaker and lawyer
accuse Ma of leaks and collusion |
agrees with allegations of Ma vendetta |
US DOD official:
US wants a strong Taiwan 'free from threat' |
Ma Ying-jeou
denies interfering in Wang probe |
Tsai Ing-wen
gets censured over Yu Ching case |
Taipei prosecutors
want to question Ma Ying-jeou |
DPP's Joseph Wu:
Washington feels Taipei indecisive on jets |
Civic organizations:
Big brother is watching |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Beijing threatens freedom in Taiwan |
Taiwan activists:
Big brother is watching |
Tens of thousands
rally against Ma Ying-jeou |
Chen Chien-fu:
Ma's actions are as dreadful as Nixon's |
indignant at new wiretap accusations |
Legislator Ker Chien-ming:
Legislative Yuan tapped by SID |
Mass protests against Ma
planned for September 29th |
US analysts:
Pivot to Asia running out of steam |
Taipei Times editorial:
ICAO guest status is not a victory |
Wang Jin-pyng
versus KMT court battle continues |
Taiwan Thinktank survey:
Voters plan to 'punish Ma with their ballots' |
accuse President of media interference |
Anti Ma Ying-jeou
protest scheduled for September 29th |
Taiwan Society:
Trade Pact a "Trojan Horse" |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma must drop personal agenda |
Liberty Times editorial:
Wang oust is about Ma Cross-Strait |
Wang Jin-pyng lawsuit
moves to High Court |
Judicial Reform Foundation:
Probe prosecutor-general, abolish SID |
Taipei Times editorial:
No silk purses from these sow ears |
Chen Chih-chung:
People in power must lobby with great case |
District Court
rules in favor of Wang Jin-pyng |
Washington Post: Taiwan�s president, ruling party hit by scandal, rifts, anger over wiretapping |
Taipei Times editorial:
Making China's judiciary look good |
Former presidential advisor Rex How:
Debate is Ma's tactical distraction |
Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chu:
Ma's treatment of Wang 'brutal' |
Wang Jin-pyng
takes KMT to court over membership ruling |
Ma Ying-jeou
sought Wang's ouster takes KMT to protect KMT post |
Wang Jin-pyng's
KMT membership revoked as per Ma request |
Abraham Denmark & Tiffany Ma:
Don't abandon Taiwan for better China ties |
Opinion poll:
Majority side with Wang against KMT expulsion |
Civic groups
accuse President of using SID as 'personal tool' |
Wang Jin-pyng says
Ma Ying-jeou 'misled' by SID |
calls for suspension of prosecutor-general |
KMT legislator Lee Ching-hua
withdraws nuclear poll proposal |
DPP says
influence peddling case is "political persecution" |
Prime Minister Jiang Yi-huah
backs Ma Ying-jeou in Wang case |
Lawyer group
sues SID over probe into LY Speaker |
Prosecutor-General Huang
defends SID's actions |
Ma Ying-jeou
disputes Wang's claim he did not interfere |
Wiretapping of officials common practice |
Ma Ying-jeou
orders LY Speaker to return to Taiwan |
Taipei Times editorial:
Resignation portends more strife |
Justice Minister Tseng
accused of influence peddling, steps down |
Prof. Frank Chiang:
The scope of the Taiwan Policy Act |
Taipei Times editorial:
Upholding the nation's name |
Prof. Yen Chueh-an:
Curing democracy of its maladies |
Taipei Times editorial:
Fighting the 'point of no return' |
GWU Sigur analysis:
Taiwan left out of US 'Asia pivot' |
Taipei Times editorial:
The KMT government's false advertising |
Vancouver Sun:
Taiwan's recent protests signal a maturing democracy |
Prof. J. Bruce Jacobs:
Comparisons to China's regime |
Randall Schriver:
US arms sales must continue |
Taipei Times editorial:
The misinterpretation of stability |
voices concerns over arms discussion reports |
Taiwan-US groups
express concern over China drift |
Dr. Ko Wen-je
scapegoated by National Taiwan University |
PRC defense chief:
China determined to defend territory |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma lives in fear of his people |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
China's deal with Israel is a problem for Taiwan |
Ma Ying-jeou
meets with US lawmakers in NYC |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma's disappointments continue |
Liberty Times editorial:
White shirts protests symbol of hope |
Ma Ying-jeou
draws protests on New York visit |
TISR opinion poll:
Taiwanese identity stays strong |
Liberty Times editorial:
The people are taking back the future |
York Chen:
Ma has lost his chance to reform the military |
courts Taiwan's allies |
heckle president Ma Ying-jeou at funeral |
Jay Fang:
Nuclear plant may win democracy |
Mass demonstration in Taipei
for Army corporal Hung Chung-chiu |
TSU Chair Huang Kun-huei:
Time to stand up and be counted |
CNN report:
Taiwanese adapt theme song of Les Misérables |
Ma presidential advisor
resigns over service trade pact |
Legislative Yuan's
review of Taiwan-China Service Agreement postponed |
Congressman Robert Andrews
introduces bill on medical parole for former President Chen |
Prof. Huang Kuo-chang:
The total collapse of the president’s legitimacy |
Martin Phipps in Taichung:
Taiwanese students need to learn to voice opinions |
Prof. Liu Ching-yi:
Repressing dissent kills democracy |
Prof. Lee Hsiao-feng:
Teach Taiwan history to the Taiwanese |
Civic groups
begin protests against cross-strait pact in Taipei |
US confirms
Taipei submarine request still being reviewed |
praises Ma Ying-jeou's 'one China' remark |
KMT beyond '1992 consensus' |
US expert Rick Fisher
issues warning over new missile submarines |
Premier Jiang Yi-huah
backs use of 'Japanese occupation' |
Ma tilts to China's consensus |
Civic groups
to rally against 'opacity' of service trade pact |
Prof. Parris Chang:
Stop Taiwan's traitorous Quisling |
Taipei Times editorial:
People take action for Taiwan |
United States
to back ICAO bid even after China protest |
Opinion poll:
Ma an 'over-packaged' product |
Prof. Bruce Jacobs:
Taiwan isn't actually 'small' |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
China must learn to behave like great power |
Congressional Research Service:
Missile proliferation a worry for US |
to brief diplomatic corps on cross-strait pact |
Tario Ong:
Chinese set to move to Taiwan |
Taipei Times editorial:
When showmanship is not enough |
Liberty Times editorial:
Ma's pacts pave way for 'one China' |
Prof. Peter Chow:
Service pact with China puts tiger in sheep pen |
Dissident Chen Guangcheng:
China's activists need support |
Taiwan Thinktank poll:
Ma's 'one China' view has left public powerless |
Michael Danielsen:
Demand a KMT Taiwan policy |
Chen Guangcheng
to start Taiwan visit |
Senators Robert Menendez & James Inhofe:
Secure a place for Taiwan at the table |
slams Ma’s handling of cross-strait relations |
Lee Teng-hui:
ROC Constitution no longer functioning |
‘One China’ not part of Philippines talks |
US House:
Passes bill on ICAO bid |
Taipei Times editorial:
Two ways to look at envoys |
Lai I-chung:
Deciphering Xi’s recent meetings |
USCC study:
China developing drones to spy on Taiwan |
Lee Teng-hui
to make symbolic trip to Green Island |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma’s 'one China' concession |
Ambassador Koh Se-kai:
Taiwanese lack sense of crisis |
David Huang:
Conflict in cross-strait relations |
Su opens DC offices:
hails 'successful' visit |
Su Tseng-chang at Brookings:
DPP fully committed to Taiwan’s self-defense |
Su Tseng-chang visits Washington:
US politians show support |
Su Tseng-chang
touts DPP’s policies during NYCity visit |
Chinese President Xi Jinping
urges US to cease Taiwan arms sales |
DPP's Su Tseng-chang
thanks US for arms sales |
Lee Long-hwa:
Taiwan on life support |
CIA Report
shows Taiwan concerns |
Taipei Times editorial:
"Sorry" cannot fix institutional flaws |
US Congress members tell Obama:
Remember Taiwan |
calls for increase in defense budget |
US security advisor switch
unlikely to affect Taiwan |
Taipei Times editorial:
Double standards of the judiciary |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Seeing the ‘Chinese dream’ for what it is |
expresses deep concern at A-bian suicide bid |
DPP's Ker:
KMT to blame for controversial vote |
Taipei Times editorial:
Legislature scheming behind closed doors |
Chen Shui-bian
stable after suicide bid |
International scholars:
Ma in 'international legal suicide’ |
DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang:
Ma’s tour ignored green energy |
Chinese general:
Chinese patrols in Asian seas ‘legitimate’ |
Former DPP Foreign Minister Mark Chen
rejects Chinese officials’ independence comments |
Foreign Minister David Lin
left alone to defend flip-flops in Manila row |
Ben Goren:
A historical perspective on Han chauvinism |
Michael Turton:
Taiwan botches an international incident |
Miles Yu in the WashTimes:
Taiwan, China vie for toughness |
Vance Serchuk in the WashPost:
Obama’s silence on Taiwan masks its significance in Asia |
Mei-chin Chen:
Ma's surprises in the crisis with the Philippines |
Former Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Taiwan must keep a cool head in dispute |
Rodel Rodis in Philippine Inquirer:
Confronting big China and little China |
Taiwan's justice ministry
rejects Manila’s investigators |
DPP group
seeks to base cross-strait ties on rights |
New York Times:
Tensions flare in Asian seas, now involving Taiwan |
Taipei Times editorial:
Xi Jinping’s memo is a wake-up call |
Philippine-Taiwan row:
US mediation likely vital |
releases data from shipboard recorder |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma's second term no cause for joy |
DPP to Ma:
Put the country back on track |
Young Taiwanese
show solidarity with Filipinos |
TECRO press release:
Shooting was ‘extra-judicial killing’ |
Taipei & Manila
arrive at consensus on parallel probe |
Thousands in Taipei
rally against nuclear power |
Taiwan beefs up
sanctions on Philippines as row escalates |
Philip Bowring in the SCMP:
Taiwan's reaction to killing of fisherman is out of proportion |
The Economist:
Taiwan and the Philippines: Sea of Troubles |
United States
concerned about WHO restrictions on Taiwan |
DPP questions
Ma's defense efforts |
US DOD report
critical of Taiwan’s defenses |
US experts:
Chinese drones pose threat |
Gerrit van der Wees:
Ma should seek a clear "Taiwan Consensus" |
US Congressmen
concerned about Chen Shui-bian |
Taipei Times editorial:
More jaw-dropping comments |
opens Washington office, announces Su’s visit |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Taiwanese must be free to choose their own future |
Taipei Times editorial:
Lin Yi-shih court ruling puzzles the public |
unveals China Affairs Committee makeup |
William Lowther:
US release files on recognizing PRC |
US Expert:
Chinese threats impede unification |
World Uyghur Congress:
Taiwan ‘must follow its own security policies’ |
Lai I-chung:
Democracy activists in China need our help |
US Congressman Steve Chabot
hopes to meet former President Chen |
US House subcommittee
unanimously passes Taiwan Policy Act |
Nuclear power referendum
referred to a second reading in the LY |
Pro-independence group
to establish union against ‘one China’ |
Mei-chin Chen:
Government actions over Chen widen political gulf |
Prosecutor's Office
asks for share of sale of Chen’s US property |
approves absentee vote |
Taipei Times editorial:
Chen Shui-bian's right to medical care |
Jerome Keating:
China will have to deal with the DPP |
to sue justice minister over Chen transfer to prison |
Taiwan Democracy Watch:
Support human rights on both sides of Strait |
Wu Jieh-min and Hsu We-chun:
The need for talks on human rights |
Nuclear referendum
question protested |
adds ‘carrier killer’ to missiles facing Taiwan |
James Wang:
DPP must stick to its core values |
US Human Rights report
points to Taiwan corruption, abuse |
Former President Chen:
I need medical care, not a big prison |
Taichung Prison
reveals former president’s new cell |
relocation sparks fury, clashes |
Chen Shui-bian's
transfer to Taichung Prison ignites furor |
Taiwan lawmakers
protest A-bian relocation, disrupt session |
Secretary of State Kerry
vows to look at A-bian case |
urges KMT support on nuclear power plant vote |
Prof. Chang Kuo-tsai:
In Taiwan, selective application of the law |
US panel
praises Ma speech, warns about China |
AsiaTimes online:
China sees red over Taiwan-Japan pact |
Former Deputy Science Minister Shieh
files suit against prosecutor for malicious prosecution |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
How China handles N Korea could mold region |
DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang
warns of growing Chinese influence |
Tsai Ing-wen:
Consensus needed on Cross-Strait offices |
Congressional panel:
Taiwan slipping off US agenda |
US Congressmen Andrews and McCaul
urge resumption of diplomatic ties |
Tsai Ing-wen
voted most trustworthy politician |
Taipei Times editorial:
Worship of Chiang Kai-shek continues |
James Wang:
Xi Jinping’s dreams are dreams for ruling elite |
calls on John Kerry to pressure Beijing on Taiwan's international space |
Richard Bush:
Beijing should not ‘push political talks’ |
Chiang Kai-shek website
criticized for effusive praise |
Paul Lin:
President’s scandal-hit aides reflect deception |
US-Taiwan Business Council:
US fighter sale ‘shows hypocrisy’ |
Former US Naval officer McDevitt
warns on potential conflict |
Taipei Times editorial:
Celebrating Deng Nan-jung |
Mei-chin Chen:
Taiwan at nuclear crossroads |
Formosan Association
urges US to protest restrictions |
DPP lawmakers
to propose ban on use of Chinese IT |
DPP's Tsai Ing-wen
calls for closer cooperation with Indonesia |
Next Media:
Want Want takover of media deal failed |
Prosecutors offered Koo Jr a deal to talk |
Huang Kuo-chang:
NCC media monopoly draft useless |
over TaiPower nuclear resolution |
gets barred from Jakarta defense summit |
Former AIT Director William Stanton:
Taiwanese spies undermine US confidence |
Prof. Lin Yu-hsiung:
Formulating nuclear power referendum questions |
Taipei Times editorial:
Taiwan is hostage to a blatant lie |
Former President Lee Teng-hui:
Resolve divided national identity |
Orioles manager:
Use 'Taiwan,' not 'Chinese Taipei' |
Congressman Robert Andrews
urges US to take stand on Chen’s parole |
Mei-chin Chen:
Ma must act now to leave rights legacy |
A-bian’s trials show justice as political tool |
Taipei Times editorial:
Exposing the 228 Massacre’s secrets |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
A focus on defense a must for the nation |
Taipei Times editorial:
Action needed on human rights |
Lin Yi-hsiung:
Power plant referendum a prank |
to challenge nuclear powerplant vote |
Nuclear power debate:
Lawmakers preparing for nuclear vote |
Chen I-chung:
Proposed referendum on power plant absurd |
Taiwan Diaoyutai group
works for China |
Presbyterian Church
lambasts Ma over treatment of Chen Shui-bian |
Woodrow Wilson conference:
Taiwan must work on self-defense |
tell public not to forget 228 Massacre |
228 Incident:
Lin I-hsiung’s family tragedy commemorated |
Taipei Times editorial:
Remembrance, not burial of the truth |
Ketty Chen:
Remembering Taiwan's tragic past |
criticizes Ma over 228 Massacre |
The Independent:
Military espionage in Taiwan |
Russell Hsiao:
Balancing power across the Strait |
James R. Holmes:
America’s Pivot, Taiwan and Anti-Access |
DPP Legislator Yu Mei-nu:
Make White Terror files readily available |
Chris Twomey:
PRC, US have ‘divergent’ Taiwan interests |
J. Bruce Jacobs:
The Senkakus; A Taiwan coda |
Taipei Times editorial:
The abuse of Chen's human rights |
National Communications Commission:
Want Want-CNS merger rules not met |
International scholars
laud Judge Hung Yin-hua |
J. Michael Cole:
A new defintion of military success |
Brookings paper:
Taiwan government 'deficient' on defense |
Feature article:
Students, activism and social networks |
Taiwanese youths
urge public to join anti-monopoly fight |
Secretary of State John Kerry
commits to Taiwan's defense |
Assistant Secretary Kurt Campbell
resigns from State Department position |
Randy Schriver:
Taiwan needs to play a 'constructive' role in the Diaoyutais |
Senator John Cornyn
Taiwan must be alert to PRC threat |
Taipei Times editorial:
The art of choosing sides |
Daniel Twining:
The Taiwan linchpin |
slams Beijing over Japan comments |
Annette Lu
urges house arrest for Chen Shui-bian |
New Cabinet
almost complete, old one to resign today |
Communication Commission
unveils draft of act to prevent media monopolies |
Taipei Times editorial:
Want Want media group is a cancer |
Gary Rawnsley:
Media monopolies must be stopped |
Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley:
Anti-media monopoly explained |
Taipei Times editorial:
China's assault on press freedom |
Jiang Yi-huah to take over as Premier
as Sean Chen quits |
AIT Chairman Burghardt:
Visit related to security |
denies being deceived in media dispute |
Taipei Times editorial:
Denying the 'China factor' |
Stuart Gottlieb:
Protect Taiwan's press from Beijing |
seek PRC tie-up on Senkaku islands |
Want Want
intensifies attack in Chomsky controversy |
Former ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Taiwan and the growing crisis in the Diaoyutais |
Pan-green camp
slams pension reform |
urges president to grant Chen Shui-bian medical parole |
Congressional report
raises questions over Taiwan's cross-strait ties |
Dan Blumenthal and Gary Schmitt:
US should rethink China policy |
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen
tables bill to boost US-Taiwan ties |
Brian Benedictus:
How to cope with China and threats of conflict |
Chang Kuo-tsai:
Trust in judiciary diminishing |
Protection of human rights precondition in future cross-strait agreements |
Congressman Steve Chabot
says A-bian should be paroled |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma’s swelling credibility gap |
to start media monopoly taskforce |
The Economist:
Give us our daily Apple |
Taiwanese-Japanese professor Ko Bunyu:
Taiwan’s future ‘brighter’ than China’s |
calls US warning on Diaoyutais 'betrayal' |
Brookings academics
urge US action on isles dispute |
Former Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
A brighter vision for Taiwan and its future |
Richard Bush of Brookings:
Taipei on 'slippery slope' in dealing with China |
US Senator Murkowski
presses Ma on Chen Shui-bian's health |
Ketty Chen and Julia Famularo:
Cross-Strait media deals spark concern in Taiwan |
to issue new official map of 'full' territory |
New book by Prof. Bruce Jacobs:
Democratizing Taiwan |
protest against Ma |
Ma Ying-jeou
honors Chiang Ching-kuo, tight-lipped on rally |
Taipei Times editorial:
Government fans public 'fury' |
James Wang:
What has Ma done for the nation? |
Interview with Su Tseng-chang:
Casting light on DPP’s perspective |
Angry students
protest over KMT’s retreat on media |
Beijing accuses Tokyo
of heightening Senkaku isles tension |
DPP initiates
"Fury" protest countdown, supported by the TSU |
Congressional Research Service report
lists key Taiwan policy issues |
DPP questions
exclusion from US Congressional group's visit |
Int'l Herald Tribune:
As Taiwan’s links with China grow, so do concerns |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen:
Economy needs innovative 'wings' |
Civic groups
protests recent executions |
Yuanta-Polaris thinktank
cuts economic forecasts |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Want Want monopoly threatens democracy |
Index on Censorship:
"Horrible disaster" brewing in Taiwanese media sector |
Ambassador Ko Se-kai:
Pro-China stance risks Japan ties |
"concerned" by US arms law provisions |
Taiwan Thinktank opinion poll:
People pessimistic and unhappy with Ma |
European Union:
Taiwan breached its commitments on death penalty |
Jerome Keating:
Ma administration bumbling along |
US Defense bill clause
puts pressure on Obama over Taiwan airforce |
Human rights advocate Jerome Cohen
visits former President Chen |
Formosan Association for Human Rights (FAHR) mission:
Chen Shui-bian's trial unfair |
Woodrow Wilson seminar:
Taiwan’s ties with China a problem |
steps up pressure for 'peace pact' |
Prof. Herbert Hanreich:
Taiwan’s human rights in jeopardy |
DPP Chairman Su:
Erosion of rights requires international attention |
President Ma
meets protests at human rights event |
Former governor Frank Murkowski
warns of overreliance on China |
Friends of Taiwan in LA:
Open letter to President Ma on Chen Shui-bian |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
The 'status quo' is just not good enough |
Kurt Campbell
calls for caution in dealing with islands dispute |
Ruan Ming:
Avoiding being left out in the cold |
to hold series of protest rallies |
Prof Nancy Tucker
dies after long cancer struggle |
DPP lawmakers
defend students’ rights |
Democracy activists
look back on start of FAPA |
Tsai Ing-wen
speaks out on music awards row |
protest over MOE email |
Lu Shih-hsiang:
Ma turning a blind eye to will of Taiwanese |
US Senate
approves amendment backing Japanese claims |
FAPA calls on Taiwan government
to stop sale of Next Media group |
Paul Lin:
Ma should stamp his authority on passports |
United States
asks China to rethink new passports |
Federal Trade Commission
hears concerns over Next Media buyout |
Repr. Ed Royce
to head House foreign affairs committee |
Next Media deal
close to being signed |
CSIS' Chris Johnson
says Xi Jinping will not change cross-Strait ties |
TISR poll:
Pension funds a ‘major national crisis’ |
Lee Min-yung:
Dealing with the remnants of the ROC |
J. Michael Cole:
Taking Asia by surprise: a response |
protests China’s new passports |
Tsai Ing-wen
to join DPP China Affairs Committee |
Gerrit van der Wees:
Book review of Tonio Andrade's "Lost Colony" |
Taiwan groups
slam denial of Dalai Lama visit |
Foreign calls
for Chen Shui-bian's medical parole growing |
Taipei Times editorial:
From "bumblers" to real leaders |
Mei-chin Chen:
Taiwan's China policy is simple |
Tsai Ing-wen:
Government has to start reforms urgently |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma is missing an historic opportunity |
Paul Lin:
Redefining cross-Strait relations |
DPP's Su and Hsieh
push for China affairs department |
Richard Halloran:
US-China ties unlikely to improve |
DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang:
Ma stalls on national affairs conference |
Next Media employees
stage protest against takeover |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma must keep cross-strait status quo |
Ministry of Justice/MOFA:
Parole for Chen Shui-bian impossible |
Su Tseng-chang:
President must scrutinize Next Media buyers |
The Economist:
Ma the bumbler loses his shine |
Joseph Wu
named DPP representative to the US |
US approves
King Pu-tsung as representative |
Ex US-official
pans Ma at TAA holiday dinner |
FAPA President Mark Kao
criticizes OCAC name change |
US-China Commission:
warns on military imbalance |
Hsieh Chang-ting:
"Constitutions" is not a "One China" proposal |
Tom Tancredo
visits Chen Shui-bian |
cool to China's unification call |
hopes for boost in US relations |
Human Rights groups
to stage events in support of A-bian |
Want Want's Tsai Eng-meng
behind Next Media bid |
AIT's Brent Christensen
US looks forward to strengthening ties with Taiwan |
Newsmedia forum
warns of PRC’s influence |
DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang
optimistic US relations can be rebuilt |
Ministry of Defense:
Radar data will not be shared with US |
Ministry of Defense:
Taipei’s missile ‘umbrella’ to be bolstered |
Europarliamentarian Callahan:
China hampers trade talks |
Taipei Times editorial:
Goverment support hits new lows |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Granting medical parole for President Chen would heal nation |
Opinion poll shows
Ma Ying-jeou's approval rating at its lowest yet |
Three retired officers
arrested for spying for China |
William Lowther:
US storm puts an end to debate on Asia |
Tsai Ing-wen
talks economy, 2014 election during US visit |
Senator Sherrod Brown
asks AIT director to visit former president Chen |
Opinion poll results
make grim reading for Ma Ying-jeou |
Liberal International
calls for A-bian medical parole |
Mei-chin Chen:
Ma government misses the chance to make a case on Senkakus/ Diaoyutai |
Former DAS Randy Schriver:
Taiwan claim to sovereignty over Diaoyutai "difficult" |
US Congressman Howard Berman
urges Chen Shui-bian to be freed from jail |
Prof. Chang Kuo-tsai:
The tragedy of being Taiwanese |
Tsai Ing-wen and Su Tseng-chang:
Ma should listen to the people |
Cain Nunns:
China and Taiwan: from enemies to frenemies |
Dan Bloom:
World must refute Chinese lies |
US Taiwanese organizations
enraged by OCAC name change plans |
Taipei Veterans Hospital:
former president Chen Shui-bian needs psychiatric care |
Tsai Ing-wen
plays down impact of Hsieh's trip to China |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Diaoyutais hiding PRC elephant in the room |
Richard Halloran:
Senkaku dispute proves worrying for US |
Prof. Lai Fu-shun:
President Ma needs a history lesson |
AIT Director Chris Marut:
Taiwan an important part of US’ Asia strategy |
Sushil Seth:
China-Japan confrontation looms |
Former ambassador Joseph Wu
on US defense ‘snub’ |
Jerome Keating:
Ma aims yes-men at final fantasy |
Mei-chin Chen:
The way forward in Senkaku/Tiaoyutai altercation |
Senior US officials
skip defense meet |
Legislative report:
ECFA benefits mostly China |
TIME Magazine:
Big US fleet nears disputed islands, but what for? |
Michael Turton:
The Diaoyutai on Taiwan’s official maps |
Overseas Affairs Commission
covertly re-sinicized |
Ma Ying-jeou
lauds fishermen in island protest |
Taiwanese flotilla
sails to Diaoyutais |
"Julie" Chen Yu-wen:
China’s actions undermine image |
decry Chinese domination |
stage New York event for UN membership |
Mitt Romney video flap
spreads to opinions on Taiwan relations |
Taipei Times:
Ma appointments lay bare his cross-strait ambitions |
Taiwan commentators:
Ma’s new appointments an example of ‘inbreeding’ |
Mike Mazza:
Playing the adult in the Diaoyutais |
tensions grow over Senkaku Islands |
Taipei mayor Hau
proposes visiting jailed ex-president |
Huang Tien-lin:
Senkaku island spat is simply a diversion from reality |
New calls
for medical parole for Chen Shui-bian |
Taipei Times editorial:
Whitewashing China’s ambitions |
Ex-president Lee Teng-hui:
Diaoyutais a fishing rights issue |
John Bolton:
Taiwan should renounce China's outlandish claims |
KMT CSC member
blasts Ma over party asset issue |
Taipei Times editorial:
Taiwan, Hong Kong, and democracy |
calls on US Congress for support on Corvallis |
Corvallis mayor
lectures Chinese officials on freedom of speech |
Naval expert James Holmes:
Taiwan must rethink naval strategy |
Mo Yan-Chih:
Ma does little to bolster Taiwan’s claim on islands |
Taiwan activists
support ‘anti-brainwashing’ protests |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
US should formulate a new policy on Taiwan |
US intelligence report:
China held secret missile tests |
John Tkacik in the WashPost:
Underestimating the China challenge |
FAPA President Mark Kao:
KMT should practice the values they promulgate |
Ministry of National Defense:
China aiming 200 more missiles at Taiwan |
J. Michael Cole in The Diplomat:
Taiwan hedges its bets on China |
DPP considering
citizen lawsuit against NCC deal |
Thousands in Taipei
protest Want Want media monopoly |
DPP says
Ma has broken his vows on KMT assets |
Taipei Times editorial:
The China threat is no invention |
Ex-president Chen
writes of "death in prison" |
Ma Ying-jeou
insists Chen medical parole not a 'political' issue |
Culture Minister Lung Ying-tai:
Taiwan must understand China |
Ma Ying-jeou
rejects Chen's medical parole |
DPP demands
clarity on Diaoyutai talks |
Chen Rong-jye:
Ma’s empty promises on defending sovereignty |
Romney aide
affirms Taiwan stance |
James Wang:
Historical subtleties complicate land dispute |
Taipei Times editorial:
Bringing out the whipping boy |
Ramsey Clark
asks government to free Chen Shui-bian |
Tsai Ing-wen
files lawsuit over Yu Chang smear |
John Tkacik:
US commitment on Taiwan is firm |
Former DPP chair Tsai Ing-wen:
KMT hurt democracy |
Liberty Times editorial:
China’s power is its deep pockets |
Tsai Ing-wen
cleared of Yu Chang Biologics allegations |
Taipei Times editorial:
In a political maze |
FAPA President Mark Kao:
Jury still out on Taiwan's judiciary |
TSU, Tibetans and Falungong
stage protests against Chinese |
DPP and TSU:
Investment pact a "defeat" |
sign cross-Strait investment pact |
Su Tseng-chang
again calls for rights in pact with China |
Heavy security
as ARATS chief visits Taiwan |
J. Michael Cole:
US to deploy drones over Diaoyutais |
Ma Ing-jeou
urged to end his silence on Taiwan detainee in China |
Tsai Ing-wen
announces launch of new foundation |
Honingmann Hong
named DPP China Affairs director |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
US should heed Huntsman's advice |
Joe Bosco:
Time for Taiwan to take action on South China Sea |
Ma Ying-jeou says
Taipei Treaty transferred Taiwan to ROC |
Jerome Keating
Time to end these futile charades |
Ma Ying-jeou
proposes East China Sea initiative |
Senators Murkowski and Begich
introduce Taiwan democracy resolution |
London 2012 Olympics
flag warning sparks outrage |
Former President Lee
working on book about the future |
Singapore observer:
Time to do the right thing with Chen Shui-bian |
Taipei Times editorial:
Wanted: a government with spine |
Michelle Wang:
Crying out for humanitarianism for Chen Shui-bian |
Former President Lee Teng-hui
supports student protesters |
DPP Chiayi officials
released on bail |
DPP Chiayi officials
detained for questioning in new probe |
Taipei Times editorial:
Probe seems like bad soap opera |
Huang Tien-lin:
The hidden costs of unification economics |
to reinstate China affaird department |
Taiwan Solidarity Union
sees red as ECFA referendum rejected |
votes to allow ractopamine |
Legislative Yuan
in last-ditch talks ahead of extra session |
KMT corruption
and graft scandal widens to premier Wu Den-yi |
Prof. Chu Ping-tzu:
KMT plans revisionist constitution and schoolbook rewrite idea |
Tsai Ing-wen:
Chen Shui-bien merits proper medical care |
is firm on "China" name issue |
United States
to accept "Taiwan" on entry forms |
US-Taiwan Business Council:
F-16A/B upgrade not enough |
ECFA referendum
application will be heard |
US Senator Sherrod Brown
urges US involvement in Chen Shui-bian's prison case |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma's commitment to human rights |
Jon Huntsman:
US must rely on its values to face China |
Stephen Hadley:
Much heat has gone out of Taiwan issue |
Taiwan historians
insist Ma should leave textbooks alone |
Prof. Huang Tien-lin:
China myth is leading Taiwan into decline |
Japanese lawmakers
warn Taiwan over cozying to China |
DPP election
ushers in new party leadership |
US lawmakers
call for Chen Shui-bian's release |
United States
pays tribute to 'six assurances' |
AIT Chairman Burghardt:
US-Taiwan relations remain robust |
Taipei Times editorial:
US 'abandoning' Taiwan is outdated |
Dr. Tsai Ing-wen
sets up public policy foundation |
TVBS poll:
President Ma Ying-jeou's popularity plunges to new low |
Taipei Times editorial:
Now is the time for Ma to act |
Ma Ying-jeou
refuses to consider letting go of KMT helm |
Prof. Tung Chen-yuan:
Economic policy requires focus |
Wu Li-pei:
No democracy without US support |
Taiwan Solidarity Union:
demands visa for Rebiya Kadeer |
Democratic Progressive Party
seeks public support for ex-president |
Russian expert:
China is 'severe' nuclear threat to Taiwan |
Vietnamese analyst:
Taiwan detente with PRC cause of increasing tension |
AIT Director William Stanton:
US beef is political hostage |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
How Taiwan can be a good model for China to follow |
Jeff Tsai:
The fallacy of Ma's 'one ROC, two areas' idea |
Prof. Tung Chen-yuan:
ECFA, US beef: More empty words? |
Taipei Times editorial:
Prof. Chen Wen-chen, honoring a democratic cause |
Prof. Hsu Yung-ming:
President Ma running democratic dictatorship |
Congressman Howard Berman
objects to ‘China (Taiwan)’ reference on I-94 |
Former President Lee Teng-hui
speaks out on ractopamine, key influences |
Liberty Times editorial:
Textbook tactics to re-write history |
Tsong Tien-tzou:
US shows us an ideal transition of power |
Executive branch
urges extra session for beef vote |
Civic group CCW
blames Ma for gridlock |
calls for referendum reform |
US medical experts:
Prison harming Chen Shui-bian |
Former governor Frank Murkowski:
Treatment of Chen Shui-bian is a national disgrace |
Prof. Jerome Keating:
Time for Taiwan to define its own history |
AEI report:
Chinese missiles threaten Taiwan airfields |
AmCham says
Ma needs to lead better |
US concerned about
Taiwan-China ties in the South China Sea |
Minister Lung Ying-tai
silent on Tienanmen massacre |
New DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang
appoints personnel to key positions |
Jonathan Manthorpe in the Vancouver Sun:
Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou sees popularity plummet |
Taipei Times editorial:
Now the DPP must show it can lead |
New DPP boss Su Tseng-chang
rings in changes |
New DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang
extends olive branch to China |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Taiwan’s beacon starts to flicker |
Yang Liu Hsiu-hua:
Taiwan must face its ROC demons |
Lee Teng-hui:
Economy should be like Noah’s Ark |
Su Tseng-chang
wins DPP chair vote |
Hung Chi-kune:
Goose could be cooked with eggs in one basket |
goes to the poll in chairmanship elections |
Serena Su:
WHO, Taiwan continuing to play the name game |
US Congressional Research Service:
Taiwanese air force faces plane shortage by 2020 |
US Human Rights Report
mixed on Taiwan |
Taiwan analysts:
Ma’s inauguration speech vague, conflicting |
TSU legislator
gets booted out of WHA Forum |
US lawmakers:
Taiwan a "bastion of hope" |
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen
intrigued by ‘one country, two areas’ |
Ex-President Chen
slapped with more charges |
Taiwanese legislators
ask for WHO and UN status |
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen:
The US must stand by its old ally Taiwan |
Hundred thousand+
take part in anti-Ma rally |
come together to protest |
Prof. Chen Ching-chih:
"Lo lat", Taiwan's lost culture of gratitude |
J. Michael Cole:
PRC hijacking Chennault legacy? |
Taipei Times editorial:
Is Ma deaf to normal people’s pleas? |
Susil Seth:
US, China play risky power game |
Former President Lee Teng-hui
visits Chiayi, Tainan |
Taipei Times editorial:
A youthful conflict of interests |
Tsai Ing-wen
accuses President Ma of heavy-handed rule |
Perry Link in the WashPost:
America's outdated view of China |
changes Taiwanese policy |
Congressman Howard Berman
wants fairness for Taiwanese voters |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Leading by example is a good way to influence |
White House
‘considering’ F-16 jet sale |
Richard, Lord Faulkner:
Time for a fresh start with Taiwan |
US China Review Commission:
China's space know-how said threat to US, Taiwan |
Huffington Post:
Chen Shui-bian and the rough waters of human rights |
Cain Nunns in The Diplomat:
Taiwan’s pointless toe treading on the South China Sea |
Prof. Bruce Jacobs:
Taiwan should focus on decolonization |
Prof. Huang Tien-lin:
‘Lost years’ showcase Taiwan’s true story |
US Congressman Dan Lungren
calls for Chen Shui-bian to be given medical leave |
Prof. Peng Ming-min:
China and Taiwan too different to get along |
J. Michael Cole:
How to deter Taiwan clash |
Former president Lee Teng-hui:
Ma Ing-jeou has his history wrong |
Opinion survey:
Ma’s approval rating at 18.7% |
US-Taiwan Business Council and Project 2049 report:
Ignore China on US arms sales |
Liberty Times editorial:
Ma’s diplomacy needs to grow up |
Mark Stokes & Russell Hsiao in The Diplomat:
Why U.S. Military Needs Taiwan |
Liu Shih-chung:
An open and democratic race for DPP leadership |
Paul Lin:
Ma should stop, look and listen |
condems "One country, two areas" formula |
Su Tseng-chang
registers for DPP chairman election |
DPP plans
huge rally around Ma’s inauguration day |
FAPA President Mark Kao:
Celebrating 33 years of the TRA and free Taiwan |
Pro-independence groups
urge US to stand by TRA |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma’s small fib reveals big lie |
Former diplomat Joseh Wu:
Ma ‘sold out’ sovereignty |
DPP officials:
‘Diplomatic truce’ of no benefit to nation |
Tung Chen-yuan:
Three easy steps to get DPP, CCP conversing |
Liu Shih-chung:
Ma’s policies bring uncertainty |
Michael Danielsen:
KMT fails to extend Taiwan’s global reach |
J. Michael Cole:
China modernizing missile brigades |
Freedom of Speech Day
to honor Deng Nan-jung |
VP elect Wu Den-yih
meets with Li Keqiang at Boao Forum |
Christian Fan Jiang:
Democratic Taiwan is unrelated to China |
Kuomintang Party
denies ex-US official's claims |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
"One country, two areas" a big step in the wrong direction |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma's China policy inching toward breaking point |
Ex US diplomat John Tkacik:
Taiwan ‘agrees’ it’s part of China |
Congressman Steve Chabot:
Chen Shui-bian’s treatment ‘a tragedy’ |
Jerome Keating:
All aboard Ma’s rudderless ship |
Mrs. Yang Liu hsiu-hua:
Release Chen Shui-bian |
Opinion poll:
Public rejects ‘one country, two areas’ |
AsiaTimes online:
Loose tongues in cross-strait relations |
DPP demands
Ma apology over "One country, two areas" policy |
KMT defends
"One country, two areas" |
China's Taiwan Affairs Office
‘One China’ cannot be negotiated |
Winston Dang:
Taiwan can learn from EU over US beef issue |
Ex-Obama official Jeff Bader:
Abandoning Taiwan is ‘unthinkable' |
Tsai Ing-wen
blasts proposed ‘one country, two areas’ policy |
strongly criticize ‘one country, two areas’ |
FAPA asks
Obama to help get medical parole for Chen Shui-bian |
Tsai Ing-wen
demands ‘two areas’ clarification |
Chen I-chung:
Beef controversy is a political issue |
Taipei Times editorial:
For Beijing, mutual trust is one-way |
Hillary Clinton:
US has ‘strengthened’ relationship with Taiwan |
Civic panel
calls on DPP to rediscover roots |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Taiwan deserves normalized relations |
Taiwan human rights groups
demand China stop repression of minorities |
Taiwan academics
warn about China’s media influence |
China's defense spending
to top US$100 billion |
Taipei Times editorial:
Spying cases lose-lose for Taiwan |
J. Michael Cole:
Taiwan hit by another espionage case |
Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chu
accepts DPP reins |
US Congressmen
mark anniversary of 228 Massacre |
Former Foreign Minister Mark Chen:
Time to end one-sided ‘diplomatic truce’ ploy |
Lin Yung-mei:
The historical significance of 228 |
Hundreds in Taipei
commemorate 228 victims |
President Ma
renews pledge to uncover 228 truth |
Taipei Times editorial:
228, more to truth than a number |
Tsai Ing-wen
praises late independence icons |
Liu Shih-chung:
DPP must get serious about China |
Hung Chi-kune:
Beijing’s push for talks will not succeed |
Taipei Times editorial:
More nails in the annexation coffin |
Liu Shih-chung:
Tsai Ing-wen still controlling the DPP's agenda |
Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chu
to take the helm at DPP |
Sushil Seth:
Tibet problem will not go away |
Tsai Ing-wen
expresses concerns over escalation in Tibet |
Prof. Chang Yen-hsian:
It’s time we boycotted pro-China companies |
Jeremy Lin's family
insists he is Taiwanese |
President Obama
takes ‘tougher’ tone with Xi |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Taiwan has to move towards true democracy |
complain of US interference in Taiwan's elections |
Text of
Open Letter to President Obama |
to protest against Xi Jinping’s US visit |
Sushil Seth:
How strong is China’s economy? |
Julian Baum and Gerrit van der Wees in The Diplomat:
Taiwan’s Imperfect Democracy |
Michael Danielsen:
Waking from the hamster wheel |
Winston Dang:
China and US cannot co-manage Taiwan |
Taipei Times editorial:
KMT, none so blind as he who can’t see |
Gerrit van der Wees:
The Chinese shadow on Taiwan's elections |
soul-searching on Taiwan, ‘1992 consensus’ |
Taiwan academics:
No full democracy in Taiwan yet |
Tsai Ing-wen
embarks on ‘thank you tour’ of nation |
Tsai Ing-wen:
No tears for a tough fighter |
Lee Teng-hui:
Both election winners and losers have responsibilities |
US academics
see little progress in ties |
Washington Post:
Tycoon prods Taiwan closer to China |
Wall Street Journal:
What is next for Taiwan's DPP opposition? |
Parris Chang:
What can Taiwan do for the US? |
Taipei Times editorial:
The DPP versus corporate greed |
Prof. Jerome Keating:
The mandate that never was |
Julian Baum:
Taiwan elections, democracy is still under China's siege |
Jonathan Power:
The Taiwan enigma |
The Economist:
Taiwanese democracy catches onâ€â€in China |
Taipei Times editorial:
Where next for the DPP? |
Richard Bush
sees cautious cross-Strait policy |
Taiwan academics
encourage Ma to be cautious with policies |
Taipei Times editorial:
Ma needs bold, balanced action |
Phil Bowring in the WSJ:
Taiwan's economic tunnel vision |
Rev. Kao Chun-ming et al:
An open letter to the DPP’s Tsai Ing-wen |
Michael Turton:
Property and taxes in Taiwan's elections |
Lee Teng-hui:
‘1992 consensus’ not to blame for DPP’s loss |
Wall Street Journal:
Taiwan Vote Shows Doubt About China |
Vancouver Sun:
Washington, Beijing's relief over Taiwan election will be temporary |
Taipei Times editorial:
The changing "status quo" |
Tsai Ing-wen
to step down March 1st |
ponders reason for defeat |
International ICFET observers:
Elections ‘free, partly unfair’ |
Washington Post:
Taiwan unlikely to move to reunify with China in spite of Ma win |
Former president Lee Teng-hui
stumps onstage for Tsai |
American Institute in Taiwan
distances itself from Douglas Paal |
Former Alaska governor Murkowski:
lambasts Doug Paal for remarks |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Washington must back Taiwanese democracy |
AFP report:
Wary of China, many Taiwanese hope for DPP win |
Tsai Ing-wen
confident DPP heading for victory |
DPP presidential candidate
Tsai Ing-wen’s election platform |
Presidential candidates
stage rallies nationwide |
Tsai Ing-wen
talks to NYTimes about "Taiwan consensus" |
Wall Street Journal:
KMT taps temple networks |
Christian Science Monitor:
Taiwan elections: US must show respect for self-determination |
Tsai Ing-wen:
Ma responsible for abuse of power |
Prof. Jerome Keating:
Taiwan can’t afford Ma’s inaction |
files charges over spying claims |
Liu Shih-chung:
Projecting the post-election scene |
Bo Tedards:
President Ma Ying-jeou's Watergate? |
Last DPP poll
has Tsai ahead by one point |
shredded spying documents |
Joseph Bosco:
Beware unfulfilled expectations |
Tsai Ing-wen
declares 2012 to be ‘special year’ |
Ambassador Joseph Wu
Integrity, or the lack of it, pervades this election |
International watchgroup
calls for spying probe |
United States
worried by closeness of Ma to China |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
China issue constantly looming in background |
Presidential candidates
cross swords in debate |
Rev. Milo Thornberry:
How long until true democracy in Taiwan? |
Gerrit van der Wees:
Does the US have a preference in Taiwan’s elections? |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Neutrality needed from Beijing and Washington |
Taipei Times editorial:
Bad, bad timing on the visa waiver |
Prof. Peng Ming-min
talks about need for fair election |
US lawmakers
demand poll neutrality |
Tsai Ing-wen:
Democracy weakened under Ma |
Former President Lee Teng-hui
accuses Ma of ‘distorting history’ |
US Congress
urge US to be neutral in the presidential election |
says VWP decision shows US support for Ma |
Jerome Keating:
Preparing for a new legislature |
Russel Hsiao:
convergence in cross-strait policies |
Taiwan gets US visa-waiver nomination |
Liberty Times editorial:
KMT smear campaign backfires |
Yu Chang Biologics papers altered twice |
steps up attack over Fubon merger |
Ambassador Joseph Wu:
Taiwanese democracy, Stalin-style |
Presidential candidates
spar in final TV debate |
Yahoo-Kimo poll
gives Tsai a huge lead in the debate |
China must respect wishes of Taiwanese voters |
DPP's Tsai Ing-wen
hits back at KMT |
Gerrit van der Wees:
Yu Chang Biologics investigation backfiring on President Ma |
Liberty Times poll
shows Tsai and Ma virtually tied |
Politicians and academics
form fair election committee |
Scholars and scientists
speak out to support Tsai |
Li Thian-hok:
Remembering a son of Taiwan |
Brookings forum:
‘Anxiety’ affecting elections |
Taipei Times editorial:
Enough mud, we want policy details |
DPP says:
KMT inciting a ‘Watergate’ |
Taipei Times editorial:
A self-inflicted wound for the KMT? |
CEPD Minister Christina Liu
apologizes for ‘confusing the dates’ |
John J. Tkacik Jr.:
AIT has nothing but praise for Tsai Ing-wen |
Prof. Peng Ming-min:
Missionary work aided democracy movement |
Tsai Ing-wen:
the KMT has nothing to offer, resorts to smear tactics |
J. Michael Cole:
Chinese netizens praise democracy |
Tsai Ing-wen's
‘little piggies’ find way home |
overwhelmed by clinking piggies |
William Lowther in the TT:
US media start paying attention to election |
Washington Post:
China frets as Taiwan president faces tough reelection bid |
Michael Turton:
KMT Smear Campaign Moves Into High Gear? |
Taipei Times editorial:
Reflecting on Human Rights Day |
Tsai Ing-wen
accuses Ma of using smear tactics |
Lee Teng-hui:
Ma’s actions on ‘1992 consensus’ a ‘disgrace’ |
Joe Doufu:
KMT even running out of ‘quality’ dirty tricks |
Shirley Kan
urges Taiwan to show its commitment |
Taipei Times editorial:
Standing up for a fair election |
Bill Chang:
Striving to divine US intentions |
Ma Ying-jeou's office:
denies China interference |
Taipei Times editorial:
Locking in the ‘1992 consensus’ |
preparing for the return of the piggybanks |
Ma changed KMT ‘in a bad way’ |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
What the US "pivot" may mean for Taiwan |
Presidential candidates
outline visions for Taiwan |
Presidential candidates
cross swords |
Michael Danielsen:
Seeing the real outliers in Taiwan’s recent past |
US Congress
to watch Taiwan election closely |
Tsai Ing-wen's lead
over Ma increasing |
European election observers
denied funding by MOFA |
Milo Thornberry:
Celebrating US complicity in terror |
Richard Halloran:
Ambiguous reaction on US posture from China |
rolls out two new campaign ads focusing on policy |
Tsai Ing-wen
promises long-term care system |
Huang Tien-lin:
TAIEX drop is proof of failings in Ma policies |
Taipei Times editorial:
A new Cold War looms in East Asia |
Lin Cheng-yi:
It is time to pick sides in the South China Sea |
Global Times OpEd:
South China Sea all PRC’s |
Sushil Seth:
US confronts China in Asia-Pacific |
Ma Ying-jeou
on the defensive after "Dreamers" fiasco |
James Soong
says he supports eventual unification |
Tsai Ing-wen
says she is ‘open-minded’ on China visit |
Central Election Commission
tallies candidates on last day |
Taipei Times editorial:
Though past, Ma’s meeting wrong |
Richard Halloran:
Obama maps out new Asia strategy |
Russell Hsiao:
Avoid the China trap, recognize Taiwan |
Tsai Ing-wen
expands lead over Ma in poll |
James Soong
signs up for presidential race |
DPP's Tsai Ing-wen
registers for presidential election |
Liu Shih-chung:
Ma puts his re-election in jeopardy |
Presidential candidates
present their platform at AmCham meet |
Taiwan Thinktank:
Tsai leading Ma in opinion poll |
Huang Tien-lin:
Why Ma is not keen to pursue TPP membership |
Taipei Times editorial:
Fear descends upon the elections |
Rev. Milo Thornberry
denounces ‘conspiracy of silence’ |
"Robin Hood" label
stokes Ma, Tsai war-of-words |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
Selling out Taiwan not an option for the US |
Former President Lee Teng-hui:
Ma's peace proposal poses grave risk |
DPP says
it can back up claims of interference |
Tsai Ing-wen:
APEC envoy’s talk raises concerns |
Election polls
indicate Ma lead starting to fall |
DPP lashes out
at Lien-Hu APEC talks |
‘New York Times’ op-ed
calls on US to sell out Taiwan |
New TVBS poll
gives DPP’s Tsai a slight lead over Ma |
2012 Elections:
Woman makes large piggy bank delivery |
Seminar at AEI:
Taiwan has key role to play in future of Asia |
Liu Shih-chung:
Soong’s strategic electoral thinking |
Taipei Times editorial:
KMT’s piggy bank is not for sharing |
Ambassador Nat Bellocchi:
US needs to help protect free choice in Taiwan |
Tsai Ing-wen
highlights her elderly-care policies |
Opinion polls:
Ma’s lead falls within margin of error |
Jerome Keating:
Smoke and stagnation under Ma |
Taiwan Thinktank opinion poll:
People think Tsai more capable, but support Ma |
Ma re-election team
slams ‘three little pigs’ campaign |
Tsai Ing-wen
seeks the hearts of voters on east coast |
Kuomintang leaders
worried about January 2012 election |
Kuomintang LY caucus
huffing, puffing over ‘three little pigs’ campaign |
Senator Joe Lieberman:
calls for US-Taiwan FTA |
Taiwan pollster says his surveys ruffled feathers |
Taipei Times editorial:
Piggy banks fly as change desired |
BrainTrust poll:
Tsai Ying-wen in the lead |
National Chengchi University:
Tsai, Ma’s chances almost level |
James Soong
vows to run for president |
Tsai Ing-wen
apologizes to aborigines for nuclear waste woes |
2012 elections:
November called ‘little pigs month’ |
Former premier Hau Pei-tsun’s
praise of martial law draws fire |
Cain Nunns in The Diplomat:
Ma Feeling the Heat |
James Holmes in The Diplomat:
Is the US a reliable ally? |
United States
mulling further Taiwan arms sales |
President Obama
accused of ‘timidity’ in Taiwan arms deal |
David Pilling in the Financial Times:
Why Taiwan still rattles Beijing and Washington |
Gerrit van der Wees:
A Lose-Lose Fighter Decision |
John J. Tkacik Jr:
White House bickering and Taiwan’s F-16s |
Ed Feulner @ Heritage:
Look what we have 'made in Taiwan' |
Walter Lohman @ Heritage:
Taking sides in the Taiwan Strait |
Gordon Chang:
Biden goes to Beijing |
Defense News:
U.S. to deny Taiwan new F-16 fighters |
David Pilling in the FT:
US cannot sacrifice Taiwan to court the Chinese |
Rupert Hammond-Chambers:
Time to straighten out America's Taiwan policy |
James Holmes and Toshi Yoshihara:
Getting real about Taiwan |
Gerrit van der Wees in the WashPost:
Ma Ying-jeou's inconsistencies on China and arms sales |
Vancouver Sun:
China's spies continue to target Taiwan despite thaw in relations |
Prof. June Dreyer in The Diplomat:
China as Rumpelstiltskin |
Hu Jintao and Barack Obama's conjuring trick |
Washington Post:
Hu Jintao visit prompts pride and protests |
Julian Baum in the CSMonitor:
Taiwan press freedoms are eroding |
Joe Bosco in the WashTimes:
China's growing threat |
Wall Street Journal:
Local races set stage for presidential election |
DPP sees major gain in municipality council elections |
Sliding KMT vote count leaves its future uncertain |
Joel Brinkley in the SF Chronicle:
Taiwan bowed, but not broken, by China |
Dan Blumenthal:
Why Taiwan finds Washington unreliable |
Gary Schmitt of AEI:
The Games Nations Play: ‘Chinese Taipei’ |
Prof. Jerome Cohen:
Rule of Law in Taiwan: neither "green" nor "blue" |
 | Central News Agency:
Thousands demand referendum on trade pact with China |
AFP news report:
Thousands rally against China trade pact |
Reuters report:
Tens of thousands protest against China trade deal |
 | Congressman Robert Andrews on YouTube:
Support for US-Taiwan FTA and against ECFA |
 | Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen on YouTube:
For US-Taiwan FTA and against ECFA |
 | Gordon Chang:
Taiwanese Voters Send Message to Taipei  and Washington |
 | CNN:
U.S. announces $6.4 billion arms deal with Taiwan |
 | Voice of America:
U.S. announces Taiwan arms sale |
 | Washington Post:
U.S. sells weapons to Taiwan |
 | Michael Danielsen:
Interview with the Liberty Times |
 | Micah Springut of the CNAS:
US agonizes over Taiwan arms sales |
 | Associated Press:
Taiwan's ruling party defeated in byelections |
 | Reuters:
Thousands protest in Taiwan over China trade talks |
 | Agence France Press:
Up to 30,000 in Taiwan anti-China rally ahead of talks |
 | Associated Press:
Thousands of Taiwanese protest China envoy's visit |
 | Associated Press:
Opposition scores gains in Taiwan local elections |
 | Reuters:
Anti-China opposition gains ground in Taiwan local election |
 | AIT Chair Ray Burghardt:
Press roundtable in Taipei on 24 November 2009 |
 | Prof. Parris Chang in the WSJ:
Is President Obama Abandoning Taiwan? |
 | Ross Terrill in the Weekly Standard:
Obama blunders through Asia |
 | Dan Blumenthal in Foreign Policy:
Obama's Asia trip: a series of unfortunate events |
 | Nicholas Consonery:
Can Beijing save the Taiwanese president? |
 | Philip Bowring in the NYT/IHT:
Taiwan and China |
 | Vancouver Sun:
Evidence fails to support life sentence for Taiwan's former president |
 | NY Times:
Life sentence for Taiwan ex-president |
 | BBC news:
Taiwan ex-leader jailed for life |
 | John J. Tkacik Jr:
The US doesn't recognize China's claims to Taiwan |
 | Kyodo News:
Dalai Lama meets Taiwan DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen |
 | AP: Dalai Lama
calls on Taiwan to safeguard democracy |
 | Presbyterian Church in Taiwan:
Morakot disaster relief assistance |
 | WSJ editorial:
Ma Ying-jeou's Katrina Moment |
 | CNN News:
Taiwan's leader takes blame for typhoon response |
 | Associated Press:
Taiwan's president criticized for typhoon response |
 | Randy Schriver in the WashTimes:
China's Peoples' Army not standing still |
 | The Economist:
Reunification by Trade? |
 | FAPA President Bob Yang in the Washington Times:
Taiwan Independence |
 | US National Endowment for Democracy:
Taking democracy out of the TFD? |
 | Gordon Chang in Forbes Magazine:
Will Taiwan defect to China? |
 | Michael Turton's blog:
5/17 protest a roaring success |
 | Agency France Press:
Taiwan opposition protests Ma's China policies |
 | BBC:
Taiwanese march against president |
 | Associated Press:
Taiwan protest targets leader's pro-China policies |
 | Wall Street Journal:
Love in a time of swine flu |
 | Prof. Parris Chang in the WSJ:
Beijing's Taiwan Gambit |
 | Michael Turton in the AWSJ:
The culture of Taiwan |
 | Rick Fisher in the WSJ:
Taiwan's call to arms |
 | Newsweek:
Chas Freeman derailed; The intel czar stumbles |
 | Washington Post editorial:
Exit Chas Freeman; Blame the 'Lobby' |
 | Washington Post:
Impartiality questioned, Chas Freeman pulls out |
 | Singapore Straits Times:
China, too close too soon for Taiwan? |
 | Prof. Bob Sutter in PacNet:
Cross-Strait moderation and the US |
 | Washington Post:
Taiwan not ready for peace talks with China |
 | Boston Progressive Examiner:
228 Massacre was covered up during decades of ROC martial law |
 | '228 Massacre' protesters
heckle President Ma Ying-jeou in Taiwan ceremonies |
 | Jon Chait in the Washington Post: Obama's Intelligence Blunder |
 | Investors Business Daily:
Chas Freeman, the wrong man for the job |
 | Gabriel Schoenfeld in the WSJ:
Obama's questionable intelligence choice |
 | Financial Times:
Interview with detained former President Chen |
 | New York Times:
Case Against ex-leader stirs unease in Taiwan |
 | The Economist:
Taiwan's economy: Mirror, mirror on the wall |
 | European-American Robin Winkler
vies for Taiwan parliamentary seat |
 | Jonathan Adams in the GlobalPost:
Trial of former president morphs into media circus |
 | Dan Blumenthal in the Washington Times:
China policy change? |
 | The Economist:
Trial and error: former president and judiciary are both in the dock |
 | Int'l Herald Tribune:
Mentor urges Taiwan's Ma to ensure trial fairness |
 | Stephen A. Nelson in the AsiaTimes:
A return to dark days in Taiwan |
 | Kyodo News report:
Taiwan stages anti-China military exercise |
 | Radio Taiwan International:
US Congressmen urge Taiwan human rights concern |
 | Amnesty International:
Taiwan police should avoid using excessive force |
 | Frank Muyard in Taipei:
Ma Ying-jeou new Chinese policy |
 | Defense News:
In Taiwan, arrests raise echoes of martial law |
 | Associated Press:
Several thousand rally in support of Taiwan's Chen |
 | Reuters:
Thousands in Taiwan protest ex-president's arrest |
 | Paul Mooney:
Ex-President Chen Shui-bian refuses to end hunger strike |
 | The Economist:
Chen Shui-bian in jail: Hungry for justice |
 | Financial Times:
Ex-president Chen Shui-bian hospitalized |
 | Jonathan Adams in Newsweek:
Strait Talk: So Near And Yet So Far |
 | Newsweek: Fallout from Chen Shui-Bian's dramatic arrest |
 | Jerome A. Cohen in the SCMP:
Taiwan and China; Ties that Blind |
 | Jonathan Manthorpe in the Vancouver Sun:
Detentions in Taiwan spark fears of return to authoritarian approach |
 | Financial Times:
China envoy stumbles on Taiwan protocol |
 | Agence France Press:
Anti-China protests bring Taiwan capital to standstill |
 | Associated Press:
Angry Taiwanese swarm hotel as Chinese envoy dines |
 | BBC:
Taiwan crowd besieges China envoy |
 | Voice of America:
Taiwanese protesters surround Chinese envoy's hotel |
 | Agence France Press:
Chinese envoy trapped in hotel by protesters |
 | Cindy Sui in the ATimes:
Ma Ying-jeou goes too far, too fast for Taiwan |
 | TIME / CNN report:
Taiwan president faces growing opposition |
 | Financial Times:
Taiwan protesters stage mass march |
 | Bloomberg report:
Taiwan Pro-Independence party protests China policies in rally |
 | WashPost/Reuters:
Half a million march in Taiwan against China & president Ma |
 | BBC News:
Taiwanese attack Chinese envoy |
 | The Economist:
An end to the KMT's mainland honeymoon; but no divorce yet |
 | John Tkacik:
Taiwan Arms Sales: Less than meets the eye |
 | Congressional Research Service:
US-Taiwan relations: recent developments and their policy implications |
 | Christian Science Monitor:
Taiwan arms deal sours U.S.-China relations |
 | Wendell Minnick:
Taiwan's military faces uncertain future |
 | Ian Williams:
Taiwan and the Georgia Precedent |
 | New York Sun editorial:
A Job for the General Assembly |
 | BBC News:
Huge rally against Taiwan leader |
 | Michael Turton's blog:
August 30th rally blows away expectations |
 | New York Times:
Beijing's bad-faith Olympics |
 | The Boston Globe:
China's totalitarian Olympic Games |
 | Blumenthal and Griffin:
China looks across the Strait; events in Georgia bode ill for Taiwan |
 | Paul Wolfowitz says:
US will OK Taiwan arms deal |
 | John Tkacik and Gary Schmitt in the Fort Worth Star Telegram:
Bush administration decision weakens Taiwan’s position |
 | John Tkacik:
A freeze on Taiwan arms? |
 | Blumenthal, Friedberg, Schriver and Tellis in the WSJ:
President Bush should keep his word on Taiwan |
 | Ed Ross in the WSJ:
Arming Taiwan |
 | The Economist editorial:
China, Taiwan and Tibet; fraying at the edges |
 | Jonathan Adams in the FEER:
The Key to Cross-Strait Détente |
 | Yomiuri Shimbun:
Ma administration causes downturn in Taiwan-Japan relations |
 | Washington Post:
Top US officials stalling Taiwan arms package |
 | Wendell Minnick in Defense News:
US Freezes $12B in Arms Sales to Taiwan |
 | Rupert Hammond- Chambers:
Taiwan’s security on hold |
 | Washington Times editorial:
Taiwan's new direction |
 | Former Senator George Allen:
US - Taiwan ties |
 | Richard Halloran:
Taiwan's inaugural |
 | The Economist editorial:
Ma Ying-jeou's inauguration: Strait is the gate |
 | Michael Turton
on Ma Ying-jeou's inaugration speech |
 | Rick Fisher in the AWSJ:
China's Naval Secrets |
 | John Pomfret's China:
The ugly Chinese |
 | Jonathan Manthorpe in the Vancouver Sun:
New Taiwan leader shows an early streak of independence |
 | Christian Science Monitor:
China bends on Taiwan, why not Tibet? |
 | John J. Tkacik Jr:
The US and Tibet; Leadership event |
 | Ma Ying-jeou
damps hopes of early Taiwan-China ties |
 | Prof. Dan Lynch in the FEER:
Mr. Ma's Taiwanese Identity |
 | John Bolton in the LATimes:
What's good for Taiwan |
 | John Tkacik:
Taiwan's elections: Sea change in the Strait |
 | AEI / Armitage report
on improving US-Taiwan relations |
 | BBC:
Taiwanese to rally over China law |
 | Washington Post:
Ad by 67 overseas Taiwanese organizations |